
The true awakening of a menace

I was down on my knees. Being held by a blade to the neck. The copycat had the advantage over me, but Lod ended up showing up with Claire and Nidializ inside capsules.

"What do we have here? Did you got overwhelmed by your copy?"

Lod asked me. I then opened my eyes and saw what was going on.

"What is the meaning of this!?"

"Oh, this? Just a bit of an experiment I wanted to do."

"Let them go!!"

I said to Lod. He then looked away and whistled.

"You don't have no word in this. So you better say goodbye."

The copycat said. It then made me furious. I then clenched my teeth and grabbed the copycats sword and broke it with my own hands.

"I had enough of this... I'll deal with you later, Lod. I need to take care of this man."

I said to them both. I then looked into the copycats eyes and he saw that I wasn't playing around no more.

"Not a single move or you will have to say goodbye to your beloved friends."

Lod said. It then gave an opportunity to the copycat to take punch me right in the chest. Making me collapse on the ground.

"I'm... not done..."

"What was dat? You should have killed me when ya had the chance, Dennis."

The copycat said. I then closed my eyes after feeling that my body couldn't take it no more. Then suddenly I felt as if I was fully recovered. I then got up, and it shocked the copycat and Lod.

"That's was a terrible choice."

Lod said to me.

"Then you should get out of here."

I said to Lod. He then moved out of the way and Sally appeared out of nowhere and cut the capsules in half. Setting free Claire and Nidializ from a hostage situation.

"Now... where was I..."

I said while turning over to the copycat.

"I'll end you right now..."

I said to the copycat. I then placed a hand over at his right shoulder and my left eye glowed.

"Not if I-"

I tossed the copycat off the building. Interrupting him from talking. I then jumped off after him and I felt something changing inside of me. When I looked at the copycat. He was trying to get control over his flight. It was already too late.

I casted black ice, fire and lightning. The ice and fire began to appear everywhere. Leaving no ways to escape. Then the lightning appeared in both my hands. I then called out Obliviona and gave her the lighting that I had stored in hands.

"Is that all you got!?!"

The copycat said. I then smiled at him with confidence. I wasn't done with him. So I was going to give him everything that he failed to use.

"You don't deserve to be me or any of my other versions. Let me show you... What it takes to be one of us..."

I said to the copycat. I then strike him down and prepared my next attack.

"True... Oblivion..."

As I called out my next attack. The sky got dark. The moon was raising, placing itself to be midnight. And as the moonlight shined upon me, it gave me enough strength to finish the fight.

"Rise of the full moon..."

While the moonlight shined down on me. It formed a silhouette. The copycat couldn't follow or read my movements. As I descended on to him. A portal appeared down below, and it chased him down. I wouldn't be able to return. With such a limited opinion.

"We will meet again... Dennis..."

"Not until I do this!!"

I sent an energy slash at the copycat. Leaving a cut on the chest. It then pushed him into the portal. And finally, everything else went inside. I didn't want to leave it like that, so I sent my strongest black magic spell.

"Black fire... Sun of darkness!!!"

A giant ball of black fire appeared in front of me. I then punched it to send it through the portal. After it went in. The portal closed.

"That should... do it..."

I said to myself. I then felt dizzy after using a significant amount of magic.

I then heard someone call out my name from above. When I looked up, I saw that Sally jumped down, bringing Claire and Nidializ with her. When she landed, she placed the girls down and went to check on me.

"Dennis, are you hurt? Any bone fractures? Blood loss?"

"I'm fine... I just... need… some rest..."

My body then reverted back to normal. The shadow mode deactivated by itself and I collapsed right on to Sally's arms.


Sally called out my name. I dint respond, but F showed out of nowhere and I could see everything throughout his eyes.

"Hey, calm down. He is fine."

F said. He then grabbed Claire and Nidializ and walked near to Sally.

"What do you mean his fine!?! He will never collapse like that unless he hasn't fully recovered!!"

"Look. Dennis is fine. He used a significant amount of magic and used the shadow mode. Using something like that will consume a lot of energy. It would take about... a week or two for him to be standing again."

F said. Sally then picked me up and carried me back to the tower.

A few hours later. Claire and Nidializ woke and found themselves in the office. They then saw Sally trying to figure out what to do. Dj then came in and was holding Neko D in his hands.

"Dj, was that all of them?"

"Yea, X helped me move everyone else into a hospital bed here. But... I think we should take Dennis to a specialist..."

Dj said to Sally. She then figured out on who to go to during this situation.

"Okay, I'm going to need you guys to come with me."

Sally said. She then took Claire, Dj and Nidializ with her to meet with a specialist.