
The red sky influence

As me and X headed out of the coffee shop. We saw that everything around us was deserted.

"This brings me back to when I first got here to Retronia..."

"Yea, but this is missing something..."

X said. He then scanned the area in case we could have hostiles nearby, but it was all too silent. I then turn around to look at the coffee shop. This was the same coffee shop that my friends were while scouting for the mimic, but something was missing.

"Hey X, I think we may have trouble."

I said to X while pointing out one shop. The manikin in the clothing store in front of us was missing.

"Hmm... Probably someone stole the clothing and the manikin?"

X asked. I then shaken my head, telling him no while pointing above the clothing store.

"Oh... Yea we should run..."

X said and ran before I could even react. I then turned around in the opposite direction that X was heading.

"Oh, that could explain it..."

I saw a over a thousand ns swarming in. I could identify this as a tidal wave.

I started to run away, having my gun in hand.

"Dennis!! We need to get to high ground!!"

X said to me while I was right behind him. But getting to a higher ground could leave us trapped. I then thought out loud while catching up to X.

"Getting to higher ground would be great, but it would leave us stuck. Besides that, our current stamina won't hold out much longer. We either take it on or die running away."

"That's not bad, Dennis. But what should we do about this?"

"X, you are talking to the most dangerous mad man when it comes to dealing with a plan."

I said to X. I then turned around and ran backwards while having my eyesight on the tidal wave.

"You better make it quick. We got company!!"

X said. He saw the swarm was surrounding us. I then grabbed X and cracked my middle finger from my right hand and teleported us to the sky. X then grabbed me while activating his rockets.

"Hey X.... What are the possibilities that the swarm follows us?"

"About zero percent. Why you ask?"

"Then we going to need some heavy weaponry..."

I said to X. I then pointed below us and we saw that the tidal wave was chasing us. X's left eye was twitching while he was about to burst a vein in his head. We have no other option except to keep running away, but we needed to do something or else we done for. Then an idea came to me.

"I think I got it! X let go of me!"

"Are you crazy!?! You are not in a suitable position to die for a second time!!"

"Trust me on it!!"

X then looked away. He was mad about my decision and having him to put his trust in me.


X let me go. Leaving me to fall into the grasp of the ns. I regretted the choice at first, but it was the safest bet that I could think of. I then cracked the middle finger of my left hand. It formed a black fire ball on the palm of my left hand.

As I faced the ns. I fused the black fire ball into my gun and took aim. Then X saw what I was doing and followed my lead.

"You idiot!!"

X then pulled out his dual pistols and stared shooting at the ns. Making it flinch in front of me so that I could take advantage.

"Death shot!"

I called out my move as I pulled the trigger. A bullet infused with the black fire ball went inside the ns and detonated when it when deep inside. I then placed my hands inside my coat's pockets while it triggered an explosion inside the ns. The explosion was so strong that it sent me flying past by X.

"And their he goes..."

X said. He then went after while it sent me away to a different part of the city.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city. Wulf and the others were trying to figure out something that was bothering them for the longest.

"So this thing has Dennis's face?"

Dark asked. She then was trying to think of me as the enemy, but failed after her eyes started glowing. She then as well received a headache.

"Hey, sis, are you ok?"

Eve asked. He then went thru the same effects as Dark. Then Kuo and Wulf lost control over themselves while Neko D was getting tired. I then arrived at the scene and landed on top of Wulf.

"Ow... That could have been a better landing."

I then looked around me and saw that my other versions fallen under the effects of the red sky. They all looked at me while having the intents to kill me.

"Guys, we can talk this out as civil as possible..."

I said to everyone. Then Wulf lifted me up.

"Or maybe not..."

Wulf then dropped me on the ground, and everyone formed a circle around me. I quickly stood up and pulled out a knife from my left pocket while pointing at Wulf with the gun in my right hand.


Some called out to me. When I turned to the direction of the voice. I saw Dj that was charging at full speed. When he made it, Dj jumped high kicked Wulf right in the face. I was glad that Dj could find me. If no one else showed up, I would have putted everyone down on sight.

"Dj, I'm glad to see you."

"No worries. I saw you passing by over my direction while I went off to search for the others. Right now Claire is trying to look for you with Sally, and Nidializ went off to find F."

"Guess that leaves the two of us dealing with this mess..."

I said to Dj. He then punched the ground that formed a stone pillar that took us to higher ground. This was only for a small amount of time, but it was enough for us to get ourselves ready.

"Dj use this."

I handed over a shock baton to Dj. He seemed confused since he never used a baton before, but this one was special. Once Dj grabbed it, a rod came out from the bottom that made it look like a staff. With Dj's weapon 'Gaia', he shouldn't have no problem using the staff.

"Dennis, are you ready for this?"

"Definitely, now lets do this!!"

I said to Dj. We then jumped off the pillar to face off with the other versions of myself that are under the influence of the red sky. While we felled towards them. We only saw was Kuo and Wulf while Neko D was sleeping. Dark and Eve were missing, so I turned around and saw them behind us. Dj then grabbed me from my left hand since I was facing my back to the ground, thanks to him. We both got to the ground safely, and he tossed towards Wulf and Kuo while he followed it.

"Flare shot!!"

I said while pulling the trigger. It sent a small black fire ball towards Kuo while I ended up face kicking Wulf. She ended up moving away from my shot and followed me from the side. Dj then stood behind and swing his staff at Dark and that almost got close from making contact.

"Dennis, look out!!"

I quickly turned around and saw that Kuo had her claws out. She was clearly going for the kill, and she was truly fast. My reaction time was slow, I tried to place the knife in front of me but my body wouldn't let me.

"Oh, no."

I said to myself. Kuo then was standing in front of me, grabbed me by the neck and tossed to the side.

Meanwhile, Dj was dealing with Dark and Eve. Dark was charging at Dj while Eve stayed back, taking aim with his bow. Dj however. He was prepared for this. As Dark got close to him, Dj was able to parry her attacks from her scythes. Eve then shot a few arrows at Dj and he deflected them with his staff.

"Get out of the way. We only want is Dennis."

Dark said to Dj. Dj then closed his eyes and began to walk towards Dark.

"If you want Dennis, you got to go thru me."

Dj then tossed the staff into the air. And kicked at Dark that ended up hitting the center of her chest and kept going towards Eve. Eve then got slammed by Dark's body and ended up hitting his back with the stone pillar.

Meanwhile. I was on the ground after Kuo tossed me to the side.

"Damn... I guess going easy ain't an option no more..."

I said to myself. I then closed both my eyes for a moment and only opened my left eye to release its glow. Kuo then came walking towards me and had her eyes glowing in rage. As my left eye focused on Kuo. She was trembling in fear after she had a good look at me. She was in a trance once she looked into my eye.


I said to Kuo. I then snapped my fingers from my left hand and she dozed off.

"Well, that went easier than I thought..."

Then Dj came over to me and saw me on the ground.

"Is that all of them?"

"I think so. Neko D is a sleep. You took down Dark and Eve while Wulf was already out by to blows to the face."

"Guess your right... So what now?"

Dj asked. I was wondering the same thing but, I couldn't concentrate after sensing something similar to myself. When I looked around, I saw my face vanishing from the wall nearby Neko D. Then a shadow of myself went past by us and Dj went after it.

"Dj, wait!!"

Once I called out his name. He was already gone from my sight. I then got up from the ground and headed to find the others.