
The Night of the slappening

It was the 11th of July. Dennis, Dj and Claire were on their way back to the house to celebrate with a serious look on their faces. While they were on their way, F.D had a blank stare as he was thinking on wats about to happen. He stared at the others with a stare of worry that Eve and Wulf noticed.

"Hey F, is there something going on in your mind?"

Eve had to ask after seeing F not move for 10 minutes.

"Did he go to sleep with his eyes open?"

Wulf said as he was waving his hand in front of F and gave a gentle slap on his cheek that made him react in fear.

"Not the slap!!"

F jumped out of his seat and went into the pool after seeing wats going to happen soon. Wulf and Eve got confused that they called Dennis. As they hear the phone ringing from the other side of the front door, they gave a step back.

"Something is not right..."

Wulf said as he felt danger on the door.

"That's probably Dennis, but there's an evil presence..."

Eve even had the same sense of danger as Wulf. They both grabbed a broom. As they approach the door, they had to stop after seeing the doorknob being turned to the right.

"Were back!!"

Dennis said out loud as he opened the door to Wulf and Eve to greet, just aiming at him with a broomstick. Dennis eye's expression changed to a serious stare as it prepared him to call out his weapon.

"Wait, wait, wait!! Calm down! Let us both do this in a civilized manner."

Claire had to step in and stop Dennis from destroying the house.

"Wait, why are you two even pointing a broomstick at me?"

Dennis asked out of curiosity.

"We just felt an enemy presence outside..."

Eve said. Dennis turned around and looked at Dj trying to confirm the distance of something, but he was praying for everyone's safety from a slap. As Dennis returned his look inside, he stepped in and saw everyone celebrate. They passed the night in celebration till they could not party anymore, leaving the ultimate opening for Claire's last plan. The night got silent as everyone was getting ready to sleep.

"Hey Dennis, who should I take out first?" Claire had to ask since she must knock out everyone before sunrise.

"If I have to say, take out X first then follow it by W, K, D, E and N then focus on my friends to go after F." Dennis said.

"Why in that order?" Claire asked.

"I didn't see F inside the house so he must have made his move." Dennis said while he was looking for something.

"Ok then, I need you and Dj on moving the bodies into a hiding spot."

Claire said. Dennis and Dj raised their thumbs and focused on finishing their game of cards as Claire was approaching X office to make her first move. She knocked on the door and wait for X to respond.

"Come in." Claire opened the door and noticed that X was drinking a bottle of wine by himself.

"Is it even legal for you to drink?"

Claire asked.

"I need something strong to get myself knocked out..."

X said.

"Is there something wrong?" Claire asked as she approached X while putting on the fancy gloves to attack the target.

"I just... I wish I could do something more to help..."

X looked at Claire, but his eyesight was getting blurry, that he could not see her movements right.

"I'm sorry for this." Claire smacked X that got him knocked out.

He was still in his chair while holding on to the bottle of wine.

"You got to be kidding me."

Dennis came in at the perfect moment to clean up the mess. He took the bottle of wine and putted it on the desk and moved X onto his bed and sat on the chair.

"Ill stay here to gather something, Dj is downstairs with the others."

Claire nodded and went downstairs for her next target.

"Hey Claire, do you want to have a drink with us?" Wulf asked while he was holding a soda.

Claire thought about it before making a move. She analyzed her surroundings and targets.

"Sure, I would love a drink right now."

Claire accepted the offer and grabbed a soda. She slugged it full and looked at Wulf.


Wulf reacted. Claire hugged Wulf and slowly scratched his head. That he wagged his tail rapidly. She got close to his ear and whispered something while having her hand prepared.


Claire leaned back and smacked Wulf's face that even took down a few soda cans to the floor.


Claire turned around after hearing someone call her name and noticed the smell of a cherry blossom.


"Claire, come play with me!"

Claire opened her hands and got a hold of Kuo for a quick second and moved her to the living room. She spun her around, gave the finishing smack to the face. Claire felt sorry as she saw Kuo fall on the couch with an innocent look.

"Three down, nine to go." Claire heard footsteps coming from the second floor.

She turned her look on to Dj. He was moving the bodies behind the kitchen counter. After that, he grabbed a blanket and placed it on Kuo.

"I'll take care of it down here so just continue."

Claire nodded and went upstairs to see who was next. After she took a step in the hallway, she took off her shirt and walked to the room where Dark could be. She opened the door and saw Dark trying to pin down Eve while Neko D was starring.

"What is this about?" Claire asked.

"Eve doesn't want to take his damn gown off! I keep telling him that is going to be a hot night."

Dark explained what was going on to Claire. Claire went in the room and locked the door and cracked her hands.

"Allow me to help."

Claire was heating her hands by moving them together. Dark had Eve on a tight hold and moved him to be looking at Claire.

"This is going to sting a bit..." Claire said.

Eve closed his eyes as he embraced a full smack on both sides of his face. As he received the hit, Dark flipped him over and took off his clothes and placed him to rest. She sat down and could not believe all the trouble Eve caused.

"Thanks for the help, Clai-"

Claire quickly swooped in and smacked Dark to sleep.

"Damn, I need to cool of my hands. If I keep going like this ill end up ruining my nails..."

Claire was about to head out, but remembered that Neko D was in the room.

"Dang it... I'm so sorry for doing this to you, bud."

Claire got a hold of Neko D and brought him close to her chest. She was holding Neko D tightly as he was trying to escape for air.

"Shhh.... Just bear with me here..."

Neko D stopped resisting and accepted his fate. His tail stopped moving, showing that he got knocked out. The moment that Claire felt Neko D's breathing gently, she let go to inspect on how he was doing.

"Thank god... hope you rest peacefully tonight..."

Claire carried Neko D with her and entered X room. She saw Dennis drinking a bottle of syrup. It shocked Claire that Dennis was drinking the entire bottle as if he did not care if something happened to him.


"Oh, hey Claire."

"Can you place Neko on Nidializ room? I do not want her to be alone after I take out Dwight and Owen... Also, I need a bath."


Dennis agreed to bring Neko D to Nidializ's room and went to deliver Neko to his friend. Dennis knocked on the door and heard a faint voice to come in.

"Hey bro, what you up to?" Dennis asked.

"Just drawing, X gave me a ton of supplies for this, I thought of drawing the creatures that we encountered during last week."

Nidializ handed a paper of one drawing that she already finished to Dennis.

"This is the nightmare tower... well, since I have something to say about this, avoid it and forget about this place, legends say that if you return for a second time... you will be sent to another world."

"Ain't that a bit overboard?" Nidializ asked.

"Bruh, you saw N.S, a mech dragon and 8 other versions of myself, also can you keep Neko D for tonight? Claire said that she doesn't want you to be alone for tonight."

Nidializ raised an eyebrow, thinking for a reason, but she pointed at Dennis to place Neko D on the bed.

Meanwhile, Claire was about to enter the bathroom and once she heard the faint sound of music and someone was about to enter the shower, she went in and turned off the lights.

"Who turned off the lights!? Owen!!?! Dennis!!?! Don't you better be messing with me!!"

Claire was silent. She recognized it was Dwight, since he called for his friends first. Claire turned on the lights, and the color of gray illuminated the room. Dwight felt in danger after he saw a figure behind the bath curtains.

"Oh god no! Please don't hurt me!"

"Nighty night."

Claire smacked Dwight in the face, making him fall out of the shower and collapse near the toilet seat.

"Hmm... should I go for Owen or Nidializ..."

Claire got into the shower to clean herself up while she was still debating on who to go first. After she got out and opened the door, she saw Dennis and Dj putting on cleaning gloves.

"Hey Dennis, you don't mind if I...?"

"Go for it but make it quick."

Dennis closed his eyes and prayed for the safety of his bros after seeing Dwight being taken down in such a manner. As Claire was walking to Owen's room by covering her body with just a towel, she knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"What are you doing half naked trying to enter my room...?"

Claire did not respond and already went for the kill, but Owen backed up in time and tried to close the door. With no effort, Claire stopped Owen from closing the door, letting the heat from the shower enter for her advantage.

"I could have let you peek if you cooperated with me..."

Owen turned around. The only place he had viewpoint was the last sight after being taken down.

"That's 9 out of 14. This should be easy!"

Claire left Owen's room and dried up while walking to Nidializ's room to get dressed. Claire entered without knocking on the door and walked in slowly to the closet while seen Nidializ fall asleep on her desk.

"Is it that late...? Oh well, I can let this one slide for now."

Claire got dressed and looked for her bag under the bed. She had to move a little stuff since Nidializ had stored some boxes under the bed that the slightest noise of movement woke her up.

"Hmm.... Claire, is that you...?"

Claire stopped searching for her bag and stood up to look at Nidializ. She was near her limit but could not rest cause of the hard noises all over the house for the past hour.

"Yea, it's me, is there something wrong?" Claire asked.

"Do you know what's going on around here? I keep hearing sounds of someone hitting something for hours and I can't focus..."

Claire grabbed Nidializ and placed her near the bed.

"Hey... what are you doing...?"

Claire gave Nidializ a hug, trying to say sorry with actions but not words. Once Claire let go of Nidializ, she grabbed a pillow and gently smacked Nidializ to sleep. Claire thought it was the best way since it was getting late and did not want to hear the neighbors complain about the weird sounds.

"Thank god... now I'm just missing is 4..."

Claire went out to the pool and stare in the sky for a while. After that she noticed that Dennis and Dj were eating cake.

"Damn, I forgot that is still Dennis's birthday."

Claire tried to remember the first time she met Dennis, but she could only see was a blurry memory of using her phone when she was younger.

"Wait, a minute..."

Claire quickly pulled out her phone and scrolled down on the gallery until she found the picture of her memory.

"Hmm... guess some things never change..."

Claire putted away her phone after having a weird feeling that someone is looking at her from above. She looked at the top of the other houses, but she saw nothing. It took her awhile to conclude where the presence was.

"That is the worst place to be hiding from me right now."

She saw F on the roof top planning on what to do, but he gave up and took a step forward to reveal himself.

"So you finally found me?"

"It was about time you show up." Claire cracked her hands while F eyes glowed crystal blue, creating a world that time was frozen.

"What is this!?!" Claire asked.

"Its been like a decade since the last time I had to use it, it's a shame that you're the one to witness my power right now, but at lass this won't last too long."

F was waiting for Claire with open arms. She thought it was a trap but for the past few days hanging out with Dennis, but she knew him better than everyone.

"Your such an idiot..."

Claire took a massive leap in the fracture of frozen time that F created had a distorted gravity that was enough to make it to the rooftop. At first glance, Claire didn't hesitate to take down F. She decided to not hold back and went full force that sent F flying to the other side of the island.

"My work here is done."

Claire cleared the dust from her hands and went downstairs to have a small talk with her friends.

"I finally smacked F." Dennis and Dj looked at Claire as they got worried about something that was going to happen.

"What's wrong?" Claire asked.

"Well... your friend Kiwi is on her way and Nautic is..." Dj said.

"She offed herself a while ago..." Dennis said.

A few minutes before time was frozen, Nautic showed up with drinks and she was practically drunk, Dennis and Dj tried to calm her down and while she was trying to seduce her friends. As suddenly Dennis and Dj took a step back after seeing Nautic actions, she passed out cold on the floor.

"And that's what happened."

Dennis took off his glasses and passed his chilly hands on his face to avoid falling asleep.

"You need to rest, hun. If you keep pushing yourself, it could go badly."

Claire put her hands-on Dennis's shoulders, trying to calm him down before their friend shows up.

"Well, I guess its time to put the prize on the table for now."

Dennis placed the treasure bag on the table and keeping notice of time on his phone.

"Alright, we have till sunrise to get ready, so get a move on!"

As Dennis exclaimed, he pointed at the main door and heard the doorbell. Claire went to open the door and greeted her friend and brought her in. As soon as Kiwi stepped a foot in, she already fallen down.

"What just happened?"

Dj asked since he saw Claire do nothing.

"That my friend is that I can call now a pressure field filled with hostility that triggered kiwis body to go dormant."

Dennis said. Claire picked up Kiwi and placed her on couch and covered her with a blanket so she doesn't catch a cold.

"Now I'm just missing one more person..."

Dj looked at Dennis with curiosity about what he is doing on the phone.

Dennis was trying to download an app for quick travel only.

"Maita! Dennis is in danger!!" Claire called out to Maita and only heard a stamped trying to get in the house.

Claire went to the kitchen and picked up the empty soda cans and dropped them on the floor.


"Wait for it."

Maita quickly entered and tripped with one can and fallen into the basement. Dj stood up and opened his hands as he was trying to do a hand gesture.

"Well, that was actually unexpected but well played."

Dennis was holding the bag for Claire to pull out the first item. She ended up pulling out a glowing cube with a note of instructions. Dennis pointed the bag at Dj for him to take out something from the bag. Dj pulled out an extra pair of gloves and as for Dennis, he pulled out a pistol.

"Oh, come on, how do you always get the good stuff?!" Dj and Claire yelled at Dennis.

"Hey! At least it can help us out sometime."

Dennis pulled out one more thing out of the bag. He pulled out three small orbs and split it with Dj and Claire. Soon after Claire dropped an apology note on the kitchen, an orb of light broke through the window. It absorbed Claire and quickly went to Dennis and Dj to absorb them and vanished away.