
The hunter and the hunted (Final)

As Dennis clenched his right fist to concentrate his black lightning. It was giving one more chance of retaliation to the man in red armor. They both made eye contact in mid air. Dennis will run the risk to end this fight with one more hit.

"You believe that a measly lightning punch will end me!?!"

The man in red armor said. He prepared his sword and was waiting for the perfect time to strike.

"Lightning punch… Reformed!!"

The lightning covered Dennis's entire right arm, and it had a bigger hit range than a normal punch. As it covered the arm in lightning, it double up the amount of damage it can do.

"Now… Lets end this!!"

Dennis said. As he descended on to his enemy, his foe waited for him to get closer. But Dennis's left eye glowed even more and it his foe's eyes glow bloody red giving out a sign of eminent death. Neither of them backed out from their attacks as they were about to make contact. The man in the red armor swing his sword at Dennis's right hand, but it faced right thru it.


The man said. Dennis proceeded with his attack and punched the man right in the stomach, causing electricity to course through the entire body and drop to the ground. Causing a crater shaped fist. It destroyed every cell, making the body disintegrate, leaving behind the armor and the sword.

"May your soul rest in peace…"

Dennis said. His shadow mode deactivated by itself, and the black lightning vanished once the fight was over. No one dared to say no words, giving a moment of silence to fallen enemies. As the moment passes, Dennis picked up the sword and looks back at the red armor.

"Hey can someone pick that up? I want to examine the armor when we get back."

Dennis said. It surprised him that his attack didn't destroy the chest plate. Dj then walked by Dennis and handed him his sword and picked up the armor.

"I got to say, I never thought that we would resort to this…"

Dj said. He then looked at Spike and noticed that his skin on his arms where turning black.

"Hey Spike. Are you feeling alright?"

Dj asked. Spike then looked at his arms and freaked out. He stumbled to the ground, and he was in tears.

"No… This can't be happening right now…"

Spike said to himself. Dennis noticed what was happening, and he called back his Tech-blade and approached Spike. As soon as he got close. Spike moved back.

"No!! Stay back!!"

Spike yelled at Dennis and spouted a green flame that hit him, but Dennis seemed unaffected by it. It only left multiple small green flames all over his coat.

"It's okay Spike… I won't hurt you, just let me have a look."

Dennis said to Spike. Spike calmed down and he showed his arms to Dennis to have a closer look.

"Alright… Your total fine Spike. This is a reaction from eating the black ice that I gave you and from the looks of it… You seem to have experienced this before…"

Dennis said. He is aware of what Spike was going through. Spike's body was reverting to its original size while retracting the wings back inside.

"But for your own safety, you may not fight for about a week or two…"

Dennis then picked up Spike and carried him out of the game room. Dj followed them since they have nothing to do down in the game room no more. As they went up, Dennis placed Spike on the couch.

"Hey um… Thanks for carrying me…"

"No problem, just rest up alright? I'm going to go make a call real quick."

Spike then nodded at Dennis and he went upstairs. He then saw Dj placing the armor by the entrance of their room and headed to take a bath in the meantime. Dennis then pulled out his phone and called Lota while walking into X's office. As the phone rang once, he immediately got a response.

"Dennis, if you haven't called in the next five minutes… I would have gone looking for you!!"

"Relax… We just got into some trouble, but we got it under control."

Dennis said. He then looked at the time and it was about to be 5pm.

"So, are you guys coming here? Do we need to prepare something?"

Lota asked. She could hear a doubted voice in Dennis's words, but she was glad that they were safe.

"I think we going to spend the night here. Spike needs to rest and Dj is helping me with something. Also tell everyone to stay alert… If something happens call me fast."

"Alright, Lota out."

Lota then hanged up on the call and Dennis placed his phone down.

Moments later, the doorbell rang, causing everyone in to be prepared for anything. Spike was still in the living room, resting on the couch.

"I'll get it!!"

Spike yelled. He got off the couch and walked towards the door. As he placed his left hand on the doorknob, he heard the doorbell again.

"Come… In…"

Spike soon opened the door and ended up trembling in fear. He saw someone that he knew before. Dennis then came down to see who it was.

"Hey Spike, who's at the door…"

Dennis said he then stopped moving and didn't know how to react. Suddenly Dj came down stair with only a pair of shorts with no shirt while drinking a water bottle. He then saw Dennis and Spike not moving while the door was open.

"What in the world is going on here…"

Dj said. He then dropped his water bottle and saw what was going on. They all couldn't say nothing since the person who they saw was Mora. She was wearing the same military clothing from the time she meet with Dennis.

"So boys, are you going to let me in or we going to fight?"

Mora asked.

"You can come in. There's no need to be fighting…"

Dennis said. He then grabbed Spike and brought him upstairs. Dj then followed to get properly dressed.

"Good, then let's have a friendly talk…"

Mora said. She then pulled out a flask filled with wine and entered, closing the door behind her.