
Stranded in the unknown (I)

In an unknown place. In the middle of a meadow, with no tree in sight. Dennis was sitting on top of the armored soldier's body in the middle of the moonlight sky. Wondering why the body didn't disappear.

"From all the places that I could travel. I did not expect this..." Dennis mentions to himself. "And as a matter of fact I ended up killing the only, that could keep me company and yet the body is still here..." He then jumps off from the body and takes and pulls out his phone to check if it has data, but unfortunately it had none.

Dennis then sighed and puts his phone away. With no reception and nothing else to do. He pulled out his wallet, took out a coin a d flipped it. It landed on heads. With a decision like that, he went walking in the moonlight's direction. A few hours later. Dennis was walking over a hill and saw in the distance a massive wall that was over the size of a tower.

"This is the only structure in sight... Hope that this place is enemy turf..." he said as he was slowly losing hope. Once Dennis arrived at the wall. He found a giant metal gate. Dennis stood still for a moment, trying to think of a way to open the door. The first thing he thought of was opening it by hand. Dennis tried to open it, but it didn't budge. Then he called out his weapon and readied himself.

"Obliviona... Destructive slash!!" As Dennis called out his attack. He took a swing at the gate. The gate received such a powerful hit that it cracked the gate. After that, Dennis calmly walked in and found himself in a city, futuristic, but everything was dark. As he walked around, there were people living in this place as if nothing wrong happened. No one didn't question about the door.

"Okay... This is a first... I mean, I understand the modern era here since Retronia... even so, how does a place like this exist in the middle of the darkness..." After Dennis finished talking to himself. He looked around and saw a bulletin board with the latest news. Dennis walked towards it and saw something that called out his attention.

"Well, I'll be dammed... Guess I'm not alone here..." Dennis picked up news from several weeks ago about someone landing in the middle of the city while causing devastating damage. "Let the hunting begin~" Dennis said amused. He then laughed as the people wondered what was so funny until a guard showed and grabbed Dennis by his shoulder.

"Can I help you, officer?" Dennis turned around and saw that the guard had a mask.

"Yes, have u seen this guy around here?" The officer then shows a picture of the other Dennis and he panicked. With no word said, the officer looked at the picture and saw the similarities. "You look similar to him... are you his twin brother?" The officer asked.

"W-well... Thank you for finding my brother. Is he still around?" Dennis asked, and the officer nodded. "Thank you, then if you excuse me... I need to find my brother~" Dennis says, amused. He gives a smile to the officer and headed off deep into the city.

Meanwhile, back at the ship. Mora was taking charge of looking for Dennis while his friends tried to help. They were using a radar, but nothing showed up. Mora then punched a wall, and the ship reacted with a loud beep.

"Sorry... We need to find Dennis before either he gets killed or lost." Mora stated. The others looked at her and doubt that Dennis would get killed. Owen was the first to speak up while Dwight placed the star on top of the radar.

"Look, we barely know each other for about at least a week at most, but we know Dennis for quite a while, and we know he won't get killed." Owen said. After that, the star that Dwight placed on top of the radar activated it and it revealed an unknown signal.

"Hey guys, we got something." Everyone gathered up around the table and saw that two dots showed up on the radar. One at the North Pole while the other one showed up around the United Kingdom. After they saw the locations, they split into two groups. They flew over the United Kingdom to drop off the first group that was composed over Owen, Dj, Yen and Ace, while the rest went over to the North Pole.

After they dropped the first group off in the middle of London, they all noticed that everything was covered with a hazy mist dat made everything seem lost. Yen was the first to speak and asked about his father, but Dj told him he should be fine as long as he doesn't get in trouble.

Meanwhile, back with Dennis. He was wondering deep into the city until he found the crash site. There was a roadblock, allowing only people to walk around it, but no traffic could be conducted. Dennis inspected the scene and found traces of elemental magic on the ground. Meaning that his other self was still nearby. "If I was still nearby… I would hide on the roof…" Dennis said to himself and spotted the nearest roof that had easy access. It was a brick made building with multiple floors. It even made Dennis remember something unusual. He saw X and Wulf in a massive indoor house inside the building. "What was that?" Dennis asked himself. He didn't have actually no recollection of being there, yet he felt he was there before.

With all that was going on. Dennis shook his head and went towards the building to look for his other self. At the time he was about to go in, Dennis remembered about a back ladder and went into the alleyway. Once Dennis saw it. He went up the back ladder and ended up on the roof. On his view point. He saw the center of the city as buildings could reach all the way to the sky while having the ground lighten with a bluish texture.

"What a beautiful sight..." Dennis said to himself. After that, he heard screeching in his head that made him faint.

Hours later, Dennis wakes up in the place he remembered moments ago. He felt he was in a comfy bed and tried to get up, but he felt restrained. Dennis then opened his eyes and saw that they tied him down on to the bed.

"Wait, a minute..." He said after realizing the situation his inn. Dennis tried to break himself free by using his strength, but whatever was holding him down was something strong. After he took another look, he saw he was being held down by something made of shadows.

"Well then, this could have gone worse... At least ain't something I should worry about..." Dennis said to himself in his head and he heard footsteps approaching him. He tilted his head to the left and his other self, that was created by Lod.

"So... It's good to see you again, pall..." the other Dennis said.

"Look, I'm here for two things. Killing you and finding a way out, but as the looks of it... You seem doing alright, Sin." Dennis said to his other self. After calling him Sin, Dennis already knew what was going on.

"Why you called me Sin?" the other Dennis asked.

"Well... first, you needed a new code name since I don't want to call you copycat or mimic while remembering a hollow fragment of this world..." Dennis said. Soon, they saw an illusion in this very room and it set Dennis free. They first saw their younger self talking with X while Wulf was scavenging the fridge.

"What is this...?" Sin asked. Dennis walked up to him and explained that this illusion was a hollow memory. Everything that happened here happened once a long time ago. And that he was the one that lived it. Sin then stumbled on his knees after realizing what Dennis meant.

"You failed to save your world and ended up transferring to me. Lod freed you and remade your body out of darkness and here we are walking down memory lane..."

"But how do you know all of this?" Sin asked once more before he broke down into tears.

"Cause I saw and lived it as if it was real..." Dennis then pointed out at his left eye and it gave out a glow. Once Dennis pointed it out in his eye, the memory ended and they returned to the room. Sin then asked Dennis if he could help with something, and Dennis nodded.

"There is a guy around here that calls himself the king of shadows, and it's kinda bugging me for a while. I think he is looking for me after being here for at least three months..."

"Wait, three months!? It's only been at least a week since I last saw you!" Dennis said to Sin after considering since the last time they met.

"Yeah, considering the time-lapse here. It doesn't surprise me at all."

"Well, then... We got to hurry... The last thing I want is to be stuck here for three months..." Dennis said. Once they finished talking. They headed out to look for the king of shadows.