
Operation control X (part 7)

Everyone was still a sleep as it became morning. No one wanted to back out after making it this far. As they all grouped up to go over the plans one more time before heading out.

[Dennis] "Alright everyone listen up! X is on the GDXS tower alongside with Farion. And they have as backup, Mecha, Umbra, and Rampage. As you can all see, Farion is recovering while being protected. So we are going to take advantage and strike while we have the chance."

Dennis snapped his fingers and a screen monitor scrolled down behind him. He got out of the way and snapped his fingers again to show a map on how they needed to move.

[Dennis] "X will stand in the way, not allowing entry to the tower, and we also believe that they guard the other three entry points. We don't know who is guarding the entry points but make sure you plan out your strategy before entering combat."

As Dennis finished speaking. They all felt something coming from the distance. Everyone was acting fine and surprised but only Dj knew what's coming to them right now.

[Dj] "We need to go!"

Dj said as he grabbed Dennis's arm. Dennis however understood the situation and the fear that his friend had. With not a second to lose. He dispatched everyone to get off the ship. The only ones that stayed are F and Heartless. Forming again the team Hatreds of Time.

[F] "So? We fighting it or we using it as bait?"

F asked away since he knows that's the only two options that they had. Dennis thought of a way to handle it, but he need to make sure if it was the dragon that they encountered the night after.

[Dennis] "We shall do both."

Dennis said as he went to the pilot room. Once he was sure that everyone else got off the ship. It was about to be time to take action. Dennis turned on the ship and putted on the gloves he previously found last time alongside the black sunglasses.

[Dennis] "No turning back now..."

When Dennis had his hands on the steering wheel. He gained access to all viewpoints from the ship. Only on side views that he was keeping a priority was the back one.

As the ship took flight. Everyone that was off the ship heard the roar of a dragon. Dj wanted to get back on the ship and help Dennis, but he had another priority. He took charge of the Beast team alongside Spike and took the pathway from the middle.

[Dark] "We should all split up, we can't have them all attacking us at the same time."

Dark suggested as soon as she saw Dj leave with one team.

[Claire] "Ok then, Nidializ, Paige. Let's team up and go for the left side."

They nodded and left off. Owen and Dwight joined the angels and went to the right path. As they all left. The only ones remaining were Dennis and his team on the ship, waiting for the right moment to move. As they had eyes on all sides. They noticed a shadow appear and were moving fast.

[Heartless] "Dennis, make your move now or lose it."

[Dennis] "Here goes nothing..."

Dennis floored it. He moved all levers to the front to grab the steering wheel. Giving the ship the speed that it needs to be at top speed. As they heard the dragon roar again. Meaning that it knows that they are there.

[Dennis] "Come on big guy!"

Dennis was excited as he was going straight at Farion. But time was moving short till they saw X in the distance. Heartless grabbed Dennis and got him out of the pilot seat while F pressed a button that made the ship active auto combat to hold off the dragon.

[F] "That dragon is a pure ns. I don't think we can take it on with this..."

Dennis was disappointed to hear it. He was already enjoyed flying the ship for the time being. But he had to let it go after he closed his eyes and shed a tear that came out from his right eye.

Heartless knows how it feels, but it didn't bother him. He opened the ship's door and pushed Dennis out. Making him fall. Dennis understood why Heartless did this, so he just followed thru and kept going. He put his hands in his coat pockets and used it as a glider to stay on the air for the longest time. Heartless got into Dennis body by turning himself into a shadow while as for F. He was jumping from building to building.

Meanwhile, on the right pathway. Dark and Eve soared into the air while Owen and Dwight were running to catch up to them. As they kept going. They saw Rampage in the distance. Waiting for her opponents to approach to engage in a fight.

[Dwight] "I'm going in!!"

Dwight rushed in. As his friends saw him go for it. They needed to back him up. Eve went even higher into the sky and drew out his stellar bow while Owen called his weapon 'Niariza' and quickly took aim before pulling the trigger.

[Dark] "Dwight, wait!! She is just waiting for one of us to get close!"

As Dwight noticed at the last moment. They all lost sights on Rampage for one second and she was already behind Dwight. He quickly called out his weapon 'Zaeron' to block Rampages incoming punch. As her punch connects with Dwight's weapon. She got sent back by a sudden electric shock.

[Owen] "Hey! Don't just stand there! Move before she recovers!!"

Owen pulled the trigger and charged up for an attack. Eve did the same thing since they both wanted this fight to end fast. Dark was trying to think of away to take Rampage down while protecting everyone. She landed and had her chained scythes ready just in case of an emergency.

[Dark] "Wait, I think that shock got her good."

Dark got a closer look and saw that Rampage was out cold. But she quickly stepped away after seeing a black ring form around Rampage. It slowly covered her body in a black goop and it submerged into the ground without a trace.

[Dwight] "We should probably get going."

They all headed off to continue their path to make it to the tower.

Meanwhile, on the left path. Claire was in the front, running with weapon in hand. Paige was on the back of the group, trying to make sure that Nidializ stayed in the middle. As they kept going. They saw Umbra standing in the way. She had her guard down but was expecting company.

[Umbra] "Ah... you guys made it. You can go along."

The girls stopped and got confused. They lowered their weapons to figure out what's going on.

[Umbra] "You see... I don't want to fight. But you must be careful with X and Mecha. Farion let me and Rampage go since we don't serve a purpose for him..."

Umbra felt down. The girls looked at her and decided that it's best for her to come alongside them and help.

[Nidializ] "Come on, why don't you join us?"

Nidializ offered a hand to Umbra. She then didn't hesitate to agree to help.

Meanwhile, Dj that was leading the last remaining ground team was on a standstill. They had their path blocked by a building and didn't want to head back.

[Dj] "Can we destroy it?"

As Dj asked. Wulf was getting ready to land a hard punch on the building to at least make a giant hole to go thru it. But he got interrupted as he felt a murderous temper from above.

[Wulf] "This ain't our lucky day."

Everyone looked up and saw Mecha. Standing menacingly as he was looking down at everyone.

[Mecha] "You all should just end your lives. No one can't match me."

Without a moment to waste. Neko D screamed. It made an echo that everyone could hear. Neko D's scream disoriented Mecha that left an opening for an attack. No one else dared to make a move after seeing Neko D's body getting covered with light.

[Kuo & Wulf] "Your going all out already!?"

They both said after realizing what Neko D is doing. Dj was lost, but he understood that going all out at the start of a fight is like gamble. He called out his weapon and got ready in position to attack alongside Neko D.

Trying out on placing the names to make it more simple to focus on writing than what each character would say.And I hope to keep it that way for now until I see a better way to keep improving.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts