
Operation control X (part 4)

Eight hours has passed since Dennis was a sleep. He suddenly woke up and found his friend Nidializ a sleep like a log. By the time he began to get out of the bed. He grabbed his glassed and looked outside the window.

"Are we really this high up?" Dennis asked.

He saw that the ship was above moving above the clouds. The view was beautiful but he felt something was wrong from the moment he woke up. Dennis turned around and saw that the door to the room was slight open and walked out. Leaving Nidializ by her self sleeping. When he got out, he turned to the direction of the pilot room.

"Is everyone else a sleep?" Dennis asked to himself.

Dennis started to walk towards the pilot room while seeing the rest of the rooms closed shut and had a red light active. He stopped and touched the nearest wall to him after encountering some turbulence. At that point he kept going to the pilot room by struggling to reach it. Then one of the bedroom doors opened. Dennis started to hear foot steps and slightly turn around to see Dj without a shirt on.

"Dennis...?" Dj asked.

"What happened to you? You look like someone got in to your room and beaten you up." Dennis said.

"No time for that... I'm sensing something weird heading to us..." Dj said.

Dennis was getting up and realized what Dj said. By his understanding, Dj can sense any ns that is approaching or nearby. By the time Dennis was wondering if something was going to happen until his left eye glowed.

"Something isn't right..." Dennis said.

He then hurried to the pilot room. Once he opened the door, he saw the afternoon sky as it was slowly becoming night time. Dj followed Dennis and closed the door behind him so that no one else could enter.

"Dj, do you see something strange on the clouds?" Dennis asked.

"Not right now but... Its like something is bellow us..." Dj said.

As they wondered what could they be sensing and in the moment of realization. They looked at each other and finally figured out what could it be. Dennis immediately pulled out his phone and used the app that was installed. He then noticed that it was a radar and it was detecting something huge below them that could cover almost and airplane. Dennis closed his phone sat down on the pilot seat.

"Dennis, what are you doing?" Dj asked.

"The only thing I should have done..." Dennis said.

Dennis took of his glasses and opened a cabinet that contained black sunglasses. He starred at them in realization as he saw something waking up in him. A side of him that was demanding to put on the sunglasses. As he gave in to his desire, his sense of reality changed and putted on the sunglasses. Dj saw that Dennis was changing into something that his friend shouldn't become but he let happen since he had no other choice.

"Dennis! Go for it!" Dj yelled.

Dennis turned off the auto pilot and placed his hands in front. He felt that a steering wheel was forming and attaching it self to the ship. Then a pedals to accelerate and stop appeared below his feet and a gear change to his bottom right.

"You better hold on to something. This is going to be a hell of a ride!!" Dennis said.

Dj quickly sat down as Dennis floored it. With the momentum of speed. It made everyone else hit the wall. As Dennis began to hold the steering wheel with his right hand. He used his left to activate a monitor that revealed what was behind them. And as Dj and Dennis feared, they saw something raise up slowly. The first thing that they see are spikes that seem to be connected to something. Dennis pulled a lever to his left that made the ship move up. Then the rest of the body was coming out of the clouds.

"Wait, is that?" Dj asked.

"A dragon..." Dennis said.

As the dragon emerged from the clouds. The remaining time of light shined on the dragon to reveal that his scale are all black. Dennis realized that they are in danger and opened another cabinet that contained some biker gloves that are black colored.

"Is it really time for gloves!?" Dj asked.

"Yes..." Dennis said.

Then he switched the ship into top gear to gain some distance from the dragon. As Dennis was flying the ship in a high speed, it made someone angry as they both heard someone knocking on the door.

"Dennis!! Open this damn door right now!"

By the tone of the voice. Dj realized that it was Paige. He wanted to open the door but Dennis stopped him. Dj looked straight at Dennis as he was shaking his head and slowed down the speed once he bought enough distance.

"Go, ill keep an eye out for the dragon." Dj said.

Dennis then got of the pilot seat and activated the autopilot for now. When he opened the door, he saw Paige and Claire in ragged clothing and messy hair that made them mad.

"What... Do you think... ARE YOU DOING!?!?" Paige said as she yelled at Dennis.

"Me and Dj felt something weird below us... We end up finding out that it was an ns, class dragon." Dennis said.

He returned back to the pilot seat to get himself ready. Everyone else got out of the rooms and grouped up on the pilot room to see what's going on. Dennis turned around and saw everyone else standing.

"Guys, get on a seat and strap on. The second ride is about to start." Dennis said.

Everyone else that was standing sat down on one of the chairs and each spot was connected to cannons, shields, and radars. As they all strapped down on their seats. Dennis began to floor it once again to keep buying some distance from the dragon.

"Hey! Does one the radars had like a location monitor?" Dennis asked.

Then he turned around and saw that on the radar that Owen had in front was beeping.

"This thing is saying that we are in... The Metropolitan?" Owen said as he was confused.

"Wait, that is the side name of the sector from the Retronnia kingdom." Paige said.

"Doesn't matter that much. We need to find a place to land and stay low befor-"

Dennis got cut off after hearing a dragons roar from the distance. He took a deep breath and placed his hands on the steering wheel. Dennis was waiting for the perfect moment as it was becoming night time. With a hard grip on the steering wheel with his right hand while having his left hand ready on the left lever. Once the light of the night hit the dragon. It was time to move. The dragon vanished from where it was staying still and Dennis floored it and began to descend the ship at high speed while the dragon ended on top of the ship.

"No enemy.... can compete with this... Speed!!" Dennis said out loud.

He then felt that was becoming one with the ship. As was still descending, he saw small city bellow. Then a screen showed up on the left side of Dennis sunglasses, indicating a place to land. By the looks of it, it seemed to be an abandoned air field. Dennis took the chance to activate one of the landing gears. He chossed the car wheels.

"Everyone hold on!!" Dennis yelled.

He then turned around the ride while turning off the flight mode. He then changed the ship in to revers as it was about to make contact with the ground. When it finally made contact. Dennis started to use his left hand to activate a target missiles and had them lock on the dragon.

"See ya next time." Dennis said as he snapped his fingers.

When Dennis snapped his fingers, it released the missile and it went straight at the dragon. As explosion where heard from the distance, they all heard the dragon roar one more time as it was slowly fading away.

"Did he got it?" Dwight asked.

Dj was looking on the monitor and he didn't detected nothing. Dennis stopped the ship and took of the sunglasses. As he let go of the steering wheel. His body was already at the limit and passed out.

A few hours passed and Dennis woke up again.

"What time is it..." Dennis said.

He then opened his phone and saw that it was midnight. He then looked at the other bed and saw Nidializ drawing along side with Claire. Dennis took a deep breath and went back to sleep. The girls ended up noticing that Dennis woke up but they left him alone since his body was getting weaker. By the time Dennis could get enough rest. Nidializ sent Claire to Paige since it was getting late. She then turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or as a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next up coming chapter.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts