
One morning to vent and rest

One day passed by for the previous events could calm down. With no news from Dennis or his other version. Nothing else could be done but to wait.

It was morning; the sky was clear, and everyone was trying to figure out if Dennis was ok. As they all tried to relax on the back side of the house, only one of them had an odd feeling that Dennis was nearby and it was Dj. He was acting strange, looking around as he sensing his friends presences. The first to notice Dj acting strange was Nidializ. She was trying to draw the scenery of the woods and Dj was in it but she couldn't focus since Dj was moving his head around too much.

[Nidializ] "What in the world is wrong with Dj today?"

Nidializ asked to herself out loud. She was overheard by Claire and Paige that caught on to the situation.

[Claire] "Nidializ, what do you mean?"

Claire asked and was paying close attention to Dj.

[Nidializ] "Just look at him, he is spacing out as he is trying to follow something."

[Paige] "Let me handle it."

Paige was about to make her move once she stood up, but she got stopped by Nidializ that was holding her hand.

[Nidializ] "I wouldn't do that if I were you. One thing that I learned recently is that Dennis and Dj are acting the same this past few days, and that's a sign that leads to Dennis."

With what Nidializ said, it gave Paige a simple idea of what is going on with Dj.

[Paige] "Ok then, we just follow him. How hard can it be?"

Paige asked, and she soon realized that Dj was about to make a move. Dj stood up from the ground and avoided eye contact with everyone else. As he walked by. He waved his left hand at the guys that are looking at the map. Then he passed by the girls gave a serious look at Nidializ. It gave her chill over her entire body, Claire could get a hold of her while Paige stood in the rest of the way making sure that Dj looked the other way. As Dj entered the house, Nidializ could calm down.

[Claire] "Are you ok?"

[Nidializ] "Y-yea... But something is definitely going on with Dj..."

[Paige] "I'll go check, you two stay here and make sure no one else enters the house."

Nidializ and Claire nodded. Paige went off to go follow Dj in to the house.

Meanwhile, inside the house. Dennis was in his room resting. Nothing could wake him up from his slumber until Dj kicked the door. It didn't bother Dennis as he was still a sleep.

[Dj] "Bro... how long have you been sleeping?"

Dj then sat down beside Dennis and thought out loud. Paige was hiding near the door and was peaking in to see what's going on.

[Dj] "Dennis… I have something to tell you... Around this few days I spent in this world where the bests times I could have. But sadly, I'm fearing that it could end soon, you know? Like it could be today, it could be tomorrow, it could next month or a year from now... And I feel just weak..."

Dj finally stopped ranting. Paige wanted to enter and cheer Dj up but she saw Dennis woke upright at the moment. He saw Dj sitting next to him and overheard everything that he said.

[Dennis] "Dude, stop saying that. You know better than I do that your strong. And I won't let this end. We still haven't found Ragnarok, or even figured a few other stuff that are waiting for us."

[Dj] "Yea... But its like back at our world."

[Dennis] "Then we just need to get stronger..."

Dennis pulled out the bag that he got from Farion and was looking for something.

[Dj] "How was your fight with Farion?"

[Dennis] "It was a tie. He escaped on my finishing move, he also told me I can't kill him..."

Dennis pulled out a tablet and turned it on.

[Dj] "Are we going to do some training again?"

[Dennis] "More like to get some answers this time..."

Dennis said as the tablet finally got on. Then he got a message from Celest to meet her at her place. Dj looked over Dennis and got worried.

[Dennis] "Yea... I need to get going. If someone asks for me, just tell them to find me at the castle."

Dennis got out of the bed and was heading out, but Dj stopped him since he wanted to confirm one more thing before doing something else.

[Dj] "Dennis... Did someone steal something from you?"

[Dennis] "Not that I know of, why?"

[Dj] "Is that your body is missing something... You should ask about this as well."

[Dennis] "Noted. I'll send a text or a call if I get an obvious answer."

Dennis prepared his fist as he was fist pumping Dj. As he walked out, he saw Paige leaving. Dennis didn't bother to ask, so he just kept going.

Meanwhile, at the back side of the house. Paige made it to Claire and Nidializ with news about Dj and Dennis.

[Claire] "How did it go?"

[Paige] "Dj was talking to Dennis... And Dennis is going to see Celest right now..."

Paige seemed down when she talked. Nidializ and Claire took notice that Paige was worried about Dj and she truly wanted to know what's wrong with him. But Dj ended up heading out and approached Nidializ to apologize.

[Dj] "Sorry if I gave a mean look to you a moment ago... Now if you all excuse me, I need to get going."

[Claire] "Let me guess, you going to train?"

Dj nodded at Claire. But before he could leave, he went over to Owen and asked him to take out his weapon and fire it at the direction to the beach. When Owen pulled the triggers, it released a massive blast that took down over a hundred trees. Everyone was impressed and stared at Dj as he walked away.

[Nidializ] "I'm going to go find Dennis, I want him to help me out with something that I did recently."

Nidializ went off in search for Dennis saying nothing else to her friends.

[Paige] "We should get going, the kids probably asking about how everyone is doing."

[Claire] "I can agree to that."

Paige and Claire left, leaving only Owen, Dwight and Spike in charge of the house. As Nidializ was on her way to catch up to Dennis. Nidializ saw Dennis taking a walk by the park by the distance. As Dennis was taking a walk in the park, he lost in thought on how to strengthen his friends until he picked up one of his friend's presence nearby.