
On to the other world

When the fight inside the simulation was over. It got transmitted outside, even at the Arc-xenal that was on a its way to the world that Dennis currently staying. X got notified of what happened in the simulation. When he saw the events, he was confused on how Dennis and Heartless made it out alive.

"Who the hell is that guy?"

X asked. He enhanced the video and zoomed on the person that was sent to thru the gate. F.D took notice of what X was seen. He realized who the person he zoomed on was.

"The hell is Amaltus doing there?"

F.D asked. X turned around to notice F.D mention the persons name. He tried to find info on Amaltus in his memories banks. But only one thing was relevant about him.

"Amaltus, ns believer and a follower of Ragnarok."

When X mentioned the info he found on Amaltus. F wanted to confirm it for him.

"That is right but I'm more concerned about-"

F got interrupted by a white door showing in the middle of the command room. He pointed out his lance and was ready to fight. But he lowered his guard after X raised his hand.

"Hello Rampage. What brings you here?"

X said. As Rampage was still getting out of the door. She quickly turned her hand into a canon and aimed it at F. He was ready tp throw his lance at Rampage but he got stopped again once Umbra and Mecha came out.

"X... explain to me what's goin on before I call everyone else to the command center..." F said.

"Its fine, Dennis must have planned this ahead of time. So tell me, what did he asked you to do?" X asked.

"He wanted me to give you this device, he also mentioned something about Farion? I forgot during the entire commotion of leaving and entering the stupid simulation."

"So Farion is still alive... and this device is meant to disable a virus. Meaning that only machine life forms can only be affected."

"Wait how did you know?" Rampage asked.

"We've just received intel from one of our active servers. And Dennis got the chance to relay his message."

Before could have reached the house. He was transmitting his position to the Arc-xenal. His location was easy for the ship to make it in a few hours.

"We should be entering space about... now."

Everyone looked out in the window to see that they are about to leave earth. As they saw the vast empty void of space. They saw the lights turn red, that was meant for emergency. As the other started to move to their positions in the command center. X was already on the pilot seat as he saw everyone one by one getting ready.

"Wait a minute. Where's Neko D?"

X was asking while he saw a monitor indicating everyone's location. Neko D was indicated to be outside on the front side of the ship.

"What is he doing?"

They started to face the moon and the ship was heading straight at it. Neko D was getting in position as his body was covered by a white light.

"This can't be good." F said.

"I'm having this ship fixed when we arrive. Everyone grab on and embrace for impact!!"

X said. As everyone got ready, Neko D started to scream that bounced a sound wave at the moon. When it touched the moon, it opened a portal to reach the world that Dennis was stuck in. The ship activated hyper drive by it self to enter the portal. As it started to travel everyone got nocked out. The only standing was Neko D.


Neko D sat down as he saw that inside of the portal was like a rainbow tunnel. It all ended once he saw the end of that tunnel aiming at the ocean. Neko D was running out of time. He quickly got his balance and dashed thru the command centers window to see everyone passed out.

When he saw everyone down, he couldn't shake the felling that he cant save everyone. But he could pilot the ship and crash it on the shore.

Meanwhile, Dennis was still resting until he heard an alarm in the house.

"What the hell!?"

The alarm woke him up. Dennis got out of the bed and before he could even reach the door, he ended up hearing a massive crash. He looked outside the window and noticed that the Arc-xenal crash landed nearby.

"Heartless, we got to go!!"

Dennis was opening the window as Heartless turned into Dennis shadow. They went out the window since it was the fastest way out. As they ran towards the beach shore. Dennis couldn't shake the feeling that it crash called someone else attention. When they arrived, they saw everyone beached unconsciously except Neko D that was carrying Kuo.

"Oh my god, what happened here!?"

When Dennis saw Neko D, he tried to help moving Kuo. When they got to a safe distance. Neko D passed out trying to save everyone.

"Its alright... you did a great job saving everyone..."


Dennis grabbed Neko D and brought him close to his chest.

"I know you want to cry, but just be glad that you are safe as well..."

When Dennis said those exact words to Neko D. He ended up crying on to Dennis chest.

"Heartless, make sure you absorb everyone and take them to the house, ill can get rid of this fire in a moment."

As Heartless absorbed everyone, Dennis was pointing with his left hand to get rid of the flames from the ship. The flames turned into a small fire ball. Out of curiosity, Dennis ate the fire ball. Allowing him to gain a new element of magic.

"Hey Dennis, you should figure out how to manipulate fire soon. Who knows when that could com in handy in a fight."

"Yea... but I need to rest, lets get back to the house and plan out our next move."

By the time they reached the house. Their was a note laying down on the entrance of the house. Dennis picked it up and found an elemental trace.

"Ill read this tomorrow. Heartless cast a barrier just incase we get bothered during our sleep."

Meanwhile, back in the other world. Dj was about to explain the current situation to everyone. He gave it some thinking to find the right words for everyone to understands.

"We have a few problems going on. One of those problems involves Dennis traveling to another world by force. I wanted to tell you all that we don't need to panic. We will find away to bring him back, but first we need to find away to know his position. So for now on, we need to get even stronger to pull this off. Our fight with the ns is far from over and we will be ready."

Dj was able to explain the situation to everyone. Some of them started to cry. Others started to get sad. While a few know what it feels to be away from home. From that point on they started to do everything they can to figure out away to find and bring back Dennis.

While in the other world. Dennis was about to give a speech to his other versions.

"Alright, we going to be stuck here for a while, but that wont stop us from moving forward. This is just the start of our fight. What we have went thru this past few days were just a warm up. Our enemy thinks that we are weak..."

Dennis started to remember what Amaltus said to him.

"But we are far stronger than them. And it is time for us to show them our true colors!"

Dennis closed his eyes for a quick second. Everyone else did the same. And when Dennis opened his eyes, only his left eye started to glow. While for the other versions of Dennis, both of theirs eyes glowed. Emerald green for Wulf. Light orange for Kuo. Neon purple for Dark. Neon yellow for Eve. Light blue for F. Neon cyan for X. A bright dark red for Heartless. And white for Neko D.

"Our next target is Farion, Ill let you all know to when its time to execute the plan so for now we must get ready."

They all understand Dennis and decided to finally go to rest to see what they can do tomorrow. But only Dennis and the machines ended up awake.

"Mecha, Umbra, Rampage, X, I need you four to get some of the systems in this house up and running. We need to make contact with the others if we want our plan to work."

Dennis said. As far as he can tell. Everything was almost set, but since he didn't know the terrain of this world. He was going to be limited to go out without bringing attention.

"We will see what can we do for now. Ill try to get the communications up and running in a few hours and we going to need to find parts to repair the ship."

X said to Dennis.

"Ok, ill send Neko D with Wulf and Kuo to the ship to see what parts they can bring."

X nodded to Dennis. He knows that this was the best option. With all that Dennis went to rest to wait for the next day to arrive.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts