
Dennis (Fused) vs Farion (part 2)

An hour passed by inside the elevator. The first one to get up was Dennis and saw that on the section of the number of the floor said 90. He then looked down to his right side and saw Farion still passed out. But he confused since the building wasn't that high.

[Dennis] "Dear god... How long are we going to stay up here..."

Dennis leaned on the left corner of the elevator as he was recovering from the punch he received from Farion. He then cracked his jaw back into place after feeling it got stiff while knocked out.

[Dennis] "Dam that feels good..."

At the moment that Dennis was taking a brake, he then saw the future. He saw Farion got up once the elevator door opened and pinned him down on the wall. When Dennis snapped back to reality, he looked at the elevator number and noticed that it said 99. Then with X's intelligence he timed the moment he needed to get out of the elevator.

[Dennis] "Show time."

Dennis snapped his fingers and created a field that slowed down time. He then realized that Farion was about to get up. Dennis had a clear shot at Farion to end it right on the spot, but he didn't want it to end that way. As Dennis walked out elevator, he saw that the roof was beyond the cloud limit. He was speechless from the sights as the sun was about to set.

[Dennis] "View from up here is amazing, but it is sad that it needs to end here..."

Dennis called Obliviona on to his right hand. He then pointed it at Farion that was getting out of the elevator. Farion then pulled out his sword and pointed it at Dennis. As they both entered on a stance to charge in and strike. A light appeared above them and was dropping fast.

[Farion] "Do you think an attack like that can stop me?"

[Dennis] "That was the arrow that I sent to your weapon..."

As they both looked at the sky. They noticed it divided the arrow in a rapid state that can take down the entire building. Dennis realized he could use this as an opportunity to take down Farion, but Farion charged in to pierce Dennis chest. Dennis stood still and took the direct hit. As Farion's sword pierced Dennis chest, he felt that something was wrong once Dennis smiled.

[Farion] "Substitution?"

Dennis body vanished, releasing Farion's sword for him to wonder what happen.

[Dennis] "Over here!!"

Farion turned around after hearing Dennis. He saw Dennis standing on top of the elevator with his weapon in hand and a fireball on his left. Dennis wanted to end this fight no matter what. His will to fight was the only thing that is keeping him focus on Farion.

[Farion] "A mortal shouldn't be here. You should have died by Amaltus hands when you first encountered him."

[Dennis] "Ok, now you asking for it..."

Dennis left eye glowed. He got up and tossed his fire ball at Farion, but he cut it in half with his sword. Then Dennis sent another one that from the black flames. Dennis saw this as an opportunity and ran alongside the fire ball to take on Farion. As Farion was waiting for the attack, Dennis did the unexpected and grabbed his fire ball to use it as a weapon. He then used his black ice and froze the fire ball to make the impact more solid. Farion blocked the ice ball with his sword but didn't block Dennis sword that pierced a piece of his armor.

[Farion] "Your getting stronger... But you won't kill be able to kill in your current state."

[Dennis] "What!?"

Dennis saw Farion trying to get a hold of him by the neck. But he detonated the ice ball to gain some distance, making Dennis receive partial damage of his own attack. Farion swung his sword to clear out the dust and went straight at Dennis for a strike.

[Dennis] "I'm not done yet!!"

Dennis plunged his sword on the ground and powered up as he was getting ready for an attack. As Farion was getting close, he jumped into the air and was going to drop on Dennis for an attack. But it was the moment that Dennis was waiting for.

Time slowed down around Dennis. He thought it was his last moments before he dies, but he took this moment to get ready for his counterattack. Dennis grabbed his sword and pulled it out of the ground and strikes Farion with an air wave. It sent Farion to the edge of the building and he almost felled down.

[Farion] "Is that all that you got?"

Farion pointed his sword again at Dennis as he was getting in position.

[Dennis] "No... I still have one more trick up my sleeves!!"

As Dennis got into position, he crossed his arms down to form an 'X' that was the trigger for his finishing move. With the arrows in the sky as part of his support attack. It was the perfect combination to end this fight.

[Dennis] "X-Oblivion: Division of heaven and earth!!"

X-Oblivion is a move that can only be used in a fused state by Dennis. As the heaven divided, the arrows keep falling. And when the earth divided, Dennis created a copy of his weapon and strike the floor, making the strike go all the way that it split the building in half.

[Dennis] "Full oblivion!!"

Dennis weapon glowed with a gray radiance that took part on the edge of the blade. He went charging in at Farion and striking him down and making him fall off the building. Dennis then sent various fire balls at Farion and looked away as the arrow followed him down, causing an explosion.

[Dennis] "Guess that's the end..."

As the fight was finally over. Dennis ended up using Heartless abilities to create a portal to head down to make sure if Farion was still alive. When Dennis got out from the other side of the portal, he only saw dust slowly clearing away. He saw no trace from Farion and from his weapon.

[Dennis] "Farion... I'll make sure to end it next time, no more holding back..."

Dennis closed the previous portal and opened a new one that appeared in his room back at the house. Once he stepped in, it only took one second to be on the other side and laid down on his bed to rest for the rest of the remaining day.

This was the second fight betwen Dennis and Farion, next time will be personal. My procces of thinking went off a bit and I know that there is a few mistakes that I must fix. I'll be fixing one or two chapters every day while preparing a new one.

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts