

As Dennis and his other versions where stuck in the other world. The message that they sent to their friends arrive in the same day as they went on a mission.

Back at the house. Dj was looking after the kids. Helping them train, learning new moves and how to fight. While Dj was doing all that, Claire was searching for something in the office up stairs with the help of Nidializ.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Nidializ asked.

"Research papers, blueprints, anything that can just get us to find or contact Dennis." Claire said.

Suddenly, Kiwi busted down the door. As she was in, she seemed as she was in a hurry. Claire and Nidializ noticed that something was going. They stopped looking around to hear Kiwi out.

"You two need to come down to the lab right now, the others are waiting for you right now!" Kiwi said.

They all went to down in a hurry to see what's the commotion. When they made it down to the lab. (The room that was used to get in into the simulation.) They all saw all the adults waiting.

"Wait, Dawn? What are you doing here?" Claire asked.

"Oh yea... You and dad forgot about what happen to us... Ill explain it later" Dawn said.

As soon as they started to focus on the screen. A video was about to start. They all stayed quiet until the end of the video. As they saw Dennis sitting down on a couch. They noticed that the people they encountered where working with something in the background.

"Hello guys. I hope you all doing fine over there... Me and the rest of my other versions got stuck in another world. We are trying our to figure out a way to get back but things are getting complicated on our end. So please understand that... We hope to establish a proper contact in about a few days so please be safe."

The video ended and decided that was time to clear some answers.

"How did he ended up on another world?" Dwight asked.

Nautic then put a footage that was taken in the simulation as a weird light just appeared and disappeared in an instance. They started to connect the message with the video and saw a pattern.

"They are trying to find away to establish contact. Give me like a week or two to see of what I can do." Nautic said.

She began to do everything that she can to establish contact on their end. While all that. Everybody else decided to continue with the things that they where doing. Claire and Nidializ went back to the office to search for a clue. When they got to the office, they noticed that there was another door in the far back left of the room.

"Should we open it?" Nidializ asked.

Claire called out Guntria and was ready to fire incase something jumps out of it. When Nidializ opened it. Claire had a good view of what was inside. She saw that it was the same room as the one from the time in the nightmare tower.

"How did it got here?" Claire asked.

Nidializ found a piece of paper that had intel about what happened.

"Some of this rooms in the tower got implemented in the house. The hangar is below the house and holds a core. This room is to travel to different worlds... Wait, we can use this room to reach out to Dennis or let him know that we are fine." Nidializ said.

Claire wrote something down on a piece of paper. She then typed an address on a computer and sent it.

"Lets hope to see if they received it." Claire said.

She then left the room with Nidializ and assigned Kiwi to take care of the other room.

Meanwhile in the other world. Everyone was taking the rest of the day off. Everyone was outside relaxing with the sounds of nature.

"Man, I wish we had the pool again." Dark said.

"Why do we need a pool if we have the beach nearby?" Wulf said.

Before they could start on an argument. Everyone saw a light form above Dennis. Dennis was resting on a bench with his hoodie on to cover his face from the sunlight. But he felt something landed on his head.

"What in the world?"

Dennis picked up the piece of paper and started to read it out loud.

"Dennis, this is Claire writhing right now. I found a room that we found in the nightmare tower. We received your recorded video today. Nautic started to work on away that we can send a recording back but she said that it will take a week or two. I hope you guys are doing fine right now."

When Dennis finished reading the paper. He noticed a kiss mark on the bottom.

"We where gone for like 3 to 4 days right?" Dennis asked.

"Yea, but don't you think its weird that the ns are showing up here and on your world as well? Like we came here for Ragnarok but are fighting something else." Eve said.

"The ns is part of Ragnarok. And someone wants to wake him up and use his power to destroy everything. We want to destroy him so that he cant be used as a weapon of destruction." F said.

They understood why Ragnarok must be destroyed but, only one of them was capable enough to kill it. By the time they realized it. They figured out that they should find some of the places Dennis found in the other world.

They went to assemble their teams and dispatched as soon as possible as they notified it to X.

"Oh yea. I almost forgot about something." Dennis said.

He went to X to let him know about something important.

"Initiate the plan once everything starts working..." Dennis said to X.

X just nodded and let them all do what they want. It would take a week for everything to get started. As they all went to their assigned offices they waited till the next day to start taking action.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts