
Back to Retronia (part 1)

{Dennis POV}

As I jumped off the window. I saw that I wasn't very high up and landed on the nearest bushes to soften my landing. I got out of the bush and took out leaf and sticks that got stuck in my clothing, but then I realized I was seeing everything blurry.

I then touched my face, and I didn't feel my glasses. Then I looked back at the bush and saw my glasses really deep inside. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and jumped back into the bush. While I was trying to get my glasses, I felt that someone was standing right behind me. Once I got a hold of my glasses, I tried to get out, but I got stuck inside the bush.

"Dennis? How did you even got stuck there?"

I recognized the voice of the person and was my friend, Dahlia. I then asked her for help to get me out of this mess.

"Um... can you help me out? My glasses got stuck in this bush..."

"Oh! Sure, just hold on. I'll get you out in no time!!"

Dahlia said. She then grabbed me by the legs and pulled me out. During the process. I had a blank stare after feeling that something was hurting my back. My body was halfway out.

"Dennis, I need you to wrap your legs around me so I can pull you out. Okay?"

I didn't reply back. I wrapped my legs around Dahlia. Then we heard other voices as we got the attention of a small crowd of people. They all saw Dahlia grab me by my lowers ends with a firm grip. My body jumped at the moment of touch.

"You okay?"

"Yes... Just get me out of here... I feel like we attracted a crowd."

I said to Dahlia. She then looked around and saw a few people surrounding us. We then heard the sound of a phone taking a picture while others were recording. Then she noticed an officer getting close to her with his badge in hand. From the moment of pressure, she began to pull me out once more. I felt a small breeze on my back. This was a sign that I was almost out of the bush, but she stopped after the officer got close to ask questions.

"Mam, what do you think you are doing?"

"I'm helping my friend out of this bush. If you want to hear more, then help me out."

Dahlia said. Then the officer put away his badge and was grabbing me by my coat. As they both pulled me out. I was able to get my hands out and began to push myself out of the bush. The officer let go of my coat once he saw that I was out, but Dahlia was holding on to my body. When I was out, I unwrapped my legs and Dahlia began top carry me.

"Thanks, and thanks for the help officer."

"No problem, now move along before people get the wrong idea."

The officer said to me after I thanked him. He then left, and I then starred deep into Dahlia's eyes. She knew what I wanted, but she never putted me down.

"Where do you want to go?'

Dahlia asked me. She seemed like she didn't have nothing else to do, so I told her what Sara told me last night. She was curious about what would Sara wanted to give me, so she gladly took me to her place. I didn't know where Sara's house was, so I felt relief that I had a guide or to be said a carrier since Dahlia refused to place me down.

"So care to explain what happened to your shoulder?"

"You mean this?"

I moved a brief part of shirt over by my left shoulder.

"This was just a minor accident yesterday. I should be fine in a few hours."

"Oh? Then you should have Sara fully heal you. She always seemed sad these days when you where hospitalized."

"Really? Then I'll probably ask her before I could leave..."

When I finished talking. I noticed that we were standing in the woods. Then I recalled the events from yesterday and compared these woods to the ones by the dark oak tree, but I saw a sign that leads to the dark oak tree while continuing on a straight path. We then heard birds singing animals from the woods, watching our movements. I felt uneasy, so I leaner over to Dahlia's shoulder and whispered something in her ears.

"Hey Dahlia... Why are we being watched...?"

I said to Dahlia on her ear.

"Relax, they are making sure that this path stays safe from people that could bring harm."

Dahlia said to me. I then suspected as much that I could bring harm to everyone here, even to the animals. As Dahlia was still carrying me, we were walking past by a lake, and in the center of the lake, there was a house with a massive tree in the center. I had my mouth open while I was speechless at how beautiful this place was.

"This is Sara's house. She always loved to stay by nature and always take care of the animals."

"Hmm... I guess that could make sense, but how do we get a cross?"

I had to ask since I didn't saw no path make it to Sara's house.

"Its simple, just use this utility gear. It let's you walk on water, the animals here can easily walk on water for some reason, but humans can't walk on water unless we use magic or an utility."

When I heard Dahlia. It made it clear to me that this world has a lot to offer, but I didn't want to use the utility gear. I instead snapped my finger and made stepping stones out of black ice, and it surprised Dahlia that I can use magic.

"Dennis, you ow me a lot of catching up to do."

"I ow that to everyone."

Dahlia took me across the pathway that I made. She then placed me down in front of Sara's door. I knocked over at the wooden door two times and we could hear footsteps approaching. As the door opened slowly. Me and Dahlia saw that it was Flora that opened the door. I quickly placed my guard since I had a bad feeling about her. Then Dahlia made me lower my guard when she placed her hand over my head.

"Dennis, I told you to relax. This is Flora, Sara's only daughter."

"I know that... Is that I have a weird vibe about her today."

"That's rude uncle!!"

Me and Dahlia looked at Flora with a blank stare. We were mostly confused after hearing her call me uncle. But we went back to our senses after seeing Sara walk over with a card in hand.

"Come on you two, why don't you come in so we can have a friendly talk?"

We nodded at Sara and entered her house. Flora then closed the door and locked it. As me and Dahlia sat down on the couch. Sara handed over the card, and I opened after I found out that it had my name on it.

Inside the card it said the following: "Dear Dennis, I would love to invite you to Retronia because of your recent actions on stopping Farion that was terrorizing our city. Head to over to the castle near the lake and speak to the guards. Sincerely; Princess Sally."

"That's weird, I never saw no castle over by Retronia."

"That's because the lake is in the center of the kingdom."

I then closed the card after hearing out Dahlia. Then Sara came over with some tea and cookies while she went up stair with her daughter in search of something.

As time passed by. We saw Sara holding a bag full of luggage for me, and Flora had a pair of black clothing and was handing it over to me.

"What is this?"

I asked.

"This for you... I wanted to thank you for bringing me back home... and that I..."

I then raised my hand to stop Flora from speaking any further.

"It's fine. I was just doing my job after all. But more importantly... Did Silvia make this?"

'Yes. She brought it to me yesterday. Mostly all of us know what's happening to you as we speak, and we wanted to help you out soon."

Sara said to me. I then blushed with a smile on my face.

"Ok then. Once I'm done with my business in Retronia, I'll go speak with each one of you personally."

I said out loud.

I then stood up and went to change my clothing, and when I got back. I felt as my body is finally free. Then Sara and Dahlia were handing me some accessories. Dahlia placed a dark grey wrist band on my left hand and a sword chained necklace over by my neck. Then Sara placed a digital watch on my left arm. They then placed a mirror in front of me, and I felt that I was missing some shades. But Flora was tugging my coat, and as I looked at her. She was handing me some black shades.

"Thank you, Flora."

"No problem, uncle."

Flora said. I then placed the black shades over by my wrist band and I was ready to head out.

"Now, make sure you stay safe and don't et yourself in a lot of trouble."

Sara said to me.

"Fine mom, I won't try to get in trouble."

I said to Sara while waving at them. They saw me walk outside, and I opened a dimensional rift with the remaining powers that I have while in my fused state. As I walked into the rift, I ended up back in the hangar. I was looking around since the last time me and my friends took one of ships; we got attacked by a ns. But I didn't sense or detect a ns that made me feel uneasy.

"Ok... I need to get a new ship, probably for 5 people at least and enough supplies..."

As I said it out loud. A light blue digital panel showed in front of me. I messed around with the panel, trying to figure out what it had inside. But I couldn't do nothing. The panel was stuck on a yes or no choice and was showing me the ship that I need it.

I then pressed yes, and the ship was materializing itself in front of my eyes. Then a timer showed in the panel.

"Thirty minutes... That just gives me enough time to form myself a party..."

I said to myself as I pulled out my phone. I should be specific with who am I going to bring, since the ship can only hold five people. The first person on my contact list was Dj, I was sure that he wanted to tag along for this one so tapped on his name. Then the second in line, I was between Nidializ or Dwight. Having an extra swordsman would be helpful, so I choose Nidializ since she had the most experience in her recent development. Now for my third option. This was between the only two gunner classes, Claire and Owen. Retronia is a big place and having a sniper will be needed for an advantage point, so I decided the Claire would be the best option. And now for the last and fourth option. This was a hard choice, but I thought of bringing along a bystander that can easily be our negotiator, and the first person who I had in mind was Kiwi.

"Ok... this should do it..."

I said to myself as I was tagging their names on my phone. Then I placed the phone on the panel and it began a scan. I then sat down and waited for the time to pass away.


{Thirty minutes later...}

As time finally passed. I took notice that four light circles appeared in front of me while the ship finished materializing. Once I took a step towards the ship. The people that I selected were standing behind me in confusion after they saw me. First one to ask was Dj, he seemed to be ready when he took a step forward.

"Yo Dennis, what are we doing?"

Dj said to me. I then turned around to respond to his question.

"We going to pay the kingdom of Retronia a visit. I don't want to hear demands and I'll explain everything once we get their. Understood?"

I said to my friends, and they all nodded at me as a response.

"Good, then get aboard. We have a meeting with the princes of Retronia tomorrow evening."

I said to my friends. We then got on board the ship. But there was one problem. I never chose who is the driver. No one else knows how to drive this ship except me, so I went to the pilot room and turned on the ship. Then I set the ship into sky mode and set everything up for the autopilot.

This was a smooth trip. The hangar door opened, and the ship was moving by itself, and in a matter of minutes, we were already outside soaring through the sky.

If you have questions on what direction the story should be going. Leave a coment, share and mark this book into your collections so you wont miss out on the latest updates and chapters. Hope you all enjoy reading!!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts