
An unexpected visit (p2)

Meanwhile, Dj was in the medical room dealing with the wounds of the two girls he injured. They seemed fine and nothing to serious but they had a strange mark on their shoulders, the one that had blue hair had 09 on her right shoulder and the girl that had the blonde hair had 06 her left shoulder.

"How do I explain this to whoever enters this room...?" Dj said to himself trying to figure things out till he just remembered who they actually where.

"Blue hair... Blond hair... SJ and Emily...?" Dj said.

He tried to confirm it after he found an ID scanner on the nearest table. Before he could confirm it, he heard the door open.

"Hello?" A girl with white hair and pink-colored eyes entered the medical room.

DJ turned around and paused for a moment, trying to think how to explain what actually happened, but he just sat down and dropped the ID scanner.

"Um... what have you done to SJ and Emily?" The girl asked.

Dj looked at her as soon he realized he mentioned the names, then if his memories got completed, he realized who was in front of him right now.

"Dennis is going to kill me if I make it out alive..." Dj said as he was waiting for someone to rescue him from this situation till he heard static.

"Ok.. its finally on. This is Dennis speaking, for everyone that's in this building I have an announcement to make, GDS9 I declare that is time for the things you learned to be put in action, ill see you all in the training room."

Everyone heard Dennis voice. DJ felt relived but then he got worried on the look of the girl.

"Um... Chan, was it? are you ok? Dj asked.

"So you guys decide to return..."

Dj took a step back and grabbed the chair to defend himself.

"We... are going to party!!!" Chan quickly went to the training room, soon after she left SJ and Emily woke up.

"Man, you and Dennis are way to strong for us." SJ said.

Dj got confused for a moment and realized that everything was fine.

"This is going to be hard to explain if the others show up..." Dj said as he left to go to Dennis.

As everyone was waiting for Dennis to speak, he was being interrupted a lot by Chan suddenly.

"Ok, Dj go talk to your daughter after this... we have something to do later." Dennis said.

Dj nodded and understood what's going on.

"Ok everyone, I know that some of you all almost remember us, I'm glad that we are reunited but in the wrong place..."

In other words, they weren't supposed to meet in this world but in the other world.

"As far that I'm concerned, we don't have primal access to go back to the other world, so we going to be here for the time been."

As that, Dennis got of the mic and tried to help Dj find her daughter.

"Wait!!" Dj and Dennis turned around and Ace holding on to Dennis shirt.

"Will you please train me!?" Ace asked.

"Look, its been what, like a year that you guys don't see us... Also, we don't have time for this right now." Dennis said as his expression changed.

"Why!?" Ace asks.

"Get everyone out of this room immediately, we are about to get attacked."

As soon as Dennis said that they are about to get attacked, something broke the western side of the wall.

"Go!!" Dennis said as he pointed to the door, Claire had called out her weapon as soon as the dust cleared and noticed that they got attacked by robots.

"Dennis we need to leave now!" Claire said as she took one of the robots out but it quickly got up.

"You go protect the kids, ill try to hold them off." Dennis said as he rushed in for battle. As everyone left Dennis by himself he felt a strong heavy pressure trying to weight him down.

Everyone else was trying to find a safe spot for now. But they need to escape the building. "

Dj did you found a map to this place?" Claire asked.

"No. I thought you had it." Dj said as a response to Claire's question.

"Everyone follow me I know how we can get out of here!" Yen said as he was trying to take the lead but as soon they heard another explosion, Dj stayed back.

"Ill be a second line of defense, just make sure to get them out of here!"

Claire nodded and grabbed Niza so that she doesn't stay behind. As soon as they made it to the exit, they were trying to unlock the escape pod.


A girl with purple hair moved everyone out of the way and unlocked the terminal.

"Who is she?" Claire asked.

"That's Kiri, someone created her, but she is trying to find her creator but no luck." Yen said.

"Its now open."

They all got on the escape pod and left, but they wondered what will happen to Dennis and Dj.

"Kiri, did you left the second escape pod open for Dennis and for my father?"

The girl dressed in red asked.

"Wait, is your father Dj?" Claire asked as the girl nodded.

"My name is Pyra, I'm your friend's daughter and as my name goes, I can control fire." Pyra displayed a small flame in her hands.

"Hmm... wait, so who teaches you all?" Claire asked.

Everyone took a deep breathe and laughed it off, Claire was the only one confused till Yen pointed back at the building.

"Oh, shit." Claire said as it went back to Dennis been hold down by the weight of the pressure.

"I need to think of something..."

Dennis was trying to think of a plan to get out of his situation. But he lost focus as soon as he heard footsteps from behind the robots.

"Who in the world are you...?" Dennis asks the person when they got out of the crowd.

"It won't matter soon enough you will become a mindless slave."

Dennis couldn't see who it is, but he could figure out that it was a woman because of their voice.

"Not happening!" Dennis could brake free from the pressure with his own strength, he then took 5 steps back to recover.

"You have some sort of power that is almost like gravity... been in your proximity range would be the end of me!"

Dennis had to do a tactical retreat to figure out a fresh approach to fight back.

"You going to run away with your tail behind your legs?" The woman said as she laughs at Dennis. He spun around and pulled out the gun he had hidden.

"Take it back..." Dennis said as his eyes could finally see how the woman looks like.

"You got to be kidding me..."

Dennis went for a defensive stance since he saw that the woman was using a navy dress with the color purple, their hair color was lightest purple and their eyes had a golden resemblance.

"Damn it..." Dennis had no option except to charge in.

"How foolish." The woman said.

It was a quick moment, Dennis already destroyed every robot as he broke the sound barrier that destroyed the other windows. Dennis turned around and sent away his sword and only kept the gun out while holding it with his left hand.

"You have till the count of ten till I pull the trigger so start talking!" The woman tried to think of away to get out of this situation.


She looked around to find a proper exit but then realized that she cant get away.


"Fine! I'll talk you stupid brat!" The woman said.

Dennis lowered his gun to calm down the situation.

"I'm an ex-member of GDXS my operative name is N but they call me Mora..."

"Wait, why does that sounds a lot fami- You..." Dennis went back on his guard and quickly pointed the gun at Mora.

"Oh? oooh! Its been a while... last time I saw you was around my side of the country! But its a shame that I have to take care of you... Dennis!" Mora said as she was taking one step closer to Dennis by every second.

"Nope, ima bail. Deuces!"

Dennis had jumped off the building cause of the broken wall and saw in the distance a pod that got released. He managed to focus his eye sight and noticed that Dj was in it but he was not alone. Dennis had no choice but to get in the same pod and help Dj.

A few minutes before Dennis could have jumped off and help Dj. Dj was punching every robot that was heading towards him.

"Come on! Whose next for some punches!!"

One robot that was in one corner was about to make a move but Dj quickly took it out. But each time a robot gets taken out, two more showed up. It was only a matter of time before could have gotten over run and cornered in the emergency exit.


Dj had bumped with one of the terminal that says that the second escape pod was ready to be used. As soon as he got in, 4 more robots got on board and the door closed.

"I wonder how Dennis is doing..."

As soon as Dj said that, he turned around and noticed that he was not alone. He clenched his fist and fought in such a cramped space. He could send back two of the robots but the other were about to get a hold of him until they heard something knock the door 5 times. Then door opened while popped out and grabbed one robot to just let them fall off. Dj sent the other one out while he noticed that was getting in to help. Dennis got a hold of the robot that was close to him while Dj was sending punches to the one holding on to his shirt.

"Get... OFF ME!!"

Dj sent a hard punch that made the robot go out while Dennis could snap its neck. They both tried to calm down as Dennis closed the door.

"So? How it go for ya?" Dj asked to brake the ice.

"Like hell, the person who made the attacks knows us and has access to technology to far advanced than now!" Dennis said.

"For real?"

"Yea... Also... we may have to leave for a few days..."

Dennis explained what happened on his side of the fight to Dj that took time to understand till they landed near the beach were the nightmare tower is.

"Ok on three... One... Two.. Three!!"

The door that Dennis and Dj were in broke open with their kicks. Dj got out first and realized that the tower got fixed. Dennis was getting the robot body out and that he could do something with it.

"Hey Dennis... Its only been 8 days since we came to the tower, right?" Dj asked.

"Yea, is their something wrong?"

As Dennis was turning around and Dj was pointing to the tower, they both noticed that it got turned into a house.

"Is it me or is the house that was underground in the surface...?"

Dj tried to ask as Dennis put the robot body on his shoulder and kept moving to the house. Dj dint tried to make any other question since no one else knew that they ended near the place. As soon as Dennis opened the door, the colors of the inside changed. Every wall was black while the floor. had a bit of a marble texture.

"Who contacted an interior designer?" Dennis asked as was he placed the body on the floor.

"Well, at least we can use this place as a hide out." Dj said as he took a look in the kitchen.

"I think this a pocket house, there is no way someone could have moved this by it self."

As Dennis was trying to figure that out then noticed a plasma tv appear in the living room with a text message. Dennis had to read it out loud since it didn't make no sense.

"Hello, welcome to housing complex Mr. Dennis, we like to inform you that you are now the owner of this house, you have a message waiting in the office..."

Dennis quickly went to the office but he ended up tripping in the stairs. "Dennis!?" Dj tried to help Dennis get up.

"We need to hurry!"

As they both went to the second floor, the door to the office got locked. "Man hold so we can go full force." Dennis said.

They both gave 4 steps back. Dj was holding Dennis left shoulder and chest and lifted him up as they went full speed at the door. Dennis had to focus all his strength on to his legs to brake the door, as so as they got in desk phone rang. Dennis picked up the as he fell down to the floor.

"Hello this is Dennis speaking."


Then the call ended. Dennis stood up and put the phone to where it belongs. Soon after, he saw the message on the desk that he needed to hunt down a few things.

"Dj... lets stay here for tonight, we can head back tomorrow." Dennis said.

"Well, we can't rest with an empty stomach, come on ill see what I can cook." Dj said.

As they both went to the kitchen to finish their day.