
An unexpected visit (p1)

Previously in the last chapter... An orb of light captured Claire, Dj and Dennis and dragged them away and its currently heading towards the school stuck on a cloud. It was 6am in the morning as the light was getting in on a jail cell trying to get the attention of those who are asleep. Dennis was the first one to get up and was making sure if his body was intact, then he turned around and saw his friends laying on the ground passed out.

"You two better wake up, we are in big trouble."

Dennis said but Claire and Dj did not respond so Dennis did not bother to wake them up and headed a head to explore his surroundings.

Meanwhile, on an upper floor, only nine kids were staying away from the world below. Yen, a boy filled with worries for his parents to some day show up to meet them after a long time and was staring down the window as he felt lost in the distance.

"Another day and another boring day, I wish dad could show up..."

Someone was knocking on Yen's door. He quickly opened the door and saw her sister Niza.

"Hey sis, is there something bothering you?" Yen asked.

"Big brother, can we go to the garden?" Yen grabbed his little sister's hand and took her to the garden on the upper floor.

"Huh... who in hell made this place?"

Dennis found himself in a giant room and was standing near the entrance that he just came out from. Out of curiosity, he pulled out his gun and inspected as he was waiting for his friends to wake up. From the distanced Dennis could hear slow footsteps and quickly recognized who it was from.

"Oh hey, did you rest well, Dj?"

Dj looked at Dennis and gave him a thumbs up, and sat down to figure out what just happened. He looked at the ceiling and noticed that theirs only lights but no windows.

"Dennis... Do you know what this place is?" Dj asked.

Dennis looked at Dj and pointed at the door that is far away that was emitting a white light, then the windows as clouds were passing by.

"This is the building that you spotted last night and I don't know the exit to this building."

As Dennis was taking a few steps forward, he noticed they were not alone. Dennis placed the gun on the floor and kicked it to the right to approach carefully.

"I came here in peace so lets get along..."

Dennis's senses went blind after a hard, long silence that was broken by a yawn. He looked up and saw a girl with blue hair with emerald eyes looking straight at Dennis.

"Well hello kid, can you come down so we can have a talk?"

The girl didn't respond and was hanging from a pipe.

"Dj! Are you good with kids?"

Dj shrugged at Dennis while he was trying to think of something as he was going to the door.

"Oh, no you don't!!"

The girl went down to chase after Dennis with the intents of stopping him from going further that triggered his reaction speed to dodge. He looked at the girl's eyes with passion for a fight while he leaped to his left. Dennis stomped on the ground to stop himself from sliding, as he had his hand in his coat pockets for more control.

"That's your speed? You 're mocking the runner's name."

The girl stated.


Dennis got confused and used a baton as a weapon. He didn't want to use his fists or sword to complicate things.

"How dull..."

The girl pulled out a knife and pointed it at Dennis. He felt that his life was at risk for a moment, but he took off his glasses for an occasion like this. Dennis's eye expression changed, as if he wanted to go for the kill.

"Kid... I know you have a name but know that pointing that knife at me means you are ready to die."

Dennis charged in and made his opponent tremble in fear that gave him the opportunity to disarm the girl, but he got interrupted by the sound of footsteps dashing him. He let go of the girl to fall back, to be on his guard.

"What do you think you 're doing to my sister!?"

A girl with blond hair came to save her sister from harm, but Dennis was having a weird felling of nostalgia.

"Alright, guess is time for me to step in..."

Dj stand up cracked his hands as small warm up and got into a running position. Dennis turned around and noticed what Dj was about to do, but he need to buy sometime.

"Oh yea, I never got your names so I shall introduce myself, the names Dennis, but call me Menace if you catch my drift."

As Dennis putted on his glasses, Dj already went past him and grabbed the two girls to crash on a wall on the other side of the door. The shock was so loud that everyone that was in the building felt it; it was even enough to wake up Claire in a panic that went to see what's going on.

"What did you two just do!?!"

Dennis and Dj mentioned nothing, but they know something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"Dj, grab them and take them to an infirmary."

Dj nodded as Dennis was trying to open the door, but it had a pin on it.

"Ok lets see... 3027?"

Dennis tried multiple combinations until he got it right.


The door could open as Dennis was trying to change the pin to something more convenient.

"Ill go on ahead with Dj, should I contact you if I find something?" Claire asked Dennis since they awake for at least an hour without eating nothing.

"Get me a cup of coffee if theirs some."

Claire nodded and went on ahead with Dj to the next floor. The corridors were clean, and each room was already labeled. Claire heard a voice coming from a room named garden and went in a head leaving Dj alone.

"I should plant some roses before lunchtime."

A girl with pink hair was gardening the flowers in the center that once Claire saw her, she remembered she was the girl in her flashback in the hospital.

"Um... hello, may I ask what you doing?"

The girl turned around and looked at Claire with sadness in her eyes. She dropped her watering can and quickly went for a hug. Claire paused for a moment and slowly hugged the girl back.

"Please don't cry..."

The girl said. She then placed a flower bracelet on Claire's left arm.

"Come on, you need to meet everyone else!"

Claire followed the girl. As they both got out of the garden, Dennis was done changing the pin code.

"Ok, I should try to catch up now while I have time."

As Dennis was going thru the hallway, he saw Claire following a girl into an unfamiliar room. As he tried to catch up, the door that was near him opened and saw a kid with white hair and lime green eyes.

"Wait, you are..."

The alarm triggered as soon as Dennis said something. He made a run for it to the last door.

"Hey get back here!!"

The kid said as he was chasing Dennis. Dennis bashed the door open and found himself in another open space that had water.

"You got to be kidding me!" Dennis turned around and saw that the kid finally cached up.

"Do nothing foolish! We can solve this as civilized men!"

The kid said as he was carefully getting close to Dennis. Dennis looked at the water and noticed something weird about it. He had two options either turn himself in or risk it.

"Don't try getting one step closer! Or I will attack!"

Dennis said as he had something planned.

"Your bluffing you don't have access to the system here!"

The kid said. Dennis was getting serious. He changed his posture and revealed the identity of the person in front of him.

"Your name is Ace, you just entered your teen age so id say you are a year younger than me... but you almost know me."

Dennis said as he was about to follow his plan.

"One thing for sure now..."

Dennis called out his sword and pointed it at Ace.

"Everyone that is here either knows me... or forgotten me."

Dennis jumped into the water. He knew he can't swim, but he took the risk, anyway. Ace froze after he saw Dennis jump into the water. He knew the dangers that are in it, but he felt odd after feeling the floor shake.

"W-what's going on!?!" Ace said.

He saw in the distance that the water was raising in away that can be controlled. Ace tried to focus his eyesight and noticed that Dennis was on the top.

"If I'm correct... this is a school... meaning that there is a teacher..."

Dennis said to himself in his mind. He went through the door behind him to continue on, leaving Ace behind.

"Ok, whose next to show up."

In the middle of the hallway that Dennis was walking by, someone was doing some cleaning and was listening to music as they were cleaning the floor. Dennis didn't pay that much attention, but he just walked by without making a scene.

"Hey, we're do you think you 're going?"

Dennis turned around, since he had nothing else to do.

"Oh, I'm looking for a teacher."

Dennis said. He felt a bit confused and alarmed after he responded to the person. As the person took off their hat, it revealed a long hair that was color brown.

"Wait... you look a lot like someone I know." Dennis said after he realized that the person who stopped him was a girl.


The girl asked.

"Do you perhaps know a few people named, Dawn, Niza and Yen right?"

Dennis asked the girl.

"That's weird cause you're talking to one of them right now."

The girl said as she was looking at Dennis, very confused.

"Yeap, you just look like your mother."

Dennis said and ran away after he noticed the girl was preparing her broom.

"Actually, no."

Dennis stopped to confront the person. He then realized that he had sword out and broke the broom in half.

"Do you know your father's or mother's name?"

Dennis asked. He wanted to make something clear before he does something else.

"My dad's name is Dennis while my Mother name is Claire."

"Ah, then you must be Dawn... You have grown a lot..."

Dennis dropped his guard and let go of his weapon. He understood now what's happening at the moment he got his answers. Dawn still got confused with the entire situation that she received a text that made her face turn red.

"You should answer that... Try to find your mother for me and go get your friends... We need to have a talk."

Dennis turned around and kept walking forward as he noticed the smell of fire nearby that he opened the door that lead to it. He saw a girl dressed in a red in an old fancy way working with fire. Dennis closed the door and kept going until he found a door locked.

"Ok, this room should be it..."

Dennis called out his weapon and pointed it at the door. He took a step back, trying to position himself and concentrate. He had waited for 3 minutes and thrusted his sword at the door to brake it. And on the other side, two people were on the ground.

"Ok... I better find them before I get lost."

Dennis said. As soon as the dust was gone, he noticed that he almost injured someone, but he then recognized the color of the hair.

"Yen? What the actual hell you doing here?"

Dennis said as he knew that was Yen since it was the name of his son, and apparently Yen was protecting someone.


Yen asks as he was protecting his sister. The only reason he asked is to confirm it.

"Of course is me, seems like you doing well with your friends and sisters."

Dennis said as he was cleaning his glasses.

"Wait, how did you get here...?"

Yen asks.

"Its kind of long story, but do you have something to contact everyone at once? Its kind of an emergency."

Dennis said as he putted back on his glasses.

"Yes, you can use this device to broadcast your voice to every room."

Yen handed over the device to Dennis as he helped her sister get up.

"Ok then, follow me."

As Dennis was trying to set the frequency to every room, he already explained everything to Yen, but Niza didn't understand most of it.

"Dad? Can you carry me?"

Niza asked. Dennis looked at her with the most confused stare.


Dennis crouched in order to let Niza get on his back. He knew that she probably got tired from the explanation.