
A memory from the past

At the hospital. Dennis was getting ready to get out of the hospital. As he was making sure that everything was in order. He then saw Obliviona standing by the window. She seemed lost at first, but she turned around and looked at Dennis with a concerned face.

[Dennis] "What's wrong?"

[Obliviona] "Have you noticed another ns nearby? Like this one is making its presence more clear..."

[Dennis] "Yea... I guess your right, I really haven't noticed till now, actually."

Dennis then noticed his own presence somewhere else. It made Dennis furious, but he calmed down after hearing someone knock on the door.

[Dennis] "Come in."

When the door opened, he saw Dj alongside Nidializ, Paige and Spike. He then noticed that Dj was holding something but from the looks of it, he hasn't shown it to no one. Dennis offered his own hand after knowing what Dj was up to. Dj then opened his hand and revealed a pendant that Zach gave to him, He then placed on Dennis's hand to look at it.

[Dennis] "Hmm... Now this brings back memories... "

As Dennis was holding on to the pendant. A light was coming out of it. Dennis then closed it to stop the light, but it forced its way out that engulfed the entire room, taking everyone in to an old memory.


It was the year 2015. During the last month of the year. The kingdom of mages, Etheria, was having a contest of magic. During that time, Dennis and Dj where competing for the duo's cup as Claire, Paige and Spike cheered them on. And at the same time. The light that took Dennis and his friends dropped them inside one of the empty VIP spectator rooms. They all landed on the floor without being harmed. It took some time for them to understand what was going on, but they all heard fanfare.

[Nidializ] "Did we got sent to another place?"

[Spike] "More like a trip to the past if you ask me..."

They all gotten up from the floor and walked to the nearest window to see what's happening outside.

[Paige] "Hold on, are we at Etheria?"

[Obliviona] "Yeap, we are definitely in Etheria. There is a lot of high concentrated magic in the air..."

Obliviona mentioned it while being light-headed. She was trying to walk to the window that she even tripped down. Luckily, Dennis catch Obliviona and helped her stand. As they were standing in front of the window. They all heard a small static coming from a solid polished crystal orb floating in the middle of an arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we will now announce the finalist for the last round!!! They have come far and fought hard to reach top... Give it up for the rookie dream team, Dennis and Dj!!!!"

As their names were announced. Dennis and Dj where confused and kept staring until they saw their past selves walking up the stage.

[Dj] "Dude, check it out."

[Dennis] "Well I'll be dammed. This fight should be interesting."

When the past versions of Dennis and Dj where standing on the red side of the stage. Dennis past version was using a brown coat with a military insignia on it while Dj has taken off his red shirt, showing off his built body that made the crowd go wild. They were both ready for what's coming and waited in position to start the fight. Then the announcer called out the champion team that holds the title of the best duo.

"And now we present you the champion team!!" They were both trained by our beloved queen of and our kingdom's future leaders!! Give it up to magic inspiring lover dynamic duo, Lady Winter & Prince Frost!!"

The crowd went wild, cheering after hearing the name of the champions, and as they've been called. As the champion team was walking out. Dennis and Dj saw Lady Winter dressed in all white, a slight gray toned hair with silver eyes while Prince Frost was dressed as royalty with a black and white regalia, he as well had black hair and white eyes. And as they both got up to the stage. Both teams had a few minutes to smack talk at each other before getting ready to fight. Dennis was cracking a few bones on his left arm and walked forward alongside Dj. When they have gotten close to the champion team, they started looking at each other from top to bottom.

[Prince Frost] "What are you looking at?"

The first to respond was Dennis that was standing in front of the prince. Then it got followed up by Dj.

[Past Dennis] "Oh its nothing. I just wanted to have a closer look at who we are facing."

[Past Dj] "You two seem strong but we still not going to lose!"

Dennis and Dj smiled at the champions and as it was their turn to talk back.

[Lady Winter] "You kid should give up while you have the chance. It will be a shame using my magic on children with no experience."

[Prince Frost] "Hey Winter, why don't you give them a demonstration when the fight starts?"

[Lady Frost] "With pleasure...."

After the talk was over. Both teams went to their corresponding sides and waited for the match to start with a countdown.

[Dennis, Dj, Spike and Paige] "Aww crap."

[Nidializ] "Did something bad happened?"

Dennis was the first to take notice of Nidializ's question and responded.

[Dennis] "It hasn't, but this fight was one of the tough fights in history..."

Nidializ gasped after hearing Dennis and payed close attention to the fight that was about to start.

"Both teams are ready!! Once the bell rings you can start fighting in five... four.... three... two... one... Let the battle begin!!"

As they heard the bell all over the place. The past versions of Dennis and Dj where on their guards after sensing a high concentrated magic spell from Winter. Even the current Dennis and Dj knew how bad would it be.

[Lady winter] "Why don't you two have a true taste of pure magic!!"

Winter called out a magic staff with her left hand and pointed it at Dennis. Dennis then noticed that Winter was charging a spell. He then took off his brown coat and dropped it on the ground. He then went charging at Winter with a right fist. But sadly, he was stopped by Frost that was standing in the way.

[Prince Frost] "I won't let you even lay a hand on her."

Frost then pulled out a sword that he had on his hilt and pointed it at Dennis. He was in a bad spot since he at close range from Frost's sword until Dj came in from Dennis right side and gave Frost an upper-cut that sent him flying. This gave an opportunity for Dennis to take out Winter, but he followed Frost instead.

[Past Dennis] "Dj, give me a boost!"

[Past Dj] "You got it!!"

Dj then gave a few steps back to give Dennis some time to get ready. As Dennis was looking at Winter, still charging her spell.

[Past Dennis] "You going to use a high tier ice spell..."

Dennis then aimed his left hand at Winter as it was lighted up by fire. He then gave a confident smile at his opponent as he was getting ready to take the fight to the sky.

[Past Dennis] "Sadly, I have bad news to you. Me and my friend fought hard to make here, and we will not lose to the likes of you!"

Dennis then closed his left hand and formed it into a fist, then he reopened his hand and showed all the elements that he could use. And beyond all the elements, the current Dennis noticed something peculiar out loud.

[Dennis] "Holy magic..."

When Dennis called out one of his past self elements, he then saw himself running at Dj to get lifted into the air. As Dennis went after Frost, Dj stayed on the ground and sat down with his legs crossed looking at Winter. Dj was smiling as he had his eyes closed.

[Lady Winter] "What is that boy doing?"

Meanwhile, at the sky. Dennis was in pursuit of Frost. Once he got close, he tried to punch Frost with his right hand. But Frost blocked it with his sword and sent Dennis back to the ground. As Dennis was descending, he snapped his fingers from his left hand that gave Dj a signal.

Back on the ground. Dj heard Dennis finger snap, and he immediately punched the floor to his left side with his left hand. After that, a stone pillar raised at Dennis direction. Dennis then looked at Frost directly in his eyes while a strong wind was making him descend. As Dennis landed on the stone pillar, it was half the size of the stage. Frost took notice and landed with Dennis as they were ready to continue the fight.

[Past Dennis] "Dj!! Get ready to make your move! We only have minutes before she has her spell ready!!"

[Past Dj] "Got it!!"

Dj was walking towards Winter as he was building up power for when the time is right. While Dennis created elemental swords, he had both his hands together as he was building up magic.

[Prince Frost] "What's your next trick? A barrage of spells? I can easily take you down in seconds."

[Past Dennis] "And I can take you down in an instance... So come at me!"

[Prince Frost] "You asked for it!!"

As Frost was about to attack Dennis. He ended up falling on to his trap. The moment Frost swung his sword at Dennis, his body vanished.

[Prince Frost] "Where did he go!?!"

Frost was looking everywhere until he felt an enormous amount of magic coming from the sky. He turned around to see what it was. And once he saw the sky, he saw Dennis dropping with something behind on his back. But with a closer look. Dennis had behind him eight elemental swords.

[Past Dennis] "Unlimited magic.... Eight divine swords!!"

Dennis was controlling four swords with each hand. He had the fire, water, ice and lightning elements on his right hand while he had earth, wind, dark and holy on his left hand. He then crossed his arms together as he aimed at the pillar. As the swords drop fast and got stuck on the pillar, it made a circle that surrounded Frost.

[Prince Frost] "What is this!?"

[Both Dennis's] "Ultimate... sword blitz..."

The current Dennis and his past looked away. As a mirage of himself appeared behind Frost and moved swiftly and grabbed all the swords and attacked from all directions. By the time attack stopped, the original Dennis was standing in front of Frost and he gave him a light tap that knocked him down. After that, the crowd went wild and was cheering for Dennis. But during the same time, Winter was done with her spell.

"Seems like they took frost out first, but its all up to Winter to take it all home folks!!"

The crowd cheered for winter as she was aiming her staff at the sky.

[Lady Winter] "Artic fall!!"

The sky got cloudy, covering away the sun. As the area was getting colder, Dennis and Dj knew what's happening. They both looked at sky and noticed ice particles drop by one by one.

[Past Dennis & Dj] "It's on!!'

Dennis dive in at Winter while Dj charged in. But as soon as both of them got in range. An ice pillar was standing on their way as four giant shards of ice drop and raise from the ground, turning the stage into Winter's plain field. Dennis and Dj dogged while trying to regroup at the stone pillar.

[Past Dj] "What's the plan?"

[Past Dennis] "Easy, just go all out with magic!"

[Past Dj] "Sounds good to me!"

Dennis and Dj where ready to end the fight with a last push. As they got in to position. Dj was on a fighter's position while Dennis was focusing a high tier mixed elemental spell. They both looked at each other and nodded, then they noticed winter on the highest ice pillar.

[Lady Winter] "You two can't handle the sheer amount of cold at this rate, just give up already!!"

[Past Dennis & Dj] "In your dreams!!"

Dj was standing in front of Dennis while having fire to cover his fists. Dennis was behind Dj and had his spell ready. He then tapped Dj's back to give him a signal that it's time to move. As Dj gave the first step, he jumped down on to an ice shard and Dennis followed him.

Along their way, pillars made of ice were blocking the way. But Dj punched every single pillar till it made an opening for Dennis. Dennis took notice of it and jumped in front of Dj for an extra boost.

[Past Dj] "Give it everything you got!!"

Dj then sent one flaming punch that was following Dennis. Dennis nodded and went for it as he passed thru the opening that got closed.

On the other side. Dennis was approaching Winter after his magic attack while she aimed her staff at him. He then turned around and grabbed flaming fist with his left hand and used it as a shield from a sudden ice beam that came out from Winter's staff. As Dennis pushed through. He was in a good range that he was pushing his right hand at Winter.

[Lady Winter] "(His getting close... I should use a defensive-)"

Winter was talking to herself in her mind until Dennis was about to attack. She quickly put on a guard and Dennis went for it.

[Past Dennis] "Ultra blast..."

Everyone heard Dennis calling out his spell once it touched Winter. It sent her flying off the stage that it took away the ice. As a moment of peace and declaration of victory, Dennis noticed that he had used most of his stamina on magic and fell. Luckily, Dj catches Dennis in time as it announces them as the champions.

"As you have seen it, folks. The winners are Dennis and Dj!! The rookie dream team have beaten the champions!!"

A trophy appeared in front of Dennis and Dj. Dj put Dennis down so that they both grab it and to be taken a picture. During that time. A light engulfed the VIP room that took everyone back to the present. Once they all returned to the present time, they all remember what happened and left the hospital to head back to the house with no other words to be said.

Two more chapters to go before reaching 70 chapters on volume 1!! Once chapter 70 starts, it will be 10 chapters with the same tittle since its related to that same. It can as well be 5 but it depends on how long the chapter becomes.

If you have questions on what direction the story should be going. Leave a coment, share and mark this book into your collections so you wont miss out on the latest updates and chapters. Hope you all enjoy reading!!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts