
GDI At Nier

What do you think will happen when a regular Command and Conquer GDI gamer is put in a world of Nier with the power of commanding an army? Well, total chaos of course. ........ This Story is going to be focusing on both the character and the consequences of every step the OC has done. Upload every Tuesday and Friday

Souleye123 · Videojogos
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32 Chs

Rescue Mission

Meanwhile... during the Battle for Hiroshima

The entire city of Hiroshima had transformed into a war zone.

The GDI Force had strategized a two-front assault. The first assault was launched from Hatsukaich in the west, while the second came from the north of Hiroshima.

Utilizing the V-35 Ox, they successfully transported vehicles and infantry to the north of Hiroshima with the primary objective of engaging the enemy machines.

However, due to a scarcity of machines from the previous battles, Hiroshima was gradually falling under the control of the androids. The slow but powerful Mammoth Tanks, supported by Firehawks, Orcas, and Hammerheads, were decimating the last remnants of the machine army, turning the tide of the war in favor of the androids and humanity.


Meanwhile, Sparkling Jewels and YoRHa Squad had managed to locate the underground facility where a human was last captured. Navigating through the murky sewage and breaking down a concrete wall, they finally unveiled the concealed facility.

Curiously walking down the dimly lit hallways, 7B spoke up, "How did the humans even know that the captured human was here?"

Curiously walking down the hallways, 7B asked, "How did the humans know that the captured human is here?"

Unbeknownst to them, it was the Commander's secret power of real-time strategy that had guided them to this location.

As Sparkling Jewels and YoRHa delved deeper into the enemy machine network building, they encountered resistance in the form of small stubby machines and medium biped units. However, their combined power rendered these obstacles insignificant.

During their exploration, 7B, a battle model with vibrant red hair and a blindfold, couldn't contain her curiosity and asked, "Hey, what's it like to directly serve humans?"

Oceana, an android being questioned, responded, "Well, it's not as special as you think. We were just the first androids manufactured by the GDI Force."

The other members of YoRHa pretended not to pay attention to their conversation.

"I'm so jealous!" exclaimed 7B. "We never had the chance to meet humans, but you got to meet our creators right from the start! And to top it off, you were the very first androids ever manufactured. What kind of human luck did you have?"

Oceana nervously chuckled, "Hahaha... it's not as glamorous as it sounds."

4D, the leader of YoRHa Squad, decided to intervene, "Alright, enough talking. Let's focus on the mission and keep moving."

7B stared at 4D and provocatively added, "...Are you jealous, 4D?" The remark caught 4D off guard, causing the rest of the squad to burst into laughter.

"Sh-shut up!" retorted 4D, trying to maintain her composure.

As the Sparkling Jewls and YoRHa delved deeper into the underground corridors of the enemy machine network, the surroundings grew increasingly dim. The lack of light added an eerie atmosphere to their mission. However, their trusty Pods, ever reliable, activated their illuminating functions, casting a soft glow that illuminated their path.

"Keep close and follow the light. We need to stay focused and aware of our surroundings." Robert said

With the Pods casting their gentle glow, the team proceeded cautiously, their footsteps echoing through the dim corridors. The light revealed a complex network of machinery and the faint hum of enemy operations. They remained alert, prepared for any surprises that lay ahead.

Suddenly, explosions and gunfire erupted from above, showering them with dust and debris.

"We should hurry. I don't want us to get trapped down here," 4D urged, and they all began running.

They encountered walls and structures made from unfamiliar materials. The construction seemed to be derived from the machine network's vast database.

"What is this place?" inquired 2B, her curiosity piqued.

9S, who had been silent until now, replied, "I don't know. There's no record of anything like this in our database."

As the Sparkling Jewels and the selected YoRHa members venture deeper into the underground, their anticipation grows. Their mission to locate the human survivors takes an unexpected turn when they enter a wide-open that is dark

As Sparkling Jewels and the selected members of YoRHa ventured deeper into the underground, anticipation filled the air. Their mission to locate human survivors took an unexpected turn as they entered a wide-open, dark room.

As the hatch opened, revealing a beam of light, they stumbled upon a startling discovery.

Before them lay the lifeless corpse of an alien—an entity believed to be the creator of the Machine Network, their relentless enemy. The sight left the androids momentarily stunned, their minds racing with questions.

"Is that the one responsible for all of this?" 7B asked, her voice filled with curiosity, inching closer to the lifeless being.

2B was taken aback, her disbelief evident in her voice, "I can't believe it. The very being responsible for all this destruction... dead?"

"Everyone, look!" exclaimed Paul, pointing towards the outside hatch.

As they peered outside, they saw something they never expected.

An alien mothership in ruins.

Confusion and disbelief filled the air upon discovering the lifeless body of the machine network's creator and the destroyed alien mothership. In the midst of the tense atmosphere, a commanding voice cut through, capturing their attention.

"Welcome to the graveyard of our creator," the voice echoed through the room



Apologies for the brevity of this chapter, but fear not, the next one will be an epic journey spanning over 3000 words. So, stay tuned and don't miss out!

As always, I kindly request you to leave a review and share your valuable suggestions in the comment section. Your feedback fuels my creativity and helps me improve.

If you're eager to dive into the next thrilling chapter, you can find it exclusively on my Patreon page at patreon.com /Souleye123.

Until next time, my dear readers, I bid you farewell. See you next Friday! Byeeee.

..Oh any if anybody notice I use Chatgpt on the description