

(Commander Pov)

We start heading to the nearest Landing pad and wait for the transport to arrive.

Once the V-35 Ox arrive we quickly went inside to take a sit and the transport fly off

The rest of YoRHa was curious about the new transport they never Saw and look at every bit of parts.

"I never see Transport as this" 1D said

I look at the one that asks "You are currently inside the most famous V-35 Ox, and you are going to see a LOT of it in the military because us human we love using this thing"

"Hehh and what is it used for?" 9S ask me

"The V-35 Ox is a multipurpose VTOL aircraft capable of carrying vehicles and infantry quickly to the battlefield. And as you can see It has 2 powerful VTOL engines left and right side, and it only needs little resource just to power up the aircraft Because it is using VTOL engine"

"Why has android never used this? it Will be extremely useful consider android has a lack of transport" 9S ask me again, everyone nod at 9S reason and look at me

I touch my Chin while thinking to myself 'I can not tell him because we never meet each other from the start, gonna make some bullshit reason' "There are a lot of reasons, first was the armour is too weak. Just one shot to the plane and it will cripple the aircraft, second is that it can not carry someone with too much weight as it Will slow down the transport if it is slow down too much then the reason why we make a fast-moving transport Will failed miserably"

"Oh.... so does that mean we are heavy?" 4B said frowning

I Sweatdrop from her reason and Dodge her question "A-anyways We are currently developing V-40 Ox, it has 4 powerful VTOL engines capable of carrying more tanks and maybe the heavy one to the battlefield, but.... that's for another time"

"Then what about the one you use at the factory?" 9S keeps asking me Question

"Uhh, You mean the huge vehicles at the factory last time?" He nod at me "That's Mobile Command Center or Kodiak, it is used to give orders from up close while going invisible without dangering any Officer inside, But... we are only able to make one with such tight resources"

"Hmmm." 9S nods at my reason

"We are almost there," The pilot said in the background

They keep looking from the window with curious face, until one of them notices something.

"Is that where we are heading?" 2B said while pointing her hand

I look where she point and look over the window

I smile at seeing the familiar place "Yeah Welcome to Pentagon"



The Pentagon is the command center of the United States Department of Defense, and it is responsible for the following:

- Gathering Intelligent lead by InOps

- Controlling the entire Military branch.

- (Under Construcstion)

{Give out ideas on what I should add}


Once the transport land the hatch opens and we come out of the transport


"Of course it is, This place is responsible for gathering intelligence, controlling the Military, and many more important things"

Once we are inside we saw many parts still under construction inside the pentagon

"As you can see it is still under construction and many parts of the building are not finished, so be careful where you walk" I give them a little warning

We continue the walk until we arrive at my personal office

I look at the door that is now my personal office 'Asking for a gamer to lead got damn city? what has my life turned into' I sigh before grabbing the handle for the door

"Come in" I open the door and we enter my office "Take a sit" I point to a free sit and all of them take a sit

Once all of them got comfortable I begin the talk "Now the reason I capture you all is....." I take a deep breath before answering

"YoRHa was compromised, it is being watched by a machine"

They wait for a second until All of them were alerted by hearing this news

"W-what do you mean?" 9S was the first one to freak out at this news

"Don't you all feel weird? every time you descend down it is like they know when to keep their air defense up and the result? massive casualty"

"..." 9S wants to argue but he starts having a flashback of memory

Of course, everybody already suspected something was wrong from how fast they responded every time they descended. Did they have a good radar? how did they have a massive defense for anti-air like they expect us to come back at the factory.

"B-but is there proof? maybe the machine is just lucky" 12H said in the background

"...There is proof, take a look at this" I throw the report to the table, 1D grab the report, and look at it

She keeps flipping the book until her expression turns into disbelief "This is..."

"Report of casualty, and it is such a high one none the less" I answer with some bitterness in it

Sparkling jewels have managed to go to the 'Black Market' and manage to gather all important information on how they are doing like for example, what kind of operation they are doing, what kind of territory they have to manage how is the situation of the outside world.

From the information they have gathered, they have factories all over the world, and the location is secret but we only know that's where they make the android or launch a rocket to Moon 'for supply' even though we are not there.... but that's not the point. The point is that we know that they keep bringing success by locating and destroying high-value targets, for example, Machine factories, Engles, and many more after the Project YoRHa was announced.

Even though I said the success the casualty rate is pretty high, and I can not believe nobody notices it or talked about it.

"But... there are still some successes we have to manage to done" 1D with a timid voice after reading the report

"The one that is not affected is the one that is not harming the machine or thinking it is not important to defend, I mean come on! they can build a got damn factory just by sleeping I bet."

"We manage to clear the entire pacific!" 4B says with a pride

"It is fucking water! there is nothing important that can be gathered there for the machine to use, and if they do need it they can just make more." I counter her argument

All of their moods go down a lot after talking to me and they all look soo dead in their expression

"As I was saying, we already suspected something was not right from such high casual every time you all decent down. Even stealth was not an option seeing they knew our move every time YoRHa was doing Operation, and so the only conclusion is that either there is a traitor inside the bunker that is a high officer which I doubt because the one that gave the order is only Commander White her self, or there is a being who is watching every move using the server"

"W-wait so you mean that we have a machine present in YoRHa?!" 9S was getting more freak out every minute

"....Yeah and the worst part is that Anyone that is connected to the server is exposed to the machine Network"

"T-That mean..." 2B turns her expression to fear

"All of Operator, Pods Network and Commander White herself is exposed to the machine without knowing, and they are being toyed by the machine"

"W-wait so are we affected by the machine too?" the other android was alerted by this

All of them looked at me in fear, but they were surprised to see me not doing anything

"Suprise? just like I said, you are only exposed if you are connected to the server, right now all of you are safe" All of their sight in relief but 1 girl was shaking

"S-so that means everyone is d-danger" 4B keeps stuttering and shaking in the horror of hearing this news

I immediately run to her and touch her hand to Calm her down "Calm down, take a deep breath"

"..." her shaking but calming down a little bit

"We are here together remember? to get rid of the threat that infesting the bunker for good"

she calm down a bit after hearing my reason

"..Sorry" 4B look down in Shame

"It's fine, at least you calm down" I let go of my arms but she grabs My hand again

"4B...?" I was confused by her act

She giggles to herself "...Hehehehe I am touching the creator's hand"

I shake my head from her reason and pull my hand away from her

"...You must have a plan to stop it," 1D said trying to get to the point

"Yeah, the only way to stop them from watching is to hack the YoRHa server and go to the backdoor, and once you're there we wait for who over there to come out after that you cut their escape root and trap them,"

"That's why you capture me," 9S said

"Yep, another reason is that you are the most talented Scanner we could find" When I said the word 9S got embarrassment, and other androids a bit envious of 9S position

"I wish I was a scanner model" one of the androids mumbled

While the other android is jealous 1D has a question "But what about us? why did you capture us too if you need 9S help?"

I think for a moment and head to the nearest window "There are not a lot of reasons, first is I just need all of your help to gather as many Scanner models as possible to help 9S to find the one that compromises the YoRHa server" I look at them "And if possible capture it, but do not underestimate our enemy if capture is impossible you have the go-ahead to wipe out whatever hack the server" I remind them again on how dangerous our enemy is.

"Now if you succeed in either killing or capturing it, humanity and android maybe have a key to end the cycle of war once and for all" some of them were excited when hearing this

"But If you fail the mission, not only will you be wanted by YoRHa, but the extinction of mankind will draw near and we may as well lose the war"

"I am not going to lie to all of you, this task is the worst job on the board, but are all of you still going to do it?"

All of them stay quiet but 1D immediately stands up.

"...Is it not obvious or answer Will be?" 1D said with confidence the other follow suit

"So you have made your decision"

"Yes, we Will do it!" All of them said

"Even if you manage to fail, and are wanted by YoRHa?"

"We will not fail!"

After looking at their determination, I smile at them "Good, Before all of you go, follow me"