
Chapter Thirty-Three: Off to Snip Hips!

 The sky was tinged the palest apricot when Sunny woke up. It was still and quiet, the only sound was the grandfather clock in the hall ticking softly, and Bracken's soft nasally snore. She glanced down to the foot of her bed and spotted the Watcher rolled up in the tee shirt he had grown so fond of. She looked up at the ceiling and considered going back to sleep but there was too much to do!

 She pushed her feet out from under the covers and slowly sat up with her bare feet resting on the small rag rug. She needed to keep herself as busy as possible! These feelings she was having were new and were as shocking as they were pleasurable! She sat there looking down at her toes digging into the rug there was a soft knock at her door. She got up and cracked the door. It was Tully. 

 "Our girl is awake and the fever's broken."

 Sunny smiled thankfully. "I'm so glad!" she cheered softly. "I'll be down in a little bit."

 "No hurry," Tully remarked, "Lucy and Cassie arrived a little bit ago with breakfast. The small army they've recruited will be here in an hour to receive their orders."

 She nodded. Already she could hear stirring down in the kitchen. The smell of fresh brewing coffee reached her. "I smell coffee – and bacon!"

 Bracken stirred from his nest and stretched his gangly arms over his head. When he smelled food cooking downstairs, he bounded to the windowsill and looked out. "Many wagons, many horses."

 "They're going to help us make medicine," Sunny replied and opened the bedroom door wide. She looked down the hall toward the bathroom. The door was open, so she guessed it was free. "We're going today to harvest rose hips."

 Bracken looked at her, poked his head out the window looked around, and leaped off the sill to land on the bed. "No Watchers; no ravens, all quiet-quiet."

 "No one out spying?" Sunny asked. "That's unusual." She closed the door to the bathroom and washed her face, brushed her teeth, and combed her long russet hair into a loose ponytail. When she returned to her bedroom, Bracken was gone. She walked to her clothes closet and looked in. Her hand paused over the stack of neatly folded blue jeans. They no longer had the same appeal as they had before. Instead, she began looking through her assortment of dresses. She found a long light sage green tunic that had a sash tied in the back. It was highly embroidered with tone-on-tone green leafy vines. A long butter-yellow gown was to be worn underneath and it was embroidered with tiny white flowers and pale green leaves. She pulled on a pair of soft leather sandals and looked at herself in the full-length oval mirror that stood in one corner of the bedroom. Sunny smiled, she liked what she saw. She walked down the hall to Fiona's bedroom, the door was open, and she saw Cassie sitting at Fiona's bedside with a breakfast tray.

 "I'm glad to see you sitting up, Aunt Fiona. How are you feeling?" Sunny asked coming into the room.

 Fiona smiled up at Sunny, "Oh I am much better!"

 "But not well!" Cassie cautioned, wagging a warning finger. "You're better, but not well enough to get out of bed."

 Fiona chuckled lightly. "No, not that well." She lifted the lid of the plate cover to peer at what was waiting for her. "Light fare I see, and plenty of liquids."

 Sunny sat in the chair that was opposite Cassie, "We're going to be collecting enough materials so that if there are more cases of illness, you won't have to worry about gathering up and making up supplies. You'll just be able to dispense them until you're back on your feet."

 Fiona nodded solemnly. "I'll give you the treatments for Lady Margaret, she's going to need a visit today – if possible."

 Sunny nodded. "I can deliver for you. Hugh can come and pick up what's needed -- until you're fully recovered."

 Cassie took the lid off the plate and positioned the breakfast tray over Fiona's lap. "Now you have your breakfast and I'll go brew you some tea." She looked at Sunny, "You need to eat a good breakfast, you're going to be busy today. I'll be here with Fiona."

 Sunny got to her feet and gently hugged Fiona's shoulders. "I'll be back after breakfast to collect the treatments for Lady Margaret."

 Fiona nodded silently. Cassie got to her feet, "I'll be back in a tic," she said cheerfully, "You work on that breakfast!" Fiona took Sunny's hand in her own. "It looks like we're beginning our training sooner than we expected."

 "I hadn't a chance to tell you," Sunny began and sat down on the bedside opposite where Cassie had been sitting. "I called and talked to Mama and Daddy. I told them both that I was staying here in Ballencoo."

 Fiona looked surprised, "You did? What did your mother say?"

 Sunny smiled tightly. "Well, Mama tried to convince me to come home, but somehow I got through to her and Daddy both, that being here in Ballencoo is what I am to do."

 "And you are certain that this is what you want?" Fiona asked.

 Sunny nodded and pointed to the plate of scrambled eggs and dry toast on the tray, "It is – now you eat your breakfast, Aunt Fiona. I'll be back after I eat to see what needs to be done for Lady Margaret."

 "Aye," Fiona replied.

 Sunny went downstairs and was greeted by Lucy who was bustling around in the kitchen. She filled a plate and waved Sunny to the kitchen table. Cassie was preparing the willow bark tea for Fiona and paused to fill up a cup with coffee. Sunny tucked into the hearty breakfast with relish. About midway through her meal, she felt a tug on her skirt. She passed down several muffins and several strips of thick cut bacon to Bracken.

 Lucy seemed pleased with her apparent hearty appetite and prepared a small sack to take with her. Cassie brought down the tray announcing to her pleasure that most of the plate prepared for Fiona was empty as well. Lucy was tidying up when a knock at the kitchen door made them all pause and look. It was Tully who poked his head in and announced: "The troops have arrived!" Someone called his name and he waved cheerfully and ducked back outside to greet them.

 Lucy nodded, "I'll go out and let them know what they're to look for," she looked over at Sunny, "Did you have anything else you wanted us to harvest?"

 Sunny shook her head, getting to her feet. "I don't think so. I'll go find out what needs to go to Lady Margaret from Aunt Fiona and then deliver it out to Thornefield. Once that's done, I'll head over to the Arch to start harvesting the rose hips."

 "We will meet here just past two o'clock," Lucy said and nodded to Cassie, "Keep an eye on Fiona – if she's feeling even a little bit better, you know she'll be trying to get up out of bed."

 "I'll make sure she stays put!" Cassie declared.

 Lucy left and Sunny picked up a pad and pencil from the kitchen counter and went upstairs. She saw that Fiona was still sitting up in bed with Bracken perched at the end of her bed still munching on a piece of bacon.

 Sunny walked in and greeted Fiona with a warm smile, "I'm glad you're still feeling well enough to sit up."

 Fiona returned the smile, "Cassie's not going to let me sit up much longer, she's brewing up a nice comfort tea," She nodded to Bracken, "Would you go down to the apothecary and bring up my travel kit?"

 Bracken hopped down from the bed and was out the window and gone in a flash. Sunny shook her head in dismay, "How does he do that? He's like a slippery eel!"

 Fiona chuckled lightly. "He's a slippery one all right."

 "So, anything I need to know before I head out to Lady Margaret's?" Sunny asked.

 "No," Fiona said with a sigh, "Not really. I had already prepared the next two courses of treatment and had planned on taking it out to her, but with that young girl falling ill so suddenly, it completely went out of my mind."

 Bracken appeared at the windowsill with the large well-worn leather satchel. He had the straps over one shoulder to have both arms and legs free to scale up the side of the house. He hopped up on the bed deposited the satchel on Fiona's lap and returned to his spot at the foot of the bed.

 Fiona opened the satchel and pulled out two small brown paper bundles. One bundle was tied with dark blue cotton string and the other was tied with red cotton string. "Blue to begin this week and red the next week. By that time, I should be up and about. If not, then I will at least be able to go downstairs and prepare the bundles for Cassie to deliver for me." 

 Sunny nodded and watched as Fiona took the satchel straps and quickly converted them over so that the straps were long enough to wear over an adult's shoulder. "It's been quite a long time since I wore this satchel over my shoulder, but I'm glad it was made to be carried either way." Fiona then put the bundles back in the satchel and handed it over to Sunny.

 Sunny put it over her shoulder and adjusted it slightly, "Perfect!"

 "Now you be careful with Orion," Fiona told her, "He is unpredictable!"

 "I promise," Sunny said and got to her feet. She laid a cool hand over Fiona's brow and was pleased to find no fever. "You promise to rest and do what Cassie says."

 Fiona sighed heavily. "Aye, I promise."

 Sunny glanced over at Bracken, "You staying or coming with me?"

 Bracken shrugged his shoulders, "Not know, you bring "choc-o-lots"?"

 Sunny mimicked the Watcher's shrug. "I might, but I do know Lucy's put up a sack of eats for me to take with me in case I get hungry."

 Bracken's large basset hound eyes rolled as he calculated what goodies would be packed in the sack. "I go."

 "See you downstairs then," Sunny replied. "I'll be back soon, Aunt Fiona."

 Fiona waved from her bed then looked down to the end of the bed at Bracken, "Keep good watch over her,"

 Bracken nodded solemnly. "I watch."

 Downstairs Sunny went into the kitchen and took the tiffin that Lucy had left for her on the table. She swung the satchel around and opened it. There were three sections, the center section held the bundles to be delivered to Lady Margaret. She tucked the sack into the outside pocket.

 She went into the apothecary and looked under the large worktable. In a woven basket, Sunny found several large muslin bags, with drawstring closures. These she would use to put the harvested rose hips in. In another workbasket, she found a pair of shears. She tucked all the items into the pocket next to her side. Bracken joined her. He dropped lightly down to the worktable and peered over the side where Sunny was hunkered down looking for another set of smaller shears.

 "We go to the Arch?"

 Sunny jumped and scowled at the creature. "Dammit Brat – stop doing that!"

 Bracken grinned and giggled happily at being able to startle her. "You not seeing all!"

 She stood up and tucked the smaller set of shears into the pouch of the satchel. "Well, I wasn't expecting you to be creeping around!"

 Bracken cackled and jumped into the rafters and disappeared. She sighed heavily and went out into the hallway to collect Orion's bridle and bareback saddle from the storage closet under the stairs. Cassie came in from the back door, "That white terror is out back waiting for you!"

 Sunny smiled and decided to leave through the kitchen door. She walked through and Cassie opened the door for her. "Thanks, Cassie. I'll be back as soon as I can."

 "Not to worry," Cassie replied. "When Lucy gets back with her harvesters, we'll start cleaning the elderberries and sorting out what they've all brought back."

 Orion approached Sunny as she stepped into the backyard. He sent Cassie a baleful look and snorted loudly. She stepped back into the kitchen and closed the door. She continued to look warily out the small window.

 "You shouldn't do that," Sunny told Orion. "Everyone thinks you're a holy terror."

 Orion tossed his head in agreement then lowered it to accept the bridle. Sunny placed the bareback saddle and buckled the cinch snugly, careful not to have the strap pinch around his middle. He crouched and Sunny climbed up and settled herself. "I need to drop medicines to Thornefield and then I'll need to go harvest as many rose hips as I can."

 ["We travel to the Arch?"] Orion asked, his voice in her head was a light baritone and she nodded.

 ["That's where the best rose hips grow."] 

 Orion turned and headed to the road at the front of the cottage. Once out in the open, he began to quickly move into an easy trot. His gait was incredibly smooth, and Sunny was thoroughly enjoying the outing. They moved out over the large pasture and topped the hill that looked down over the Thorne encampment. Orion's brilliant white hide was hard to miss as they paused at the top of the hill. He pawed the earth impatiently but waited as Sunny waved to the group of young boys who were tending to the horses in the roped pen. Fox waved enthusiastically and came bounding up the hill to get a close look at the legendary Fury stallion and a chance to speak to Sunny.

 "Hullo!" He called, stopping a safe distance from Orion's hooves.

 "Good morning Fox," Sunny called.

 The ordinarily solemn boy was mesmerized by Orion. He stepped closer. "Da told me you were keeping the Fury stallion at your place."

 Sunny patted Orion's well-muscled shoulder, silently asking the Pookah to not startle the boy. "Orion will be staying at Laurel cottage and visiting Thornefield from time to time."

 Fox grinned knowingly and nodded sagely. "Aye, probably best with all those other wanna-be stallions in the captain's stable."

 Orion whickered in agreement and stamped his foot. ["I like this boy."]

 "He agrees with me!" Fox cheered and dared to step closer.

 "Fox, have you heard if anyone in your camp coming down with a fever or sudden sickness?" Sunny asked leaning forward toward the boy.

 "Not that I've heard," Fox murmured moving a step closer. He glanced over his shoulder and saw his friends coming up to steal a look at the infamous stallion.

 Orion shot a look down at Fox and the boy froze in place. Sunny looked out over the field then back to the boy. "I should be off to Thornefield. Give my regards to your parents."

 "Aye," Fox replied. "I will."

 As Orion moved past the boy, he lowered his head and nudged Fox's shoulder with his muzzle. The total thunderstruck look, coupled with the gasps from his friends was enough to send Fox floating back down the hill! Sunny grinned, "You've done a kind and wonderful thing, Orion." She said softly for Orion's ears only.

 Orion snorted loudly and moved off at a full canter toward Thornefield. After a few minutes, Orion took to the road, moving through the pastures and small shaded areas he didn't feel it was safe. Sunny frowned slightly at the change of direction. "You know something I don't?"

 ["There are always eyes watching the Daj Sultana!"] Orion grumbled, ["Being on an open road is the safest place for both of us."]

 Sunny glanced around and saw nothing but decided to heed the Pooka's warnings. That, and it looked 'normal' to see a horse traveling on the road rather than streaking through the woods.

 They topped the gentle rise and looked down on the large estate of Thornefield. The long road that cut through the fenced pastures with tall slender poplars to either side was a visual treat. In the left pasture was a flock of sheep and on the right Sunny spotted the young groomsman, Chris Poole riding one of the large Drum mares. Orion spotted the mare almost at the same time Chris Poole spotted Sunny and Orion and started over waving broadly to catch her attention. 

 ["She is coming into her season,"] Orion rumbled quietly, ["But she is not for me."

 "How do you know that?" Sunny asked under her breath, waving back to Poole.

  ["Fury explained what I was to do,"] Orion's voice was strong in her head, and listening to him now was like listening to Tully or Nicodemus speak. It made her wonder how old the Pookah was and what the culture was like in Ne'Media.

 Orion heard her thoughts and a rippling sound of laughter floated across her thoughts. Whatever he was going to say he fell silent and began to impatiently paw the dirt with one hoof. "Oi Miss, how is the Dannan feelin'?"

 "She's much better, thank you," Sunny returned. "The hard part is going to be keeping her in bed resting!"

 "Aye, true enough." He replied. "Master Hugh is up at the manor. You heading up to visit?"

 Sunny patted the satchel. "I'm making deliveries for Aunt Fiona."

 The young man nodded then smiled admiringly at Orion, "He is one magnificent beastie! I am still amazed to see you ridin' him!"

 "We have an understanding," Sunny replied.

 Orion swung his head around and glared at Poole then took a step forward. Sunny lifted her hand in farewell, "And I understand that we're moving on! Bye, Mr. Poole!" Orion stepped quickly into a trot putting as much space between Poole and himself as possible.

 The Pookah slowed down as he came into the courtyard. He did not much care for the enclosure and made sure he had a clear escape if it was necessary. Hugh appeared from the small office that was just inside the stables. He looked very surprised to see Sunny and even more so seeing Orion.

 "Hi, Hugh!" Sunny called and swung her leg over to slide off. Hugh stepped quickly up to help her, but Orion's head came around and he had to back away quickly before getting snapped at.

 Sunny dropped to the ground and once Orion had seen her safely at her destination, turned and trotted back out to the road to wait.

 "He's sure dodgy around everyone, isn't he?" Hugh murmured.

 "How are you?" Sunny asked ignoring Hugh's observations regarding Orion.

 Hugh grinned and put an arm around her shoulders. "I'm just fine; now that you're here. What do we owe the pleasure of your visit?"

 She laughed lightly. "I'm making deliveries for Aunt Fiona to your mother."

 "How is Fiona?" Hugh asked.

 "She's doing much better," Sunny said. "The fever's gone, it broke early this morning."

 They entered the manor and went directly into the solarium where Lady Margaret sat reading a magazine. Sunny felt oddly out of place in the presence of such normalcy. Less than three weeks ago, she would have never believed all of what had happened!

 Lady Margaret put her magazine down and held out her hands to take Sunny's hands in her own, "Oh my dear girl! Come and tell me; how is Fiona?"

 "The fever broke early this morning," Sunny reported. "I was really worried, but she's sitting up in bed and eating. I think the worst may be over."

 "The next trick will be making sure she stays in bed until she's completely over this illness." Lady Margaret replied. "If I know Fiona, she'll want to be up and about as soon as possible."

 "Well, I think I might have all that covered," Sunny said. "Cassie Cluny and Lucy Bishop came up this morning with harvesters to make sure there's enough elixirs and treatments for anyone else that becomes ill."

 Hugh and his mother exchanged looks, "Won't you be there to look out after Fiona?" Hugh asked.

 "Actually, I won't," Sunny replied. "I'm going home with the Dannan clan."

 "What? How long will you be gone?" Hugh demanded.

 "You'll be gone until August or September?" Lady Margaret said, "I remember the season Katie went home with her clan."

 "I'll be back to visit in August, but not officially back until September," Sunny said and she looked pointedly at Hugh. "It's all been arranged; I'll be staying in Ballencoo."

 "You are?" Hugh breathed softly. "What changed your mind?"

 Sunny chuckled and opened the satchel. "I've decided that I will take up the family profession." She took out two bundles and handed them to Lady Margaret. "Aunt Fiona says that the blue string-tied bundle is for beginning this week and the red string-tied bundle follows the week after that. Same instructions – make a nice hot tea and sweeten it with honey."

 Lady Margaret clutched the packages to her bosom and smiled. "I will do as instructed."

 "So, what happened to your plan to join that advertising firm? Is that on hold?" Hugh asked.

 "No," Sunny said. "Ballencoo is going to be my home. I'll learn everything I can from Aunt Fiona and while I'm with the Dannan clan I will learn everything I can from them."

 Hugh sat back in his chair, "Wow, I guess the Fury allure worked its magic!"

 Lady Margaret frowned at her son. "Why Hugh!"

 He sighed and looked apologetically at Sunny. "I'm sorry, Sunny. That sounded petty."

 "I'm staying in Ballencoo," Sunny told him. "But I do have to go with the clan. It's part of my training – if you will – if I'm to one day be the Dannan."

 He smiled. "I am happy you're staying here." He scrubbed the back of his neck in mild chagrin, "Just wish it had been because of me."

 Sunny smiled at Hugh and turned and patted Lady Margaret's hands gently, "I'm off to harvest rose hips. They're going to be needed and I don't want Aunt Fiona trying to get back to work too soon. She must rest."

 "I know Katie will want to help where she can," Lady Margaret said, "I can send her over whenever Fiona needs a bit of help."

 "I'll let Cassie know," Sunny replied. "She will be checking in on Aunt Fiona for a few weeks."

 Lady Margaret took Sunny's hands in her own and squeezed them gently again. "I'm glad you're staying, dear."

 Sunny nodded. "Me too!"

 Hugh walked out with Sunny. As they got to the gate Hugh stopped and faced her. "I've got to ask you something – and it's going to sound – it's going to sound like I'm an insane schoolboy ---," He paused. "Nicodemus Fury seems to be everywhere you are – he's all but told me to stay away from you – is there something between you two?" 

 Sunny took hold his Hugh's arm and gently shook it. "Hugh, what is between me and Nicodemus Fury --,"

 "Katie said that you and Fury were bound together just yesterday --- I don't exactly know what the hell that means – but bound; bound for Christ's sake!"

 She looked up into his conflicted moss green eyes and saw for the first time his desire to possess her heart and the longing attraction. She had seen something similar and twisted in Jason's eyes on the bridge and now she was seeing a milder version in Hugh's eyes. His heart was wounded and still broken by the woman Fiona had told her about; Catherine. It was part of the gift Sunny had that drew wounded men to her. Hugh's body and soul were wounded and what he felt when he was near her convinced him was love – it wasn't.

 "I cannot share with you the ceremony," Sunny began, "I can tell you this: When candidates are selected to return home with the Dannan clan, they must have a sponsor; someone who will be responsible for the candidate's safety while away from their family. Nicodemus Fury will be my sponsor and that's all there is between us."

 Hugh blinked at her, frozen in place as he processed what she had said. He took a deep steadying breath and nodded finally, "All right, Sunny. Katie was dodgy about that too. But are you sure about this? Going off with people you hardly know – for nearly six months?"

 "It's necessary, Hugh," Sunny told him. "There's a lot to be sorted out and I can only do that by going with the Dannan clan."

 "Will you be able to call?" Hugh asked. "I know some of the Badger and Wolfe clans have cell phones."

 "No, but I can write," Sunny said with a smile.

 He nodded silently. He looked up as he heard hooves on the cobblestones in the courtyard. It was Orion. He came up and whinnied, tossing his head, and snorting at the fence that stood between him and Sunny. He glared at Hugh as he opened the gate for Sunny to pass through. When Hugh took Sunny's elbow, Orion moved toward him head down and ears flattening on his head. Hugh immediately let go and stepped back away from Sunny, his hands up in surrender.

 She checked the cinch strap and made sure it was not pinching anywhere. She turned to Hugh, "I'll be heading out with the Dannan clan sometime tomorrow evening. I hope to see you before I leave."

 "I'll drop by to see you," Hugh responded then angled a look at Orion, "Inside your kitchen is one place that he can't fit!"

 Sunny stepped away from Orion and reached out for Hugh's hand. He took her hand in both of his and gently squeezed it. "Be careful out there."

 She nodded and turned back to Orion. "Off to the Arch to snip some hips."

 Orion crouched and Sunny climbed into the saddle. Once she was settled, Orion took one last look at Hugh where he stood leaning heavily on his cane that was tucked tight in against his right leg. ["He is still in battle. His mind whispers still of death and war."]

 Sunny looked back over her shoulder and waved. Hugh returned the wave, then turned, and slowly limped back to the stable office. "Maybe one day he will heal from that."

 Orion snorted and he stepped into a light trot, heading back the way they had come. When they reached the open pastures, he moved into a nice canter. Very quickly they reached the trail that would take them into the Ballencoo Forest. The canopy of dark oaks and elms trees closed overhead the deeper they descended into the lush growth. Even under the dim light, Orion's hide seemed to have a phosphorous glow. Sunny ran her fingers through the shaggy mane. "Your mane is like a prism, refracting color everywhere!"

 ["Even here you can see my true colors?"] Orion inquired, then he came to a half in the trail, raising his head, ears pricked forward. ["The watchers are near."]

 "Probably Bracken," Sunny murmured. "Cassie packed a sack of goodies after breakfast."

 ["It is not the unaligned Watcher,"] Orion returned. ["We will proceed with caution."]

 They continued down the trail. After a few minutes, Orion stopped again and looked up. There sitting on a low bough of an oak tree, Bracken lounged. He sat up and opened his eyes wide, "There are many watching today."

 "What are they waiting for?" Sunny asked. "I'm only collecting rose hips."

 Bracken shrugged his shoulders and sniffed the air, "Maybe smell good eats!"

 I'll turn the sack over to you when we get to the arch," Sunny told him. "We're nearly there."

 The Watcher loped off into the higher boughs and disappeared. Sunny shook her head and looked down at Orion, "Let's go on, the arch isn't far and I'm anxious to collect these rose hips and get back to help the others prepare the elixirs."

 Orion continued down the trail. As the arch came into view, Sunny was surprised to see so many roses in full bloom. It was a riot of deep ruby blossoms, and the bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds were all taking advantage of the sweet nectar. The scent of roses was nearly overpowering with their cloying scent, but when the breeze blew just right, there was a more aromatic scent of cloves and rosemary that mixed with the smell of roses. Sunny wondered where that scent was coming from.

 Bracken was perched atop the arch looking down at both Orion and Sunny. "You pick hips?"

 "As many as I can find," Sunny replied and made ready to dismount, as she dropped to the ground, she opened the leather satchel and pulled out the sack Cassie had packed for her. The brown paper was just beginning to show a few grease spots from the bacon strips. Sunny shook the package and held it up to Bracken, "Here you go, just leave me a muffin for the trip back."

 Bracken giggled in delight and climbed easily down the rocky side of the stone arch that remained bare of the massive rose canes that all but engulfed the left side of the arch. Sunny put all her items on a boulder that was near the rose canes. Bracken bounded over to where Sunny unpacked the satchel, pulled the white twine away, and unwrapped the sack carefully.

 Sunny prepared to pull the bareback saddle from Orion, but he decided she should leave it in place. She looked at the rose canes and spotted the ripe rose hips. They were nearly as bright red as the roses that were still blooming. She got her shears and a muslin bag and set off to begin harvesting the hips. Bracken sat on the boulder munching on the bacon strips. He watched her for a moment.

 "Spring hips not as good as Fall hips!"

 She stepped back and looked over her shoulder at the Watcher. "I know, but we need what we can get right now."

 The Watcher grunted and crunched on the bacon strip in his hand. "Hips in Nu'Ada good all time."

 Sunny continued to snip the ripe rose fruit from the canes, the tips of her fingers becoming tinged with pink from the rose skins. "Maybe once Aunt Fiona can travel, we can harvest them, and she can bring them back here to use."

 As she picked carefully under the green boughs of the roses, she spotted more ripened rose fruit. They had weathered the warming spring but were sheltered beneath the leaves and kept dry. She was careful not to get scratched by the sharp thorns of the thick woody canes that twisted together and crawled up and over the side of the stones that made up one side of the arch. 

 Orion moved around inspecting the area, seemingly patrolling the forest, and occasionally sniffing the air or studying the canopy of trees. Bracken devoured the bacon and most of the butter spreading it thickly with a finger on the halves of his muffin. He crammed a piece into his mouth and chewed noisily then belched softly. He did not seem overly concerned with the other Watchers or the Ravens that came and went.

 Finally, Sunny stepped back away from the tower of roses and sighed. "There doesn't seem to be as many as I would have hoped."

 "Go to Nu'Ada and pick," Bracken muttered, "More betters on the other side."

 Sunny frowned at him over her shoulder. "You know I can't go to the other side,"

 "You go," Bracken said. "You go and come."

 ["No!" ] came Orion's rumbling baritone.

 Sunny watched as Orion placed his body between her and the Arch opening. "Don't worry," Sunny said to both, "I'm collecting what I can on this side of the arch!"

 Bracken clucked his tongue in disgust and scowled at Orion. Sunny came over to check what was left of the food Lucy had packed for her. She picked up the bundle and examined the muffin. She passed on the butter that had the unmistakable look of Bracken's fingers having been pawing through it.

 She pulled the muffin paper away from one side and bit into the muffin chewing thoughtfully for a moment. From where she stood, she spotted that a bit higher from where she had been harvesting, was a sizable batch of rose hips that were ripe and ready to pick. She handed the half-eaten muffin to Bracken and walked back to the rose canes. "Looks like a good patch of ripe rose hips just above where I was clipping." She picked up another muslin bag and her shears and started back to the snarl of rose canes. Just as she reached the spot, a nesting bird flew out at her screeching in alarm! 

 Sunny threw up her hands to protect her face and stepped awkwardly on a broken piece of stone. She pitched forward into the rose thicket. Instinctively she dropped the shears and the muslin bag. She tried to catch herself from falling into the thorny wood of the ancient rose canes. She cried out in pain as her hand slammed into the thorns and the sharp tips tore a jagged line across her palm. The momentum of her fall carried her now bleeding palm through to lay flat on the stones of the arch. The scene froze! Orion and Bracken both moved toward Sunny and for the span of a heartbeat, they waited----- for something!

I hope you are enjoying my story. Please add my tale to your library!Thank you, dear reader! :-)

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