
Gates of Heaven and Hell : Clan's Corruption

A world where people are blessed with unique abilities. You follow through the eyes of the members of Minamoto as they go through hardships of corrupted clan's that try to kill every single member of Minamoto for reason's unknown.

Jhacrisp · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter IV - Kilah the Master of the Forge

Part I - Repressed Dreams

I find myself staring at emptiness as a blind covers my eyes. I try to move but my arms feel shackled on the arms of the chair I sat on. Then the wave of pain starts to set in as I remember of all the torture I have endured. It's been days… no months… years…? I can't remember anymore. My memory is starting to fail me no matter how hard I try to remember. I start to get frustrated as all my memories come as blanks. A door behind me abruptly hinders my thoughts as one memory starts to set in. Fear. Anger. Misery. Despair. I hear his horrid laugh. My body starts to panic as my mind regains memories of my endless days of being tortured. I try and try to break the shackles so I can run away. Help. Help. Help. Please… no matter how much I called out I had no response. Only footsteps growing closer and closer. No more please… please… PLEASE… The footsteps arrive in front of me. All I hear now is the man fiddle with his tool. "NO MORE… PLEASE.. NO MORE.. I BEG YOU.." in response to my pleas of mercy was laughter. The feeling of a rusty tool grazed on top of my finger as it stops and grips around my finger. I can no longer produce tears. "Plea-" my plea getting cut short as a sharp pain started to grow on my index finger. The grip of the rusty tool is growing tighter and tighter. *snap*. My finger was broken in half. I scream in agony as the pain is unbearable, but the pain slowly grew into anger as I shouted to the top of my lungs "WHEN I REMEMBER WHO I AM, WHEN I REMEMBER ALL THE THINGS YOU'VE DONE TO ME… when I remember who you are… I swear… I WILL KILL YOU".

Part II - Forgotten Path

The sizzling and crackling from a furnace freshly lit and ready for work eases and pleases my soul, I live to work. Blood, sweat, tears, and soul the perfect combination merged into every masterpiece I've made. I have carried on the will of my mentor. Her work never to be forgotten, and knowledge passed on to me. Working till the break of dawn, but it is what I love to do. It is my passion. My name? Kilah of course. Kilah Minamoto. Since the day of the calamity, the only way to drown my despair was in my work. So I ran, sprinting with all my life, never looking back. All left behind me was memories, horror, family…. But with my work I would no longer need to worry about anything if I could just drown my sorrow in the flames of the forge. I used my ability "Relic Enhancement" to create powerful tools. But for what? Revenge… Honor? The will of my fallen family? I still don't know I have fallen so far into my work I could no longer remember why I was here. What was it that I needed to do? I don't even remember how many days have passed. Has it been months, years..? No, there's no time to worry about all that, I have weapons to forge gear to enhance. Things to do. As soon as I started to work again I began hammering away at a weapon I'm forging. I hear footsteps, I see two familiar faces with a wave of memories coming back to me. I stand with a smile on my face "So is this how we greet family now?" Reunited with family once again. As well as greeted with new members.

Part III - Forging a path

Kaneoke and Kisan were able to catch me up on everything that has been going on from shadow men to bounty hunters. "Well it's time to get started then, I'll need to assess everyone's abilities so I can properly create something for everyone. Plus it will be a great opportunity to get to know all of you". I fake cough getting Kaneoke's attention, he finally realizes and says "Alright I'll be first, I'll be back after we're done." I walk Kaneoke to the forge and tell him "Well first things first, how are the two training restraints I gave you working?" he shows me his hand and says "Really good actually I was able to increase my power with these training rings, though I had forgotten what their purpose was, I took them off on instinct in a fight I had with Kisan, I got a glimpse of a memory from removing it like it was natural'' I laugh after hearing this but from joy, maybe the thought that even after all that's happened I was still be able to be useful in some way "Well I've made a couple of new training rings that help out with awakening, Could be useful for the freshies, and a new training restraint for you as well."Then I scratch my head and look away "Although these will be more troublesome since they're a little more stronger, they will permanently be restraining until an awakening is performed, or in your case a limit break." He smiles with no worry and tells me "Don't worry Kil these guys are tough I believe in them, and as for me" he grabs the ring and puts it on "You know I love the challenge" he stares at me with determination and we both laugh, "You're right, I'm worried for no reason, you do know how to pick em boss. Well you should go let the next one know that I'm ready for them." As he walks out he tells me "Actually there's one more thing you can make for me for me."

Part IV - The thorny roses seed

A young girl walks in to my forge, She looks so familiar. Her Orange bright hair and strong build. She was like the spitting image of my mentor…. Could this be her daughter? I didn't really have a good look at her when they had entered not too long ago. Though now, as she stood in front of me as if the grace of the gods had blessed me with such a fateful meeting. Without a second thought words spill out of my mouth "Could you really be Thea's kid? " Her reaction said it all as she promptly replied "Yes, what else do you know about her? Do you know if she's still alive? Do you know where she is? " Damn… I've done it now, I won't stop getting bothered until she's satisfied *sigh* "Well as you can probably tell I worked with her and she taught me everything I know since I didn't really have an ability meant for fighting, and if Kisan or Kaneoke hasn't told you already we still don't remember much from that day." Maybe this answer will satisfy her, hopefully it does. It's so stressful trying to talk about something I barely remember myself. "Okay, I understand. I appreciate the help Mr.. uhh?" she says as she begs the question "Oh, Kilah or Kil as the others used to call me" I reply to her, she smiles and giggles "Such a scary name is it not? If you do not mind, may I call you Mr.K? Oh and you can call me Krystal." I laugh along with her as I say "That is fine Krystal, pleasure to have you part of Minamoto welcome home." I say with a smile. We chat away as we discuss little things as I come up with a design and a unique gear to compliment the work of her soul, body, and ability. And then our chat comes to an end as I hand her a ring of awakening and send her off "See you soon Krystal, it was nice chatting. I'll have your gear ready for when you come back" I tell her with a smile as she leaves. She smiles genuinely and says her goodbye as she leaves.

Part V - Light of hope

It's the start of a new day as I spent all day yesterday talking to Krystal and figuring out what best suits her. I walk back into the forge my home, I set up everything as the furnace is ignited and ready for work. I was greeted by a little small pale child, so young and fragile yet her eyes had been through so many hardships and trauma but yet she still smiles like a light at the end of a bottomless pit. "So what's your name ?" I kindly ask as I bend to my knees to meet face to face with her. She speaks so maturely but yet so child-like "My name is Sam, whatta bout you mister?" I smile as I take her hand and say "Ahh Sammy, such a wonderful name for a young beautiful lady Haha. You can call me Kilah or Kil as the others call me. Or if you would like, you can call me Mr.K as the last young lady called me." She blushes with a little shine in her eyes and speaks "Can I.. c-call you big bro? I never had one so if you don't .. uhm mind..?" I put my hand to my chin as I stroke my imaginary beard… hmm big bro huh I kind of like the sound of it, my eyes meet her gaze again as she waits for a response, such shine in her eyes burning brighter and more beautiful than before, her life still has hope. She still hasn't given up. "Of course sammy, you can call me that as well" She brightens up more with the excitement as I finally tell her my response. We spend the next few hours discussing her life filled with such sorrow, a deep indescribable sadness. She is the bright hope that this family needs. I check her abilities, assess her strengths, and give her the ring. As she leaves she tells me "Thank you big bro I can't wait to hang out again!" and before she leaves I hand her a charm "Here Sammy take this with you and never let it go, let it be a souvenir of our first time meeting" She smiles and blushes with happiness as she skips away from my sight.

Part VI - Hardened Shell, softened core

Later that day the next member walks in, he comes in with soft and quiet steps. His face hardened and matured, a man who walked a bloody path with no regret, yet his eyes so kind in a way that it looks like he's changed from the roots of his heart. Nurtured, let loose from his weeds that damaged and poisoned his flower that is life. He speaks softly but with a heavy tone "I don't mean to be a bother already but do you drink or anything, I haven't had a nice drink since this whole ordeal" I smirk, have I finally met a man who can enjoy life's juice sent from above? Hmmm I think I'll test him first. I bring out a 15% bottle first to test the waters, but he quickly replies "Wait really is this it ? Man, do you have anything stronger?" Oh I see, a man of culture. I guess he has a little more of a tolerable appetite. "How about this then" I smirk as I hold up a bottle that's 50%, he smirks as well and confidently replies "Now we're talking, but how about something a little bit stronger?" I laugh, and it looks like I can really enjoy myself. I pop open a special case from my stache. "Then how about this 73% baby, she's a kicker just to let you know" I laugh. "Where are the glasses then ? This is what I've been missing!" He laughs in excitement. We start to drink as he talks about his past and his encounter with Kaneoke. We chat the night away with each glass filled with the heavenly and luxurious juices brought down by the angels themselves. We talk and talk. We eventually talk about his ability and I assess his strengths and weaknesses. I hand him his ring as we have a couple more drinks. "Well, I think that's enough for me since I still have a lot of work to do, but thank you for the pleasure to share this drink with you." I put out my hand to shake his "No no I should definitely be thanking you. Oh yeah, almost forgot The names Nikkemau but you can call me Nikke." as he grabs my hands for a firm shake "Haha I had completely forgot, Kilah or Kil for short pleasure having you in Minamoto." I laugh along as we part away for the night.

Part VII - Brothers forged in blood

I work the night away per usual, endlessly smelting, mending, forging, crafting, and enhancing. What lovely sounds of the fire and metal clanking in the melancholy of music, the two sounds complimented each other so well in the night. Yet to my surprise it was distrubed as I hear a familiar voice "Still working hard as usual huh." I glance and see Kisan standing at the door. "Yeah… it's good to see you too Kisan. It's been a while huh." As I approach him we stand face to face silent with straight faces and no words. Then the silence is suddenly broken with our laughter as we hug each other. "Man am I glad you're alive bro, it's great to see that it isn't just me and Kaneoke." I smile big as we handshake " Right back at you bro. Oh by the way Kaneoke told me to give you this training ring. Also I have your weapon already made. I didn't get the chance to give it to you back then, but I'll go grab it right now." I go to the storage of the forge as I bring back a crimson red giant nichirin with embedded words etched on the blade. "Here you go Kisan, I call it Crimson Moon. It's one of my finest creations yet so don't break it." He grins like a child when given a brand new toy, such excitement and joy. Then, more footsteps come to the door as Kaneoke appears. With such a serious look on his face he says "I have an important thing to chat about, it's related to the calamity.

"The rings, look for the rings. They will make you remember."