
Operation: Godfall

Armies amassed at the foot of Pretoria, more of them, Acolytes and Disciples couldn't even demoralize them even with their godly powers and near immortality, they were... Overwhelmed, each of them could kill one-two hundred each but the enemy were in the millions, Flying Temples armed to the teeth prevented their escape, their siege weapons pounding the shields each day, their bombs continue to crack the shield, many mages were lost trying to repair it only for them to turn into pure energy and use it to seal the cracks.

Some gods opened portals to try to escape but they were found in within minutes and hunted like dogs, the mountainside was no longer recognizable with multiple holes on it, life didn't exist anymore.

Demi-gods and acolytes planned what to do next, their gods are doing the same, they must find a way to breakthrough.

Demi-gods sit at a round table, bickering amongst themselves.

"We surrender! We cannot defeat them!"

"Surrender? Do you think our fallen comrades will-"

"They fell because they fought, now they are in a shallow grave unknown to us!"

"Then we must find a way to defeat them by superior tactics!"

"They have superior numbers! They out number us ten thousand and counting to one!"

"Then we'll keep killing."

"We'll lose our strength, each day all of our gods are weakening, less people believe in us, they have found our strength."

"Then we must find their weakness, Rory, you have been there, what is their weakness."

Rory rose from her seat.

"Their 'Imperium' is made of three major and multiple minor races, the Humans currently lead them in numbers and tactics, The Necrons are immortal machines who have created, killed and enslaved their own gods, The Elves of their realm are the most formidable in combat and they can infiltrate anywhere, and their realm has been at war for 65 million years or more, All factions have an endless supply of resources, manpower and an advantage of technology, they have created portals that could support their numbers and their flying ships carry a small army each. The backbone of their Human military has the motto, 'If one of us falls ten more will take his place.' The Automato- Necrons have weaponry that can turn some one into ashes in a simple push of a button, with the Emperor and Silent king, sending their best generals in siege warfare against us, perhaps the Elves have already sent their best."

The chamber was silent only accompanied by the cackle of fire.

"We are doomed, unless."


"Time. We must prevent this from happening."

"How do you propose this?"

"We prevent the Falmart Legion from invading their Home World, someone must go back in time."

"That's an unhinged plan but it might just work, first we must convince the god of time to-"

The horns of war were heard, the attack had begun, the demi-gods ran outside to see, the barrier, cracking. Mages were dying by the dozen just to repair the new cracks but new ones showed up.

"They're pushing through."

The glass-like structure shattered, Eldar revealed themselves on the rooftops and they started shooting the Apostles gathered below. Cardboard boxes stolen from convoys opened up to reveal Alpha Legion and Raven Guard Marines hidden under them.

"Get Flanked! Ha! Ha! Who knew such an old game had out-of-the-box infiltration tactics!" Yelled out an Alpha Legionnaire.

"What do you mean? Are you guys using this tactic for the first time?" Asked a Raven Guard Marine.


"We've been using this for millennia."

"Dang it, no wonder we keep losing men during infiltrations. Keep Shooting! Guard Forces and our reinforcements should be pushing up the hill."

"Where are the Primarchs?"

"Checkmate Perturabo." Said Rogal.

"Let's go Again!" Shouted Perturabo

"The Assault has already begun, and I have received reports that they have gotten some of our weapons."

"Bah! Fine, We'll continue this back at the palace."

The two Primarchs stood from their seats and moved a flap aside to see a fortress.

With tracers from enemy rounds discharging from their weapons from pill boxes.

"Hmm, this makes it harder."

"Anybody with eyes can see that, Primarch Obvious."

"My name is not Obvious, I am Rogal Dorn."

"Why do I even try anymore."

"Because we have shared a brotherly bond equal to that of Corvus and Vulkan, ever since you got back from rehab."

"Stop Reading my Mind!"

"I cannot read minds, I am not a psyker."

"Let's just get this over with."

"Affirmative, brother."

Perturabo cleared his throat before speaking into his Vox.

"Techpriest, Please Reroute the Vox of my brother to the speakers."

"It will be done my Lord."

"Rogal is it done?"


"Let's make the announcement."


"The Necrons are moving up the mountain!" Shouted a Comms Officer

"Tell our men to let the Necrons to take the blunt of the enemy forces while we wipe out any strongholds they cannot reach, and tell the Marines and Eldar on the top of the mountain to hold ground and dig in." Ordered Perturabo.

"The Kriegsmen have been stopped midway and they are currently digging in and building trenches."

"The Marines?"

"Iron Warrior Companies 1 and 20, Imperial Fist Companies 1 and 3 report they have reached the outer walls but they have been halted due to lack of armored vehicles to act as battering rams and explosives strong enough to breach the gates."

"Terminator Squads have reached their respective positions!"

"All Units! Halt! Halt! Halt! Krieg Bombardment re-adjusted and firing."

The Bombardment Continued.

"Deep strikes and Drop-Pods have Reached Allied Units in the city confirmed by Navy and they are currently enroute to Codename Gates: Ajakis and Victis"

"Krieg reports that they are ready for another push and unite with Marines in the outer gates."

"Navy Deep striking multiple Baneblades! Ground Units, Beware! Navy is Deep Striking Baneblades throughout the front!"

"Necrons Vanguards have linked up with Marine Elements on the outer gates and are currently attempting to breach the gates."

Chatter between divisions and companies continued as Vox Operators relayed and replied to on-going reports from Frontline units.

"52nd Krieg Infantry Division has suffered massive casu- Nevermind, 68th Krieg Division has reached them, medicaes are requested in sector Moriartis."

"Medicaes are enroute, they are advised to hold ground."

"5th Saderan Support Unit are enroute to Moriartis."

The battle raged on as inch by inch, as The enemy's stolen technology has run out of ammo or broken down due to improper use.

"Is this even a fair fight, brother?" Asked Rogal.

"I'll be as truthful as possible, No. We outmatch them in training, equipment and numbers and last I checked it was A hundred thousand of ours against one of them, unless they... Use time travel."

"Brother, the percentage of that is-"

"50 per cent and rising as long as this battle continues!"

A beam of white light shot up into the sky hitting a ship that was stationed above, it did not destroy the craft but it merely passed through it.

"The beam originated from..."

"The top of the mountain."

"It has begun."