

Essence of the Ideal Self

Drinking this transforms you into your ideal self, as defined by your own wishes and desires.

- Your body changes to whatever physical form you most desire for yourself. This includes gaining physical traits such as strength or agility, up to peak human level. This includes a free, one-time cosmetic body resculpt to your ideal or desired appearance.

- Your mind and emotions change to whatever mindset/psyche you most desire for yourself. You can opt to forgo these changes.

- A one-time full cure of whatever ailments, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, that currently plague you, and any new ailments of the body, mind, or soul will be prevented from occurring.

- Your intelligence is increased or decreased according to your innermost desire.

- You gain up to three supernatural powers that you desire the most. These must be specific abilities, rather than any generic 'do anything' powers.

- Your body, mind, and soul can never hereafter be altered against your will, in any way. Among other things, this renders you immortal, nearly invulnerable, and immune to mind control.

- Your powers and internal power supplies cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, controlled, or otherwise manipulated against your will.

- You also have the ability to turn any of your powers from fully off to fully on, or anywhere in between, and you cannot be forced to use this metaphorical dimmer-switch against your will.

- You will never end up worse off than when you started, as this Elixir protects you from the negative aspects of your subconsciousness.


3 Supernatural powers he decided on:

1. (to be revealed)

2. (to be revealed)

3. (to be revealed)