Having died a petty death, Anthony finds himself in front of a strange Goddess. And she seems to be willing to give him a second chance in life… A/:N: Duh duh, I wanna write but can't~ Writer's block is a biiiiiiiiish~ At first I started this book to be for Snippets, but I like the idea behind the first Snippet I did a LOT. So I'mma keep going, expect short chaps ( 700 - 1.5k Words )
Gap Demon - Part 12: Maids and Butlers: Part 4
●●● New Cover Pic's Here ●●●
( A/N: I have opened a Kofi btw... Saeko totally didn't point a gun at me to do so... Neeever... Anyway, if ya wanna support me so I can keep doing this stuff, I have that now.
This chapter and the next one were already there for a while along with the art I do in my stories and some others that don't make it in the story or just random drawings I did, so that's that
ko-fi.com/reykale. )
( Part 12: Z-City - 08:19 Am )
While sitting on the remains of the road roller, the other heroes were able to finally take a good glance at their new companion.
The most agitated one, Ellen, has gotten a look of understanding after hearing Yukari's words about some gift.
Her eyes widened even more after a few moments of thinking through it. - ' That box of strawberry Pocky!…. Now it all makes sense. It sure is too good to be true… '
Calming herself down, Ellen raises an arm to stop Lycaon from walking further after noticing the Wolf's eyes bear a strange gleam in them.
Lycaon gazed at the blonde from head to toe, and she unquestionably had quite the etiquette. The way she was sitting, the look she bore, and her outfit were a clear sign of that.
It all screamed the air of someone who knew they were above others. Not unbiased arrogance, but a self-pride belonging to someone who saw the world as their own playground.
And in a way, her old habits of serving ladies as a side job butler had kinda kicked in. But also the need to know the blonde's Hero name and thank them, this lady had allowed them to be able to have a breath of relief seeing that Corin was uninjured.
That was if their shark girl hadn't stopped the female Butler.
Lycaon raised a furred eyebrow towards Ellen. The girl simply shook her head, breathing out a sigh before continuing.
" This woman, I have actually met her before once…. She is quite the unique one. You're better leaving her to me this time. " - As she walks closer to the blonde, the now stunned Lycaon is left to to watch as the usually tired girl seems to finally take a step forth in something after a while.
As she walked closer, feeling somewhat stiff, not knowing if the other party was either an enemy or a friend.
And why shouldn't she be attentive? Ellen wasn't stupid. She has seen many villains that did weird things and even didn't appear to be that evil at first glance.
Although she has just witnessed the Youkai wholeheartedly rain down that Road Roller on top of the Lion monster, turning him into a bloody mush… She might bear her own reason, and who knew if those same reasons were related to ulterior motives?
But it seems her train of thought would have to be put aside for now, as something drops from above her head, which she catches before it hits the ground. Her giant scissor-like weapon.
The ones behind her were given a better view of what happened as from where the scissors had come from, a strange fissure. Or better saying, a Gap had spread itself for less than a second, spitting out the weapon.
Catching the weapon and spinning it around her hand so it would have its blade pointed downwards. The shark reached the edge of where the yellow road roller remains were.
Also, where the woman giving her a strange smile was sitting by, Yukari was quite fond of the expressions Ellen was making.
A mix of a bit of anger, wonder, confusion, and somewhat hope. She didn't need to speak a word, that face alone told what the blonde needed to know.
" Don't worry too much, otherwise that baby face of yours is going to get all wrinkly~ I'm indeed here to offer help. I think this action of mine and the warning I gave you earlier today should be substantial enough to ensure that, right?"
Lowering her fan, Yukari gives a few taps at the remains of the yellow road roller.
Hearing the Youkai, Ellen's eyebrows went up, showing a face of not fully believing what she was hearing. Call her crazy, but the whole situation was too 'fishy'.
" And I should believe the one who was terrorizing me, just because she felt like it? " - Crossing her arms, the conversation between the two of them started going back and forth.
It wasn't very serious bickering and more so Yukari playing with the shark who refused to believe in such a simple truth.
This led to Yukari not being able to hold back her smile, Ellen was a tough nut… She probably still held her liable for all the scares she received in the train earlier today.
Hearing the complaints Yukari couldn't help but feel nostalgic, this bickering felt like the ones she used to have with a certain little one in her last life…
The girl was trying hard to know who Yukari worked for, what organization, and even her rank. It was too much, she was just a few steps from being able to make the blonde laugh out loud. -" Come on, little Sharky. My actions are not that deep! "
Still smiling, hidden by the fan, the blonde couldn't believe how childish the one in front of her was.
Even her colleagues who stared at the whole thing were contemplating if they should interfere, they had long accepted that Yukari had come to give them a hand.
As the Youkai refused to reveal more of her identity, further added to Ellen's suspicions. - " You give me a dangerous feeling, Ms. Yukari."
Pointing her weapon towards the sitting Youkai, trying to look intimidating. She didn't even realize this was the first time she had even brought up the other party's name.
Yukari's face blushed, not out of shyness or timidity. It was the want to break out in laughter that had been so strong it almost broke her character. All she could see right now was something that appeared like a small chibi Ellen trying to look ferocious towards the predator who had scared her.
It was such a cute scene that the Youkai knew she had to teleport away before she couldn't hold any long and started to laugh hard.
But… There was one last thing she wanted-..... And at that wish a face of realization and mischief suddenly took over Yukari. - " I actually can! " - Resting the fan by her lap, she wriggled her fingers around mischievously.
The sudden change in the other whole vibes put Ellen on alert. Holding her weapon tightly, she frowned. - " ' Can ' wuat exyca-ly UHM?! "
Forcing Ellen to blush as a gloved white hand appeared out of nowhere and pulled on her face while squishing her cheeks, the redness in the shark's face grew by the seconds before she squeaked and tried attacking the hand.
But given her current state of mind, the attack just looked like she was swinging the weapon around without knowing how to use it.
Every time she got closer to hitting the hand, it would just change to another angle and continue grabbing her face.
All while the demon, behind it, made sounds calling the victim cute. - " Pardon~ Your face looked so squishy~ Look at the little Sharkie~ Cutey-Cute~ "
It added wood to the fire, and Ellen's calm endeavor warped into a mess of stuttering cuteness while Yukari's hand massaged her face.
" Miss. Yukari, would you please… " - Walking forward now that she had finished discussing things with the other two, Lycaon bowed ever so slightly while presenting herself beside the squealing Ellen, being careful to not get hit by the Maid's rampage of random attacks…
Letting a barely audible laugh, Yukari took a deep breath before pulling her arm back from the gap and grabbing the fan again. A face full of fulfillment plastered now at full display.
" Oops, I appeared to have gotten sidetracked. "
Laughing at the matter, Yukari's eyebrows tremble for a second.
The sudden movement didn't go unnoticed by Lycaon's trained eyes, and before she could ask if something was wrong, four stop signs speeding above sonic speeds shot into the metallic debris she was sitting above.
Sparkles flew everywhere for an instant, followed by the horrendous sound of the metal screeching. Leaning forward, the Youkai sees through a gap, making sure the culprit is truly dead this time.
What had happened was that she felt something under the debris twitch ever so slightly, her sharp new senses picked up on it and as soon as they did she delivered a killing blow.
After giving the other heroes a hard scare from the sudden explosion of sparkles and stupidly loud noise that especially resulted in Lycaon and Ellen who had more advanced hearing visibly flinch.
Yukari nodded to herself before breaking out a wide playful smile.
" Okay! Hopefully, your hearing is still in good shape, since I'm about to share a handful of information you all will surely be quite pleased to hear." - Not elaborating on who she was, she just started to explain the same thing she did to Saitama.
This wasn't something she was planning at first but given her current mood, and the fact that it was Ellen's group who she was discussing with, the Youkai didn't mind.
Different from the others she had met so far, in her eyes, Ellen was like a cuddly shark plushie. Even if she tried posing as a monotone, tough one on the outside.
Every time she started discussing with Yukari the same would suddenly puff into a chibi version in Yukari's eyes. And the blonde couldn't even take the other party seriously from then on.
After a moment of silence, Lycaon stepped forward while bowing in her elegant form.
" Thank you, Miss. Yukari. We'll make sure to report the issue to the association as soon as possible…
But may I inquire which family does your nobility derive from? I do happen to have been an employee under many of the more wealthy ones, but if I may say…
I have never met Lady Yukari in any of them. Nevertheless, your etiquette and mannerisms showed me even if just from this short meeting, your mannerisms are undoubtedly over the top!"
Keeping babbling about how the blonde pose was quite perfect, the umbrella and fan she was always holding screamed royalty, and the way she was sitting or speaking reminded the wolf girl of some higher-ups in nobility she had once read in history books.
After going on for more than needed, Ellen sighed loudly before grabbing her weapon and signaling something to Rina in a hand motion, understanding what she meant the maid hovered forward.
Gently smiling, the ghost-like maid gave Yukari a short bow before reaching for the wolf girl's collar and pulling her along as she flew away.
" We'll take her away, Mis- " - As the shark went to speak with a clear still annoyed voice a closed fan appeared in front of her face, stopping her words as the sharp teethed one blinked, quite taken back at the action…
" Call me Yukari, Sharky, it feels quite weird being called Miss, when I'm quite aware of your vocabulary." - The fan that had appeared from a gap was pulled back, letting the girl continue what she was going say. But not before she glared at the blonde, her face displaying an angry grimace that in the Youkai's eyes was nothing more than a pout.
Driving an even bigger playful smile to be sported by Yukari.
" Then we'll go now, YUKARI. We still have our mission to finish, YUKARI." - Putting great emphasis on the name, Ellen followed the one who wouldn't stop talking while being pulled away by Rina.
The last one, Corin, was still stunned at what had just happened.
Seeing the small girl now standing there as her friends went by her. Yukari's expression did a complete turn, with a somewhat strange kindness in her eyes, she waved away at Corin as if telling her to follow the others.
Finally returning to reality, the short maid yelped and anxiously bowed toward Yukari before running after the others, almost tripping on her own feet.
Watching them head to perform their duties, Yukari couldn't help feeling different toward young ones like Corin and Ellen.
They resembled a couple of nephews she had in their last life, even if they rarely met, seeing they lived in different states far away from one another.
Whenever she was around they would play around, she had gotten the boys to open up and even introduced a lot of her likings related to anime and manga to them.
The older one would always bicker with Yukari about which anime was better, and how some even surpassed their original Mangas. It was some of the memories the Youkai was particularly fond of.
After a while, the young ones seemed to have acquired her hobby to themselves. Their mother didn't seem to mind, as she would be most of the time working and leaving the kid to be with a gentle childcare teenage girl.
The Teen was quite nice actually, Yukari's nephews told her how the both of them would play around and even go eat ice cream. It was quite a relaxing experience, and that was when Yukari got enough time and money to go visit them…
It made her wonder… - ' It has been a few years since I last visited…. That timid boy must be a high schooler by now… And that older brat might be in college. Hmm… Best of wishes for them…
But I can't drown in the past, this new me…
It does give me quite a lot of ecstasy. '
Leaving the past where it belongs, the Youkai gets back her resolve after a short chuckle.
And so, one moment she was there above all the remains of the road roller.
The next thing you know, she had disappeared once more, she was getting faster and faster at making moves inside her gaps.
Her next location…. She wanted to see what a certain cop was up to in this chaotic city.