
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Chapter 15: A Bunch of Chicken

"Be careful. The ball's going to open up soon."

All the newcomers waited and tried to see whether what Kato said was true or not. True enough, the ball opened up. Once it was opened, everyone were greeted by the sight of many weaponry and cases.

"Sweet! This guy is a real deal." Akitoshi Okazaki took a big gun and felt the weight in his hand. As he armed the gun, he become excited as he felt it to be a real gun.

The others also picked some weapon curiously. Kato on the side pointed at the cases and said, "Each of these cases have a respective name for each of us, and it contains suit. You all should wear it for your protection."

Looking at everyone ding enthusiastic about the weaponry made Tokugawa furious. He then yelled at everyone, "All of you, Stop being misleaded by that guy!"

He then pointed at Kato, while looking at everyone and said, "that is not a man. It's a manifestation of our earthly desires. Whoever followed him, will fall pray to their own lusts, and descend to hell. Those things you hold are tools of murder."

"Wait, I'm a man just like you guys." Kato tried to convince the newcomers. "If you all listen to this monk, you will all die."

"Hahahaha. We all are dead already." laughed the monk. His preaching once more managed to convince everyone to start once again chant the Buddhist prayers.

Kato felt defeated when he saw the attitude of these people. What a stubborn newcomers!

At this time Kurono just come out of the opened room. Kurono asked curiously when he saw Kato's gloomy expression, "What happened?"

"They are being stubborn. Kei-chan, how do we convince them?"

"Let them be. You have done what you could. The rest is up to them." Kurono was not really in favour of trying his best to convince these new guy. If they believe, that's good. If they don't, then so be it. "Forget about them. You all need to change into your suit."

Everyone else nodded. Although Kato was still thinking of convincing the new guys, he decided to get changed first.

"Kurono-kun, I'm...going to get changed..." Kishimoto looked at Kurono as if asking for him to guard while she get changed.

At this time, Sakuraoka approached and said, "I wanted to get changed too. Should we girls go get changed?"

Kishimoto looked at Sakuraoka. After that she looked at Suzumura, the Sadako. The stalker girl nodded. Kishimoto then agreed. The girls, the granny and Ryota then get changed first.

After that, Kato and the others also changed into their own suits. The only left not wearing suits are the men of the newcomers.

Miyafuji, the spectacled guy once more looked at Kato who already wearing his suit, and asked, "the guy inside the ball, who is he?"

"...that..." Kato looked at Kurono for an answer.

"That guy is called Gantz. You can say that he is the one responsible of gathering us all here." Kurono briefed about Gantz.

"Gantz? Then, whose the leader of this operation?"

"You mean about the hunting?"

"Not just that. I mean all of this situation."

"You sure ask a lot." Kurono didn't really liked being questioned. However, he still give his own explanation. "First of all I am like you all. I experienced dying and come here. That is true.

However, I know that all of us here is no longer the original us. This is because that guy, Gantz recreated us, based on the original body. If you wanted proof of that, check every details on your body. You will find that you no longer have any kind of scars from any wound in your life."

At his words, everyone in the room checked themselves and found their body are clean from any scars, as if they were born anew.

"Secondly, we are revived here as a Gantz fighters. There are no appointed leader among us. It's up to us whether we want to cooperate, or to appoint someone to be the leader.

However, once the time limit on the ball start ticking, we will all be teleported out of this room to go and fight the aliens. Those target showed on the screen are all aliens that disguised themselves to invade our world."



Konta and Tomao snickered when they heard Kurono mentioned the aliens.

"This is plain ridiculous." Tokugawa sighed at the explanation. This kid is spouting nonsense!

Miyafuji on the other hand was thinking using logic as a guideline. "What you said maybe true. After all, we all appeared here out of thin air. This black ball is also a product from some advanced technology that our world doesn't have as of this moment."

His logical explanation caused the sneering newcomers to think clearly.

Miyafuji then asked Kurono, "Your friend here said that we would die if we don't wear the suit. Is it true?"

Kurono replied patiently, "If you encountered an alien without wearing suit, than you are dead. If you wear the suit, it will help enhance your physical abilities and senses up to a few notch.

That's mean, you are stronger, faster and tougher than yourself without the suit. Hence, you have a better chance to fight, run away or defend yourselves."

"As a proof, you can select any of us who are wearing the suit. Fight us and you will understand."

The challenge stunned the newcomers. Konta and Tomao looked at each other and smirked. The then looked at Kurono.

"Since you said so, we can only do as you say. You are the one looked more certain about the ability nof the suit. Thus, we wil be fighting you." said Konta.

"Sure. Come. Let's fight."

As soon as Kurono gestured for them to attack, Konta and Tomao charged forward and punched Kurono on his head. However, the retracted their fist as fast as they delivered it.


Both of them was holding their fist in pain. Just now, they feel that they just punched a metal plate.

"Dammit! Take this!" They delivered some kicks to Kurono's abdomen. However, the same thing happened. Their feet were almost dislocated from the kicking rebounds.

Kurono punched them lightly on their stomach, but the impact caused them to stagger to the back.

"Now, do you understand the difference?"


The one called JJ who looked to be a martial arts practitioner jumped up and suddenly delivered an axe kick on Kurono's left shoulder. However, he also rolled back. His face turned red while holding off the pain on his foot.

"Okay. That's enough. You guys better put on your suit. Otherwise, you will regret it when you got transported outside." Kurono stopped them from doing more challenges. "Just a warning. Once you are transported outside, don't try to go back home. If you do, then I can only say, RIP. With that, good luck in your hunts."

Kurono stopped caring about them and just sit back. Although he showed uncaring attitudes, Kato felt that this friend of him was really admirable. They way he explained things is more convincing than his. He can see this through the changes in the action of the newcomers.

The men is now hurrying to get changed, except the stubborn monk. Tokugawa was looking at Kato and Kurono with a deep frown. He said, "You two are the cause of their downfall. Therefore, you no longer have a place in paradise."

"Okay okay. Whatever you say." Kurono was lazy to argue with the monk. He smirked at the guy, and said, "It just so happen that our destination to be teleported out is a temple. That place is really suitable to be your grave. I say, it's your final destination hehe."

Tokugawa's eyes flashed with some shock. This kid is so sure of what he was saying. What's the meaning of this?


"It's starting."

Hojo was the first to be sent out this time. Before his head was fully disappeared from the room, he confirmed the location outside. "We are really going to a temple."

The confirmation caused everyone to look at the sitting Kurono. The guy really know their destination. Even the one that were from the same group as Kurono are looking at him in surprise.

"Kei-chan, have you been to that place before? What are we going to fight over there?" asked Kato. If Kurono could share a lot more information about the outside place, that would be more advantageous to them when fighting the aliens.

"I cannot divulge too much information. Otherwise, that guy inside the ball may cause my head to explode." Kurono shook his head. "Oh I forget to tell you guys. Every single one of us was planted with a ticking bom here in our head.

In the outside, if we walk out of the hunting zone, the bom will automatically got activated, and that's when we start to hear a ringing in our head. We can stop it if we get back inside the zone. So, better be careful with that."

After that, everyone got sent out. The place there were teleported to was a temple called Ratein Temple. The monk knows the place. This made him feel so confused. "Are we really alive then?"

"Does it mean we can go back home?"

"Ah, there is a taxi. Hey...why are they not stopping? Are they blind?"

Shunichi Ike, the white-collar worker was flustered when all the cars just left, as if not seeing him. However, he really wanted to go home. He then headed out on foot.

"Hei stop!" Kato tried to stop him but the guy won't listen.

"Ah, so he decided to be the scapegoat. What a loser. Well, it should prove an example to the rest. Let's just watch." Kurono looked disdainfully at the guy. If he wanted suicide, so be it.

The rest of the newcomers also started heading out, following Ike's example.

Suddenly, Ike in the distance heard a ringing in his head. In that Instant, he remembered what Kurono said, and stopped in his track. He moved backwards and the ringing lessened. This caused his expression to turn pale. Does it mean they are really going to explode if the head home?

"I think, I will wait at the temple." said Ike to the nearby monk. After that, he hastily headed back to the temple.

"Eh!? He just chickened out." Kurono was a little disappointed that the scapegoat didn't die in the end.

After the white-collar worker, one by one of the rest who wanted to go home, experienced the same thing as Ike. Like him, they didn't want to risk themselves, and decided to stay in the temple.

"Tsk. A bunch of chicken. Why did they not try to prove what I say? At least it would be a fun sight to see some explosion?" said Kurono sarcastically.