
Level one: Monday?

I'm watching the clock till the class time is over. What is the teacher saying about history? Or math? Geography? I don't even know wich class this is! Dude i just want to get outta here!

While i see the teacher write something about symbols on the board the only thing i cank think abou is my new gamer setup... I have to assemble it by my own, right? Well I guess that couldn't be such a hard job to do. At least it is worth it.

¿Tina don't you get tired of doin' nothing?

What? I answer with a pencil in my hand

I mean... ya aren't doin nothing productive about your life, you just do the same things day by day. But, in some weird way, you don't even remember what you ate at breakfast. You're kind a zombie person with no more than a cat as your pet, that dumb game and "living desires" as you say everyday with a sarcastic tone.

ey man... chill! I'm actually doing something good with my life! i'm studing for being a doctor, i'm being a great sister for you and i'm triyng to be more responsible with all of the things in the top of the list. I know that i'm not the greatest person but could you try to no being so mean? As your older sister for not more than one year and a half, I order you to respect me.

You're ordering me? Ur not my boss

Well... Practically yeah but mom and dad keep outside, and as you know while they aren't in the house I have restricted orders to take care of my lil' little minor brother

I would swear at you if i weren't so nice

Nice? you're everything but nice

Shut up

Shut me up

I'm tired of hearing you blabbing

And i'm tired of watching that ugly and young teenager face that you have everyday

Well i'm sorry if you don't know how to appreciate the handsome people like me! Also i'd like to remind you that you're getting older everyday, and in sone point you're going outta my house, you're gonna get a work and take me straight to DisneyWorld!

Yeah yeah sure dude we all believe you,

Do you know how annoying is to have my own brother as my class partner?I mean it's just monday and you're already bothering me with your mental toughts. WAIT NO THE TEACHER IS LOOKING AT US HE'S GONNA ASK US SOMETHING YOU WERE PAYING ATENTION?

No... You?

Nah me neither