
Gaming Hack System

Naoh having lived a bored and unwanted life... reincarnated in a new world where his satisfies all his desires ..... Adventuring and fighting all kinds of lifeform and travelling around worlds and dimensions..

Maharjan_Sumit · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


Naoh just got out from his college door, behind the door there were many students laughing at him. Having just been beaten by a upper class seniour he was in a foul mood. He was thinking that being kind in these days was his own mistake. In today's society people have become more and more selfish. He had just help a girl being from bullied but instesd of thanking him for his help, he got betrayed.

Stoping thinking these things, he just return home . As he was an orphan, he usually rent a small room and lived there. As he was returning he bumped against a person who was running away from cops that was chasing him. Naoh was just about to turn and say sorry the person caught him by his neckand he threatened the cops. But as always the cops didn't care about Naoh and start approching the criminal. As Naoh was struggling to breath he catch a gun from the person's pocket and pointed at the criminal, but as he was pointing the gun the cops start firing their own guns. As he was treated as a hostage , the criminal used him as a shield and he got shot by the gun multiple times.

As Naoh's vision start to become blurred, he began to remembering his past. He was an parentless child. He lived in a orphanage till 14 and he left it. As a child he had many desire but as there was nobody to care him, he started to supress his desire and when he was adult he began to lose interest in many things. HIs began to view his life just as a spectator. Naoh felt that he should just live a normal life, as their was no goals in his life. But he can't even live like that as trouble keeps coming to him. As he was dying he somehow felt relived as he was really tired of his life. He just thought that he just want to restart his life in a new world and start a new.

As if the gods were listening to his final wish, time seems to stop and suddenly the sky seems to crack. Then a flash passed by and hit Naoh. After that everything turned dark.

[...Compatible host found.....]

[Starting fusion...Fusion complete]

[Initiating system....Initiation complete]

[Selecting system type....]


-ultimate scheming system

-idle gaming system

-gourmet system

-fishing system

-passive system

-black cafe system

-invincible system

-mana system







-gaming hack gystem

-racing system

-devouring system

-elemental system

After randomizing for a while the process completed and finally selected a system.

[....Gaming Hack System.....]

[starting the process for transmigrating the soul of host...]

After who know how long Naoh slowly opened his eyes and started ajusting his sight.

But what he saw stun him, he was currently at a end of a river and hiding behind a huge rock. In front of him two huge monster or can say animals were fighting. One was a huge tiger like monster and the other was like a rabbit. As he watched them his head start to ache and alot of memory start to enter his mind, and slowly they were understood by him. after calming himself down he hide and started to think.