
Games Of The Gods: The Immortal's Quest

Depression... An emotion many can understand and most humans have experienced at one point... But for many it hits harder than others... Especially for those who have been around longer... And as many wish to have longer lifespans... They forget the pain that comes with it and how depressing life is for those who are immortal. But if an immortal person faces such pain... How could they end it? What if ending it wasn't an option? What if they could only live and deal with it? How is it possible for humans to deal with such pain? Immortals might kill for fun, travel for fun, look for women 'for fun', or maybe even use others for fun...

Zied_younis8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Humans Vs Goblins

Inside of a weird, Rome-looking stadium, people began to appear out of nowhere like they had just spawned there. 

Soon enough Ron was also to appear amongst the numerous amounts of people who were coming out of the blue and his jaw dropped like the tens of others who appeared a few seconds before him. 

The scene before them was just… Unbelievable. 

Though it looked nothing different than the Roman stadiums, which was already impressive enough… This was merely for the unprofessional, unfocused eye as the stadium was far better well-built with so many details that'd put the ancient Romans in shame… 

After the number of people inside the stadium's arena reached a certain height, people started to appear in the seats of the viewers. 

"Hu-Huh?!? What- what are they!?! "


The viewers unfortunately for the eyes of the weak-hearted humans were no humans at all… One eye or three, three arms or four, five legs or ten… Creatures with all kinds of terrifying looks and several organs were all staring down at the weak humans below them with pity, joy, excitement… Some even with curiosity and anger… But most importantly, bloodlust. 

All these oddities were staring at the fighting arena with their will to see blood… They wanted to see death, blood.

"Blood! Blood! Blood! Fight! Fight! "

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! "

The poor humans' blood ran cold on the terrifying scene they were living at the moment… This wasn't even on the list of their worst nightmare… Many couldn't hold their initial, primal fearful body reaction to the scary scene. 

Many believed this was hell… But what they didn't know how wrong they were… 

All of a sudden, some unknown type of creatures similar sized to humans began to appear on the other side of the arena… 

Before humans could react to the bloodlusty new guests, a female cold, emotionless voice echoed through the stadium's hidden speakers.

Once the female began to speak and like an unspoken agreement, all the beings around the stadium were in complete silence in a matter of seconds. 

[The first Gods game for humans and the second for the goblins will be an arena survival game, it's a race vs race type of game… ]

[The rules are simple… Eliminate the other race and your race survives, the time limit is 50 minutes, if exceeded both races will be eliminated... ]

[Now without further to do... Let this Gods Game begin! ]


The crowd's screams were so high they nearly pierced through Ron's eardrums, putting his hand on his ear, hopefully protecting it from being exploded… Ron thought to himself. 

'Kill or be Killed! Sounds easy enough…'

Out of all the humans here, perhaps only Ron who was crazy enough to say something like that or even consider it as people were literally pissing their pants in fear just a second ago… (and still are)

"Roaaaaaar! "

Like some kind of barbaric tribe, the goblins began attacking ferociously without giving the humans a slight moment to even breathe. 

They were so violent with their attacks that many of the humans who were still in fear and shock and couldn't react fast enough were incapable of having a chance with these insane monsters. 

Blood began to flood the floor and splash on the faces of those near to the dead ones… One after the other, humans began falling as they were slaughtered like sheep, their flesh was out to the open and their internal organs were in complete mess.

It was obvious that humans were losing drastically from the beginning and that was gonna stay the case until something soon changes.

And that happened sooner than later as brave, smart humans began to get out of their amazement and stroke back. 

The humans had no insane power, nor did they have insane personalities, all they had was what made them always win… Their uniqueness and ability to work together despite their differences. 

As one of the goblins was mercilessly beating an old man to the point where nothing of his body could be recognized anymore, a lady the age of Ron… Or at least looks like him kicked the goblin so hard that most of his ribs were broken and he was most definitely on the brink of death after that simple, effortless kick. 

After that some weird energy could be felt leaving out of her body as the cloudy, icy energy began to affect the ground and slowly the goblins nearby the lady were all frozen to death. 

The jaws dropped and the eyes widened as everyone couldn't believe their eyes… With just one move, this fragile, weak-looking female was able to destroy a full group of goblins all at once. 

But as if her shocking power wasn't enough, people like her with all types of weird, strong abilities began to reveal themselves standing out of the rest and taking a spot as heroes to those who were cowards enough to not even help their fellow humans. 

Not wanting to stand out that much Ron merely killed those who were dumb enough to come in his way, though his ability was not related to his physical strength technically, yet it seemed to have affected it somehow over the past few thousand years. 

Despite his efforts not to stand out, Ron was still one of the top 20 who were being watched and observed right now due to his unique and different way of killing these monsters. 

He was taking them out with one punch of one of his hands while the other one did not even leave his pocket the entire way through even after killing more than 15 goblins. 

Most participants were already tired enough and working on mere willpower yet Ron didn't even seem to be bothered by the whole situation.

"I-Is he even human?!? "

Many's attention was caught by him and was now certainly amongst the top 10 in his kills… While the 1st on that list was the ice girl from before. 

After a period of time and when humans were already catching a glimpse of hope for the end of this horror movie, something strange happened that shocked all participants and reignited the bloodlust and excitement in the crowd's eyes.