
Games Of The Gods: The Immortal's Quest

Depression... An emotion many can understand and most humans have experienced at one point... But for many it hits harder than others... Especially for those who have been around longer... And as many wish to have longer lifespans... They forget the pain that comes with it and how depressing life is for those who are immortal. But if an immortal person faces such pain... How could they end it? What if ending it wasn't an option? What if they could only live and deal with it? How is it possible for humans to deal with such pain? Immortals might kill for fun, travel for fun, look for women 'for fun', or maybe even use others for fun...

Zied_younis8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


Depression… An emotion many humans have experienced throughout history, especially nowadays with the expansion of the internet, social media, and all the addicting technologies and brands that are growing nonstop…

Depression does not differ between the rich or the poor, the healthy or the sick, the high or the low… It can hit you at your weakest moments of life, or at your happiest… 

It comes from the bad experiences we've had, the sad ones, or perhaps merely the lack of happiness in our lives… 

It can hit everyone in different ways… For some, it might be harder than others, but one thing that everyone who has experienced this feeling can agree on is that it sucks… 

And though many deal with that feeling and move on with their lives… Some tend to be unable to do so as they can't stand it… It might be too painful for them, too harsh… Too depressing… 

And so they escape their depression by ending their own lives… Jumping off a building, shooting themselves, drowning themselves, or even hanging themselves… 

The ways of death differs yet the outcome is one… Death. 

But what about an immortal??! What if you can't die??? How can you deal with the pain set upon you to experience every day with no rest for thousands of years?? 

Can you even stay sane after all the pain?? 


"What an unpleasing weather…" 

Standing on the high edge of his school's roof, Ron looked up towards the shining sun and the bright blue sky as he frowned in displeasure… He was more of a rain type of guy as he felt like the depressing weather is a better reference to his life and inner feelings. 

On the outside, Ron might look like your regular, ordinary high school kid but what people don't know and would never guess even in their wildest dreams is that this innocent-looking kid is an immortal, unknown being who is thousands of years old. 

He himself didn't even know his origins because as far as he could remember, nothing about him felt unnatural until he reached the age of 15…

After that, his face and body stopped ageing… Or better to say slowed down as his 19-year-old-looking face reveals right now. 

Ron's life could only be described as depressing really… He wasn't of great origins, he had no great ambitions nor did he want to have this life… All he wanted was to make his family happy, get a good job… A good wife and a few children. 

Though at first he didn't mind this power of immortality… He began to understand how terrifying this gift was… -Or perhaps it's better to call it a curse- only after he noticed the difference between himself and those he loves and cares for. 

His loved ones were growing and dying… 

First it was his father, mother… After that his siblings and then his wife… And soon enough the turn came to his children. 

He lost everything and everyone while all he could do was watch it all happen… He didn't know why god would ever give him such a torture or power… He never did anything that was truly evil and always tried to help the weak and those who are in need despite being one of them himself. 

At one point Ron just accepted his fate after going through the same hell over and over again… He never tried to rule a country nor do any of these boring childish behaviors… 

At first, at least… Yet after living for such a long time, normal life began to lose its meaning… Thus leading him to do many crazy things like ruling a whole kingdom, leading armies, wandering around the world and experiencing the beauty of it… 

Yet it all had to end at one point as things began to get so boring once again… The world wasn't advancing fast enough for his entertainment… 

He did everything he could think of… From sleeping with the most beautiful women and men on earth to learning all languages as well as how to draw, sing, dance… And many other stuff. 

And when it was about to get boring for him once again, humanity suddenly decided to make an unexpected breakthrough in most aspects of life, especially the technological one. 

This, though gave Ron more things to play with… It also limited his freedom as he did not want to get caught by the government or some crazy organizations and get tested on like a lab rat for the rest of his immortal life. 

Because though he was immortal, he was in no case immune to pain… In fact, after living for so long his pain receptors seem to have only gotten stronger and more sensitive. 

After checking his watch Ron decided it was finally time to go back down as their next class was about to begin. 


"Did you watch the new Revengers movie?!? It was so awesome! I couldn't let my eye off the screen for even a second-"

"OMG! Are you really going on a date with that freak!? What do you see in him?!? You deserve better-"

"Hey look! It's MJ and Clark, I heard they started dating last week… They make a perfect match, they're the hottest in our class and they both have similar personalities…" 

"Why are you happy about it you idiot!?! Didn't you have a crush on MJ?!? He took your girl-"

'I can't believe I have to listen to this shit every single day! ' 

Sitting alone in the back seat in the corner of the class, Ron was looking really annoyed at the moment… He didn't feel like he could take these teenagers' bullshit for much longer before he snaps completely and kills all of them.


'Take a deep breath… They're all an illusion… They don't exist… In, hofff… And out, huff… In-"

Despite his hard attempts to ignore the students and keep his composure, their useless annoying conversations were still able to reach his ears giving him a real headache as he buried his head into his own arms. 

As Ron was failing miserably in keeping his shit together, the class suddenly got silent as the sounds of someone's shoes flickered echoing through the now-silent classroom. 

It was their math teacher, Mr Brandon… The one teacher they feared the most and the most strict of them all.

"Hello clas-"

As he was about to greet his beloved students, Brandon was cut off by a sudden blasting explosion coming from outside… 

Everyone looked out the window surprised and shocked by the high intensity of the explosion and how near it sounded yet what they saw outside their school made them question everything they had ever believed in. 

"Oh Fuck Me… "

With a last swear word, Ron alongside the rest of the students all disappeared after being hit by a wave of dark energy that blackened all of their visions.