
Neo Vs The Prince Of Silvercrest

"It's over." Vanessa uttered utilizing her ability [Radiant Flare] and blasted a beam of light at the chest of Rick. She purposely limited the intensity of the beam not to inflict too much damage, it was the least she could do after shattering the dreams of someone who made a vow to protect the last member of his family.

Rick was blasted through the barrier and out of the ring. "Rick is down and out, as a result Vanessa qualifies for the final stage!" Principal Helen exclaimed. The crowd of 32 participants applauded the battle, Vanessa showed the vast difference in power between her and Rick. However both the princess who watched the battle and Neo was able to tell that she wasn't pleased in anyway at the outcome of the battle even though she pretended to act tough.

Her actions reminded her of all the bad things she had done back when she was trapped in the lies of her father, how she stripped innocent children and people from their families including Neo. That became the reason why she needed to win the battle, to become an Aenist in order to rectify her mistakes.

Principal Helen used her imagination which controlled the whole domain to fix the ring thoroughly. The next match was to proceed immediately after it's repairs.

"For the next round, we have Xenos vs Kevin!" Principal Helen exclaimed, it was a signal for the two participants mentioned to step into the ring. Kevin took his place on the left side of the ring and Xenos was nowhere to be found.

After a brief moment of waiting and he was still out of sight, he was disqualified. "As a result of Xenos elimination by default, Kevin progresses to the final stage!" The crowd murmured instantly, they all wondered if he was so scared to go one on one, after all he had the least performance in the second stage.

Rounds went by with the victors emerging victorious and moving on to the final stage, currently the total amount of participants who made it to the final round was 16.

"Now for the final round of this stage, Prince George vs Reo Elwin!" The crowd roared as the name of the crowned prince of the Silvercrest Kingdom was announced. His victory was expected as he belonged to the Knight Aen class by default being of royal blood. However the princess wanted to see just how strong Neo could get. However 50% percent of the kingdom hated the prince, he was vicious, cruel and not understanding, luckily for them the princess awakened before him so she was more suited to rule after their parents died.

Both Neo and George took their positions in the ring, Neo stretched his arms a bit and George maintained his stance rest assured that the battle could only end in one way, his victory.

"May the best man win." Neo spoke softly, George scoffed as a commoner dared think of himself as a challenge to him.

"How absurd." The prideful prince replied him.

"Begin!" The principal declared the start of the final round.

"Let me make something clear to you." George closed his eyes having no fears. "Do not assume that a common sheep like you will be able to lay a finger on me, I am someone you'll never be able to comprehend." He smiled opening his eyes slowly.

"What!?" He exclaimed in shock as he met Neo right in front of him, his speed was outstanding and his footsteps were so silent he couldn't detect Neo until he saw in right infront of him.

All the participants who had made it this far, the principal and the princess all had their eyes spread wide in amazement. His movements were even faster than they were in the first stage, Neo had already grown accustomed to his body.

The fists of Neo and George collided swiftly, a gentle breeze from the collision blew across the ring as they exchanged a series of kicks and punches. Neo crouched evading the round house kick of George. Adjusting to his reaction, George swiftly sent his leg down towards the head of Neo not slowing his momentum.

Neo rolled forward instantly and sent his two legs straight upwards at the neck of George while supporting himself with his hands. George grunted as the legs of Neo connected with his jaws the instant he turned around to face him. With the force of the kick driving him backwards, he backflipped several times before coming to a stop.

The crowd roared greatly as Neo had managed to successfully land a blow on the prince and drive him backwards. Vanessa couldn't comprehend the movements and fighting style of Neo.

"He actually drove someone of royal blood backwards?" She mumbled softly.

"He landed a hit on the prince!?" A participant exclaimed from where they were seated.

"That was awesome!" Another participant exclaimed.

"Just who is this guy!?" One of the female participants who was a hardcore lover of the prince exclaimed in annoyance as to how the prince was being bested in battle.

The principal's mouth was left hanging, she taught the princess and her younger brother George everything about Aen and how to fight. So it came as a shock to her that her student was driven into the defensive.

Blood dripped down from George's mouth, Neo knocked out a tooth which infuriated him.

"You lowlife bastard!" He exclaimed finding it impossible that a commoner could inflict damage on him. He utilized one of his Aen abilities [Shadow claw]

A dark essence representing George's affinity for shadow magic engulfed his two arms swiftly. He wasn't planning on using his Aen from the start but given how far Neo had driven him he had no choice.

"Oh..shit." Neo stuttered in his thoughts, he knew his dominant hand was still injured from his training earlier so he couldn't utilize his Aen effectively. George dashed forward at a great speed which caught Neo off guard. He slashed his right towards Neo's chest.

"S-shit!" The shadow essence had sharpened the nails of George making it more sharper than a freshly and neatly sharpened sword. Neo managed to dodge it just barely, but his shirt was sliced just at bare contact.

"Reo!" Vanessa exclaimed, the battle had escalated as George wasn't going for the win. He was going for the kill, he wanted to make a statement out of his opponent. Neo slid backwards as he tried to maintain his balance after barely dodging George's first attack.

George dashed forward once more, Neo's movements had slowed down as he struggled to regain his balance.


The sharp nails of George which was engulfed by his shadow magic cut Neo deeply on his exposed chest. Blood gushed out from the cut of Neo who fell to his knees in pain. George went swiftly for another slash but was stopped by a barrier which materialized out of thin air in front of him.

"That's enough." The principal uttered from outside the ring disappointed at the actions of her student.

The crowd went silent after witnessing the cruel actions of the wicked prince. "Reo!" Vanessa yelled getting up to her feet and placing her hands over her mouth.

"According to the rules, Prince George has qualified for the final!-"