
And So It Begins

As Vanessa dragged Neo towards town square he became lost in his thoughts, when he thought about it the word "Aen" was the name of the system he transmigrated in. He wondered if the system was just like any other system he read in various novels back on earth.

"Now that my mind is at ease, at least knowing I'm not going to die. I can focus on this world I've transmigrated into and the system." He thought to himself as they arrived at the registration center in Solstice Haven town square.

Luckily for them, Vanessa was able to sign them up as the final two participants before the deadline for registration elapsed, she signed herself as Vanessa Leonheart and Neo as Reo Elwin in order to protect their identities.

"That was a close one." She said handing a rectangular tag she got from the registration center to Neo, on her tag the number "1567" was written on it and on Neo's the number "1568" was written.

"What!?" Neo was astonished on seeing his number, for this year's exam over 2000 participants wanted to become Aenists, it was no surprise to Vanessa. In times of war the powerless would do anything inorder to gain the ability to protect their loved ones.

All participating Entry Aenists were expected to proceed to the Haven's academy the next day for the start of the examination. That granted everyone of them hours of rest and time to prepare for the exams.

After signing up Vanessa and Neo went further into town to find a place to rest for the day and prepare for the exams tomorrow.

A small group of villagers ranging from 3-5 people stood at the corner of a cottage. They looked down on the participants of this year's exam.

"Tch those fools, I don't know why they still allow Aen users in this kingdom knowing they are the cause of this war." A woman from the group spoke in annoyance.

"Probably because the crowned prince awakened and his sister is our ruler." Another woman from the group gossiped in annoyance.

In this world of magic, there were many who believed that Aen users were a curse. Centuries ago before humanity had bloomed to the civilization it was before the war they all lived in peace and tranquility, no one had power over the other excluding those who possessed an authoritative status.

They considered those times to be the peak of mankind's sovereignty in the world, however everything changed little by little when the new generation of youngsters awakened. [Awakened] was the term they employed to refer to those who were fortunate enough to be born with Aen, no matter the age they awakened it. No one knew how they came to be but one thing was for certain, an awakened now referred to in recent times as Entry Aenist, possessed unique super human abilities.

As generations passed and more youngsters awakened, some developed exterior motives for their abilities. It fueled their negative desires and the concept of heroes and villains was born, the concept of violence evolved as time passed by.

Then finally, several years ago the king of the Suzana empire was driven by greed and he lit the flames to what people now refer to as [The Divinity's War] where the awakened clash from several kingdoms inorder to protect their loved ones and Kingdom.

This gave birth to chaos and destruction, pain and suffering. Despair and anguish as countless people lost their lives in a war fueled by the desires of an awakened.

"If it were up to me, I would have exterminated this pests the moment they were born into this world." It became obvious this group of women and men were severe haters of the Entry Aenists.

Vanessa and Neo passed by and unfortunately for them, they were chipped into the gossip by the haters.

"Just look at those abominations swarming the streets." Neo heard one of the men in the group speak. In his past life he was a hybrid of both a black American woman and a white man, but his black side was a bit more dominant in terms of personality so he reacted to the man's curses.

"Hey man." He switched directions to the group of people who gossiped about them.

"Usually I don't take things to heart but, if you got a problem with us. Then say it to our face damn it, don't gossip like they do." Neo spoke out of frustration.

"Don't make a scene Neo, you'll only stir them up more." Vanessa whispered into his ears dragging him backwards by the arm.

"You see that!? Do you see that!?" The man exclaimed out loud trying to draw attention to himself.

"They think they can attack us because we are powerless, they think they can trample on the innocent because they have obtained super human abilities!" The man yelled trying to rally the support of the non-awakened.

"Now you spitting nonsense old timer, your the one looking for a fight!" Neo retaliated to the lies of the old man but he was too late, his group of gossipers had begun bad-mouthing Neo and Vanessa and the issue was escalating out of hand.

"Enough!" A masculine voice shouted from the back of the crowd that had gathered to support the old man.

"That's enough.." The voice was revealed to be a man with blonde hair and green eyes, he wore a blue jacket that was buttoned to the neck and white trousers with sandals.

"You, awakened." He directed his gaze at Neo and approached him.

"You shouldn't be arguing with an old man, it's not right not to mention it's rude and disrespectful." He pointed out Neo's mistakes before turning to face the old man.

"And you, you shouldn't judge all Aenists because of the deeds of another, who do you think is out there fighting to protect your family? Your town? Your kingdom?" The old man saw wisdom in his words, not even his hate for the awakened could argue with the point the strange man had thrown out.

"That's right, now let's just forget this happened and go back to what we were all doing, okay?" He turned to face the crowd as he asked this question, everyone dispersed and returned to their activities. The old man and his group also left as they couldn't stand the sight of losing to an awakened.

"You sure know how to attract a crowd don't you.." The strange man approached Vanessa and Neo and stood in front of them, on the left breast pocket of his jacket he had a rectangular tag with the number "1233" pinned to it.

"W-what!?" Neo exclaimed as he pointed at the tag on the man's shirt.

"What? Oh this? I'm an Entry Aenist just like you and I'm participating in the Exams. My name is Xenos." The strange man was revealed to be one of the awakened.