
Day 7: Finally Getting A Spell

<Level 2>

<Experience: 5/110>

As you can see, I finally got to level two. How did I do it? Well, a bunch of bunnies won't be making it home tonight.

Yes, I spent all today too killing stuff. My preoccupation was valid: I'm starting to enjoy it. I don't have to face cadavers or see the stains of blood of my victims on the ground, so I don't really care about them.

And to think that once I even thought of becoming a vegetarian. Now I spent two days killing innocent creatures to farm levels.

Well, as always, I digress.

After killing and getting the points I needed to boost my intelligence enough, I immediately took the two magic books out from my inventory.

I will not lie to you. I was excited. The moment I touched the first book, Golemancy: Dark Guard, I immediately saw an interface pop out.

<Learn New Skill, Golemancy: Dark Guard?>

Obviously, I said yes. The book disappeared in an explosion of golden light, like if I was in the most trashy MMORPG in the world. I even heard a happy jingle in my head.

<New Skill Acquired: Golemancy: Dark Guard>

<Plasming mana into a solid golem that follows every your command. Require: 15 Mana to Create. Max 1 at every time.>

Then immediately after, a new one popped out.

<New Stat: Mana>

<Mystical energy that can be used to act on the word, changing its natural rules. Every 2 point of Intelligence = 1 point of Mana (15)>

I read half of the description and I almost fell asleep. It seems that learning new abilities is incredibly tiring. I felt like I was drunk and stoned at the same time.

I don't think that's a good idea of doing it again today. I'll wait tomorrow to learn the second book.

I'm a bit hungry and thirsty, but I think it's better to go to sleep like this than lose my senses in the middle of the forest and be murdered by some predator.

I hope that this is a very temporary effect. I really hope that tomorrow I will feel better. If not, things could become very ugly for me.

So I figured out more or less the novel xD

For now, I planned to have a single book with 100 - 120 chapters. If you really like it and you want it to have a sequel that's also possible, but for now I want to go with this.


Lord_Zheuscreators' thoughts