
142 - Excuse me...

As I entered the room behind Laura, I noticed that the place was like a small theater or corporate conference room, with the entrance we were using as the entrance to the stage and the place where the show's executives were standing as the audience.

"Boy, are you her companion?" A woman in her 30s asked in a slightly surprised voice.

"Yes ma'am, where can I stand so I don't get in the way?" I asked modestly, not wanting to hinder Laura's chances of passing the test just by being here.

At my question, the woman nodded in satisfaction and pointed to one of the chairs in the corner of the audience.

I nodded and sat down in the corner, wanting to be quiet so as not to disrupt Laura's audition.

"Okay, Laura Miller, Artist D Rank, 17 years old..." The woman said in a bored voice as she read Laura's form. "Did you memorize the lines for the role we sent you via email?"

"Yes." Laura nodded in confirmation.