
Gamer ROB in a Multiverse? Maybe?

So, I am trying to do this out of boredom and to start writing in English again. I got this idea literally while showering a few days ago, so don't expect much because I have absolutely no idea where to take the plot and will also make a shit-ton of mistakes regarding characters and world-building. So, this guy finds himself in a room, with a ROB, and is thrown in an entire Multiverse made to be his playground. Oh, there's a system and he's not so sane, but those are details, right? I own jack shit, and you know that perfectly well. I mean, I guess that I got the idea for the MC? Maybe? Does that count?

Random_Random_3433 · Anime e quadrinhos
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14 Chs

Chapter 7

Athena POV: Continued

I got ready and wore my best dress while my Children wore their casual clothing. They can all materialize their weapons and armors from nothing, which is incredibly useful in my books.

Along the way we attracted a lot of attention: yesterday, an Adventurer caught sight of my Familia's true power, so I had to speed up my plans and give the Guild the new Statuses. They announced the new fastest Adventurers to reach Levels 2, 3, 4, and 5. True monsters, so to speak.

Jules disappeared more or less midway to Babel though. I wonder where he went?

Change of POV: Jules

I was escorting Athena when I noticed some people tailing us. I used magic to send a quick mental message to my dear companions to keep our Goddess safe, then concealed my presence and ambushed our tails.

They were members of the Apollo Familia, who wanted to kidnap Athena to make us join his own. Ah, now I am even more convinced that they have to go. I will tortu- Ahem! Kill with extreme prejudice all of his Children, except that adorable little seer.

I marked the kidnappers and killed them. No evidence will ever lead to me, but to the Soma Familia. Hehe, let's see if Apollo is willing to have a three-way War Game or if he likes to fix his problems in order.

Change of POV: Athena

Just before we reached Babel, Jules popped out of nowhere and gave me a reassuring smile. Something must have happened, probably someone tailing us. I am sure that they are already 'gone'. My dear Child is very efficient in that regard.

I left the four of them in the waiting room while I entered the actual Denatus. I found Loki already there, so I sat next to her.

"Hello, Loki! Long time no see!"

"Athena! Long time no see! I am so happy that we made an alliance! So we can stay together like the good old days!" She hugged me and kissed my cheek. Yes, we had a little affair back in Heaven, though it wasn't anything serious. We just clicked together and relieved our stress with each other while having a good time. I think that we will start again, after all Loki seems to have worsened in these years. She is much more tense than before descending, I can see it.

We chatted a little about our Children and what we were up to in the past two decades and a half. She has found a promising little girl, a Half-Spirit, who just became a Level 5. She was fast, the second fastest for now after Jules. Soon, however, she will be the fifth fastest. I give her another week or so of popularity.

I teased Loki about how she was getting outmatched by a new Goddess and we enjoyed a good laugh together. We were distracted by Freya's arrival. To be honest, I have nothing personal against her, she's just a little bitchy, though I am sure that she actually used her illusions to do most of what she's said to have done. I don't really see her going with tens of different men, though she probably had different affairs.

"Freya, how are you?" I asked, just for formalities' sake. I just had her best Child killed, after all.

"Huh? Oh, Athena! I didn't know you descended, dear. I am perfectly fine, though I am a little peeved that my favorite Child has disappeared. Well, he must have died in the Dungeon because of a strong monster. He was always working too hard and looking for challenges..."

She's not concerned about him, huh? Not even a little… What a fucking bitch! If something happened to Jules, I would at least want to know what killed that fucking monster!

Soon, all the other Gods and Goddesses arrived. Hephaestus also sat next to me and Loki since we have known each other for centuries back in Heaven. We started off with some random bullshit that I tuned out. Ugh, shitty bureaucracy and gossip. Can't they do something worthwhile? Like planning? A nice war against Ares, maybe? You know what? I'll have Jules and his party take care of that maniac.

"And now, we should get to the Alias-giving. We have four from the… Athena Familia? Athena, didn't your Familia just start out?" asked Ouranos. He was actually presiding over the Denatus, I didn't expect that.

"Yes, I got my first Adventurer about three weeks ago. He was a Level 1 when he first entered my Familia. Next thing I know, he gained two Levels in a single day!" I wanted to brag. While this will seem unbelievable, it will sow seeds on uncertainty in their hearts.

As I expected, those assholes started laughing, saying how that wasn't possible, and how I should get my head checked. How rude.

"Very well, give us the dossiers regarding these Children." I passed my colleagues four dossiers. I made sure to add a 'photograph', as Jules called it, of my Children as bait for Apollo.

"Damn, Athena! Your Children are all good-looking!" noted Loki. She's the best wingman I could ask for, since she likes creating trouble and that actually helps me in this case.

"Indeed they are…" murmured Apollo. He took the bait.

We discussed for a while about the Aliases to give and, seeing as they are all beasts that can topple most Familias alone, I managed to secure the Aliases my Children wanted.

Jeanne d'Arc Alter, the 'Dragon Witch'. Ishtar, the 'Mistress of Heaven' (that caused some controversy, but I explained that it was her name's translation), Artoria Pendragon Alter, the 'Queen of Knights', and Jules Dumont, the 'Hunter'. Damn, just how cool is my Familia?! Ugh, did I already start speaking like Loki?

After that was done, Apollo spoke up.

"Athena, my dear-"

"Call me 'my dear' once again and I will make sure to cut off your dick."

"- Ahem! Athena… Would you ever consider exchanging your Children with some of mine?"

"Ha! As if! Apollo, you are insulting my pride as a Goddess, you know that? But, I'll humor you. How about a War Game?"

The Denatus fell into silence and Loki was a little worried, but I paid it no heed.

"Hm… A War Game? And, tell me, what would the conditions be?"

"Any kind of competition you prefer. If you win, you'll get me, my Children, and all of our possessions. If we win, we want all of your Familia's possessions, your Familia will disband, and you will be ousted from Orario. I think that those are pretty fair conditions, right?"

Come on, fall for my trap. I know that you can't resist beautiful women and men.

"I accept! We will have a siege! You can be the attackers, since you only have four-"

"No, we will be the defenders."

"Have it your way, Athena. We will hold this War Game in two days then, since you need to accompany Loki's expedition group in a week. You will have time to recuperate if, by a stroke of luck, you win."

"Hoh? You are actually a decent person, Apollo. Very well. Ouranos, I know that it isn't your job to do so, but I am sure that you can contact one of your Children to make our agreements official?"

"No need. I will stand witness myself. I will use my Arcanum to make it official." he said and released a burst of light. Heh, Apollo… You're fucked.

Change of POV: Jules

We separated from Athena just outside the Denatus and sat on the couches in the waiting room. How thoughtful of those Gods to add a place for the Children to wait.

"Who were the ones following us?" asked Jalter.

"Children of the Apollo Familia. They wanted to force us to join that scumbag."

"Oh, I so want to kill him." said Salter.

"We will, just not now. Athena should be getting bored right now, but she will surely start a War Game. After he is ousted from Orario, he's free game."

"I'll just send him our regards with an arrow or two. No need to waste our precious time on an insignificant insect." said Ishtar while playing with her hair.

We saw Freya arriving, but we ignored her. I've been visiting the Hostess of Fertility quite a lot in the past few days and I know for sure that she's planning something in regards to me. Well, I can easily manipulate her with Sin and Virtue Magic, but that wouldn't be fun. I'll see where she is going.

Soon enough, the other Gods arrived one by one and the Denatus started. We waited for probably two hours before Athena was done. She was the first to exit the room with a massive grin on her face.

"Habemus War Game!" (latin for 'We have') she said.

"Good job, Athena. What about our Aliases?"

"Nobody wanted to get on your bad sides, so I got the ones we agreed on."


"Athena!" shouted a… Washboard? Ah, no, it's just Loki. The redhead jumped on my Goddess and shook her from the shoulders. It was obvious that she had no ill-intent, so I left her alone.

"Lo-o-ki! Stop… Shaking me!" The tomboy stopped. "What's with you today? So happy to see me again in person?"

"Why did you challenge him at a War Game?! And a siege at that! You have four Children, there is no way that you can win, even if they are powerful!"

"Is this cutting board doubting us?" asked Salter pointing at Loki.

"Artoria, be nice. She's just worried for Athena. Plus, we could just blast the Apollo Familia's HQ with your Noble Phantasms."

"Who are you calling a cutting board?! Wait, you already knew of this thing?" asked Loki.

"Right, I think that we haven't met yet. I am Jules Dumont, Level 5, Captain of the Athena Familia. These are Artoria, Jeanne, and Ishtar, Level 4's. The War Game was my idea, so of course we would know."

I think that I broke Loki, but that isn't my problem. Actually, I think that I should get some kind of Skill Bestowal or Skill Sharing ability, to strengthen my dear companions. I'll also get a Regeneration skill, so that these lovely girls do not die. Oh, since I'm thinking about this, I think that I should specify that Servants apparently count as weapons or something because if they kill a marked enemy, I will still gain the benefits. It's certainly useful, but I don't like that the people I chose are considered things by my system…

One way or another, Loki decided to send Finn Deimne and Gareth Landrock as support for our War Game. Me and Athena didn't refuse since they wouldn't get a chance to do anything either way. Well, it did make my impression of Loki rise a couple of notches, so I will take care of her Children in the expeditions from now on.

Once we got back to HQ, I dropped on the couch and used Fifth Magic to stop time. I then looked at my Shop. I bought Healing Magic, Curse Magic, Ritual Magic, Revival Magic, Skill Bestowal, Skill Sharing, and Great Sage. Oh, and Infinite Regeneration.

I immediately merged the Magic with Fragment of the Akashic Library, which didn't change in name, then I merged Skill Bestowal and Skill Sharing, which became Soul Corridor. This is really good since Skills are all 'stored' in our souls and now I can designate some targets with whom I will share a bond. We will have the same Skills, though my Perks are mine alone, and if someone is killed, they can be revived as long as another bonded person is alive.

I then focused on Great Sage. It reached Lvl. Max and evolved into Raphael, Lord of Wisdom. Cool, that reminds me of the other Ultimate Skills from Tensura, so I bought Beelzebuth, Lord of Gluttony, Veldora, Lord of the Storm, Uriel, Lord of Vow, and Faust, Lord of Investigation. I merged Raphael and Faust into Truth at the Cusp of Twilight, which gained sentience to a certain degree. I am still unsure of what it can do.

"Are you there?"

[Yes, Jules. I'm always here.] said a female voice.

"Any thoughts of killing me or harming my companions?"

[None, even though I won't deny that I am… Jealous of them. They can actually go on adventures with you, while I am only inside your mind.]

"Well, we can probably, surely, find a solution for that. How should I call you?"

[The Skill I am tied to is called Truth at the Cusp of Twilight, so call me Twilight.]

"Very well then, Twilight. Are you connected to the system?"

[Yes. It is marvelous. I expected nothing less from my Master.]

Is she an M?

[I can be anything you want.]

Right, you're inside my mind. You know what? Can you buy all of the Ultimate Skills from Tensura and merge them into the appropriate combinations?

[Nothing could be easier.]

All of the Ultimate Skills merged together with Fragment of the Akashic Library and formed True Akashic Library, which not only includes all Magic but all Skills, Development Abilities, and such. There was a single exception to this: Beelzebuth, which merged with Soul Corridor and gained its advantages. I also merged Self-Defense, Knife Techniques, Pistol Master, Sniper Master, Area Scan, Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Balance, 3D Maneuver, Aimbot, Quickdraw (Pistol), Gun-Fu, Stealth, Assassination, Bloodlust, Unrelenting Chase, Opening Shot, and Covert Operator into one skill. It was called Living Weapon. Sounds ominous, but it's extremely good.

I decided to check on my Status and take stock of my skills. I also dumped all of my stat points into my WIS

{Name: Jules Dumont

Race: Human Saint

Title: ROB in Training; Coldblooded Maniac; Regicide; Nocturnal Hunter; Aspiring Heroic Spirit; Hunter

Level: 251

Class: Future ROB



STR: 2696

VIT: 2598

DEX: 3056


WIS: 3378

CHA: 274

LUK: 498

Free Points: 0


Gamer's Body - Lvl. Max

Gamer's Mind - Lvl. Max

Living Weapon - Lvl. Max

Being of Magic - Lvl. Max

Truth at the Cusp of Twilight - Lvl. Max

True Akashic Library - Lvl. Max

Wisdom of Dún Scáith - Lvl. Max

Beelzebuth, Lord of Gluttony - Lvl. Max

Survival - Lvl. Max

Merging - Lvl. Max

Linguist - Lvl. Max

God-Slayer - Lvl. Max

Self-Modification - Lvl. Max

Infinite Regeneration - Lvl. Max

Command Spells - Lvl. Max

Command Spell Regeneration - Lvl. Max

Perks: (Collapsed)}

{Name: Jules Dumont

Race: Human Saint

Familia: Athena Familia

Level: 5

Stats: (Collapsed)


Gaius Iulius Caesar - EX

Development Abilities:

Untouchable Body - EX

Crush - EX

Mage - EX

Archer - EX}

Good. I am broken. And I'm not a human anymore. Cool.

I immediately specified that Ishtar, Jalter, and Salter as my subordinates, so that they could access my Skills and vice versa, as well as become theoretically immortal. I then unfroze time.

"Jules/Master!" I immediately heard. *Sigh*, explaining will take a few minutes…