
DxD: Getting Into Shape 6.5

A few hours before the sun rises I'm standing in an empty warehouse that's located near the back wall on the grounds of my mansion. There's an entire set of buildings set up for receiving and sending shipments off, mundane and magical alike. This is one of two places within the grounds that can be teleported into, the other one being at the main entrance for people arriving.

Though my [Void Travel] ignores the wards entirely. I'll have to look into seeing what I can do about that sometime. But right now, I have other business to take care of. I raise my hand and pull the Ender Dragon corpse out of my inventory.

It appears with a thump in the middle of the warehouse. It barely fits, but it does. The entire reason I'm doing it in here is that it's the only place big enough to fit it that isn't just the backyard. Serafall assured me that there are wards around the walls that make it so normal people don't pay attention to what happens inside, but I don't want to test that by butchering a giant fucking dragon in direct line of sight to an apartment building across the street.

Plus, I'd prefer if no one supernatural finds out about the mysterious dragon corpse I have either. It won't remain hidden for long, considering my plans for the parts, but the less information others have about it, the better.

I sigh. I'm still sleepy, but the Rating Game is happening tonight, and I have a lot of work to do before then. But it was hard to wake up earlier. When I did, I found Kyu, naked but clean, cuddled up to one side of me asleep. And on my other side was Yua curled up and asleep as well, apparently having come back from Momo's.

But I managed to work up the willpower to extract myself from them. I sent all of my girls a text, telling them good morning, and I told most of them I'd see them tonight. Momo had texted back already, saying she had to get up early for some Student Council business, and that she'd be present at the Rating Game tonight. Apparently, Sona and her Peerage were going to be there to watch, at Rias's request.

I wonder if Rias wants to show off. She's certainly a lot stronger now, stronger than Sona. If that's her plan, then that's fine with me. I want Sona to want my training as well, so seeing firsthand how effective it is will help with that.

I turn my attention back to the Ender Dragon corpse in front of me. I don't have time to fully butcher it, but there are really only two important parts I need right now.

I reach out with [Hemomancy] to its many wounds and start extracting its blood. I suspect I wouldn't be able to do this if it was still alive, but with it dead, the only challenge is mentally keeping hold of the sheer quantity of blood. Thankfully, I had prepared for this, and I had bought a ton of vials.

Vials are dirt cheap, coming in packs of 100 for 250 Hunie, and if you buy in bulk, you can get it even cheaper. I ended up buying 10,000 vials for 10,000 Hunie, a pretty good deal in my opinion. To my amusement, they appeared where the magic circle for other deliveries to be teleported in is at. The Mailman didn't make an appearance though.

I'm glad I bought them though, because by the time I extract all the blood from the Ender Dragon, while making sure to filter out the poison I used on it and the shards of my own blood, I'm left with 1,034 vials of Ender Dragon Blood, using thirty more vials than I owned before my purchase this morning.

There's a thrill of anticipation and excitement that goes through me as I finish storing the Ender Dragon Blood, but I tamp it down. Before I can make use of it, I have one more thing to do. I need the hide of the Ender Dragon. The meat and bones can wait, but I need the hide today.

Thankfully, [Hemomancy] once again comes to the rescue. I make sharp blades using my own blood and carefully skin the corpse. It's slow and messy work, and this warehouse is going to need some serious cleaning, but it only takes me an hour to skin it all, and I'm left with a massive amount of Ender Dragon Hide in my inventory.

Patience running out, I store the rest of the corpse back into my inventory. There's no point in letting it rot out here until I can finish the job. I send Wilhelm a text asking him to look into options for cleaning a mess like that and I [Void Travel] back to my bedroom.

"Wake up you two," I say as I turn on the light. They both grumble and slowly wake up, simultaneously stretching as they do so.

Kyu looks out the window. "It's not even dawn yet, why the hell are you waking me up?" she asks. She starts to get up, and then she flinches. "Ooh shit, I'm sore as hell."

"Because it's time," I say. "I have all the ingredients I need for the Race Change potion."

"Well yeah, I knew that," she replies grumpily. "That's the whole reason you fought that thing. I guess you grabbed some blood from it already?"

"Yep, all I have to do now is make the potion," I say.

"I guess I'd rather be present for that than sleep through it," she admits. "Alright, go ahead and do it. We'll watch."

I pull out the ingredients I need. The Race Change potion itself, of course, the first one I ever made. Next to it, I put down a vial of Ender Dragon Blood. With it being both draconic and so heavily influenced by the Void, it's an extremely important ingredient.

Second is the Gogmagog Core shard. This one isn't as important, but I did a bit of research into what a Gogmagog is, and they're apparently ancient and powerful golems used as weapons by ancient gods. While I'm not entirely sure how it'll influence my new race, it's both powerful and tainted by Void, so it'll do what I need.

Third is the pinch of Nekoshou fur given to me by Koneko, the only ingredient not connected to the Void in some way. That's fine, I have more than enough Void influence in the rest of the ingredients. This one is purely to unlock Senjutsu, and more than that, make me highly skilled at it. While it may seem like a waste, I don't have any ideas for better ingredients I can get before the Rating Game, and I have full faith that I won't regret adding this in.

Finally is the most potent ingredient of them all. The Shard of the Traveler. It's probably the most important one of all. The Traveler is the god of Light, and Light is extremely powerful. With it, you can heal, empower your techniques, and even fight against the rules of fate and reality itself. Even nicer, Light is easily transformed from its pure state to three different elemental states. Arc, Solar, and Void. This would increase my connection to yet another expression of Void, but still give me an inherent connection to two other elements. My fight with the Ender Dragon showed just how important that is, and how dangerous over-specialization is.

I toss all of them into a bowl and then infuse the whole thing with mana. The liquid glows blue, and then it glows black, and then it stops glowing at all, leaving behind a liquid so black it feels like I'll fall into it just by looking at it.

<Race Change Potion(Void/Dragon/Light/Nekoshou/Gogmagog)>

That's a lot in a single Race Change. I wonder what it'll result in? Well, I'll find out soon. Potion completed, I look up at Kyu and Yua, who are watching with interest.

"All that's left is to drink it," I say, a little nervous. I've been building up to this for a while, but it's a little scary now that I'm here. I'm not particularly attached to the idea of being a human, but to think that soon I won't be one any longer is strange.

I think they pick up on my mood because neither of them says anything. Instead, they just watch me. I take a final deep breath, pick up the bowl, and then drain the contents of it.

As soon as the last mouthful travels down my throat, I can feel it start to take effect. It's not painful, but the sensation of my body changing is unsettling. Tingles run through every bone, muscle, and vein, and there's a feeling of things rearranging without moving.

The feeling passes within seconds though, and when I open my eyes again, I see a slew of Game windows, and not much else feels different. No, that's not true. I look down at my hands, opening and closing them. Physically, I feel more or less the same. But something has changed for sure.

"Axton?" Kyu says. "Are you okay?"

"I think so," I say, unsure. "I feel fine. A little nicer actually, if anything."

"Papa is like Yua now!" Yua says excitedly, hopping to her feet. I tilt my head in confusion, and when I do, I feel movement on top of my head, a slight weight that wasn't there before.

I raise my hands to the top of my head and there I feel two fuzzy protrusions. Are these what I think they are? I pull a mirror out of my inventory and sure enough, on top of my head are two black cat ears. I angle the mirror down a little and see a black tail swishing behind me.

"Huh," I say. "How about that? Well, better Nekoshou traits than something from one of the other ingredients."

Kyu snorts. "No, you're just a furry instead of scaly."

I put the mirror away, rolling my eyes. "Takes more than a set of ears and a tail to make me a furry," I deny. I turn to Yua. "What do you think, how do they look?"

"Papa is very handsome," Yua says with an approving nod. "Your fur looks very healthy."

I smile down at her. "Good, I wouldn't want unhealthy fur," I reply. I turn my attention to the Game windows that appeared. "Now let's see what the Game has to say about all this."

<Race changed to Void Chimera>

<Hidden Modifiers increased>

<[Void Touched] trait changed to [Void Blessed]>

<[Void Blessed] - Increase effectiveness of Void Skills by 200%. Resistance to Void. +40% affection/reputation with void affiliated beings. Masks mana and use of magic.>

<Jutsu skills have been unlocked!>

<Unique Class unlocked!>

<New Skill!>

<[Minor Shapeshifting] - Level 1(0%)>

<Slightly alter your physical appearance and form. Uses SP. Cost dependent on change.>

<Soul specialization detected, Class options have been updated>



Level: 299

Class: Hollow Knight(99/100)[76%]

HP: 37,850 (2,498 per second)

MP: 100,940 (8,681 per second)

SP: 72,000 (5,472 per second)

CON: 657(757)

STR: 1100(1200)

DEX: 1295(1395)

INT: 1342(1442)

WIS: 1223(1323)

CHA: 493(593)

LUK: 595(695)


Damn, that's...a lot. My HP, MP, and SP have all drastically increased. My actual stats haven't though, but I'm excited to see what they'll look like after I level up. And speaking of leveling up, I hadn't realized defeating the Ender Dragon had brought me so close to maxing out the Hollow Knight class. Good, I'll be able to see what the unique class I unlocked is, and what's changed about my Class options. The mention of soul specialization makes me nervous though.

The upgraded trait is nice though, yet again increasing the effectiveness of my Void skills. The new skill will be useful I'm sure, especially if I can upgrade it into a better form of shapeshifting. I'm not sure where it came from though. It has to be the Gogmagog, right? None of the others have a significant relationship to shapeshifting unless being able to hide the cat traits count. Speaking of, I take a moment to concentrate on hiding them, and I can feel the ears and tail disappear. Good, that works. It'd be annoying if I had to find another way to go out in public. With a thought, I let them appear again. It's more comfortable with them out, and there's no reason not to have them visible.

And finally, Jutsu skills have been unlocked, which is even better than I hoped. Not just Senjutsu, but Youjutsu and maybe some techniques from other universes should be easily available to me now. I was going to take the Ninja class soon, but now I might not have to. Though I'm not even sure if it's still available to me, depending on how exactly my class options have changed.

"So?" Kyu asks as I close the last game window. "Worth it?"

"Oh yeah," I reply. "Just one or two of these benefits would have made it worth it. All of them? It almost makes me wish I had fought the Ender Dragon earlier. Almost."

"I'm glad you're enjoying your transition so much, Champ," I hear from behind me.

I tense before slumping slightly and letting out a sigh. "You've been pretty chatty lately," I say as I turn around.

"You've taken an important step in your growth," The Man in the Wall says, mirroring my appearance, cat features included, while he leans against the wall across the room. "Your connection to the Void is stronger than ever now. Though your connection to my Void specifically has barely changed." He shakes his head. "So strange to discover that there are so many Voids out there, no two of them the same. Yet, all perfectly alike." He smiles.

"Seems a bit contradictory," I comment.

"You better get used to that, if you plan on continuing exploring the Void," he replies.

"Right, of course," I reply, aggravated. "What do you want? I've got a busy day ahead of me."

"I'm here for a special reason this time," he replies. "I'd like to offer you an...opportunity. A deal, of sorts. Something that benefits us both."

I narrow my eyes. "I don't trust that for a second," I rebuke.

He shrugs. "It's true. I have something that needs taken care of. Trash that needs to be cleaned up. But as they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure, and I'm sure you would think this a treasure indeed."

I don't want to be, but I find myself tempted. "What exactly are we talking about?"

"A broken down Orbiter, stranded in the Void," he replies simply. "The Tenno aboard it is dead, but it's filled with all of their gear. I want it out, and I lack the ability to push it out."

"I don't believe that for a second," I say, even as my mind races. An Orbiter? With Warframe-tier gear? Describing that as a treasure trove is pretty accurate. But it sounds too good to be true. "Also, what the hell do you mean the Tenno is dead? I thought they were immortal?"

"I'm afraid they're not," he replies, still smiling that creepy smile. "It's not easy to kill them, as it requires some pretty specific circumstances, but it can be done."

I guess there wouldn't have been a point in protecting the Tenno on Lua if they were actually unkillable. But still, it smells too convenient. "And what do you get out of this?" I ask.

"I get litter removed from my otherwise spotless self," he replies. "That means more to me than you seem to realize."

"Well, that's because I still don't believe you can't do that yourself," I shoot back. But then I sigh. "Fuck it, I'll do it though. I want that gear."

His smile widens, and I flinch as he suddenly appears right in front of me. "Wonderful," he says, placing a hand on my shoulder. My eyes widen as I feel a surge of Void, and then a yanking sensation, and everything around me changes.

By the time I get my bearings back, the Man in the Wall is gone, and around me is sleek black metal. Reflexively I use [Void Detect] only to flinch and instantly turn off the skill. [Void Detect] detects Void, even if my usual use of it is to tell where Void isn't, effectively giving me a clear outline of everything around me. But when I used it just now, all I could feel was massive amounts of Void.

Putting the pieces together, I slowly look around, and realize where I am. I'm exactly where the Man in the Wall said he would take me because this is clearly the interior of an Orbiter, the spaceship used by the Tenno to move around the solar system, and what they essentially lived out of. It's cramped, and there aren't any seats, but there are monitors and displays, and a massive translucent view plate showing the outside of the ship.

My eyes widen as I look outside. The view is...mesmerizing. So many different colors weaving an intricate pattern. I watch energies flow in directions I didn't even know existed, but my mind has no issues comprehending for some reason.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I hear behind me.

I manage to tear my gaze away and turn around. "Yeah, it is." I shake my head. "Distracting though. This is the Orbiter then? How'd it end up stranded here?"

"The Tenno's ships skim through the Void when they travel. This one seems to have been interrupted mid-journey."

I frown. "Interrupted?" But as soon as I ask, that's when I notice. It's hard to see in the strange light coming in through the window, but the walls, ceiling, and floor have clear scores and bullet holes. "Did something board the ship?"

"So it would seem," he answers, causing me to frown.

"Wait, do you not know?" I ask him. "Bullshit, how do you not know?"

"You do know I was...sealed for a time, yes?" he replies, a tint of annoyance in his voice. "This happened at that time. When I was freed, I discovered this ship here."

I continue looking around at the damage to the ship as I think about what he said. It's true he spent a long time trapped by Rell, a Tenno that stood apart from the others. For reasons that were never made clear to anyone else, Rell severely distrusted the Void from the start. After gaining a Warframe, he used his own consciousness and the Warframe to bind the Man in the Wall.

Unfortunately, this couldn't last forever, and as more Tenno discovered what they were and started using their Void powers, the burden grew too great for the weakening Rell to bear, and the Man in the Wall was once again free.

"Was the Tenno awakened from the dream?" I ask. "If so, their corpse should be here."

In place of an answer, the Man in the Wall waved their hand, and the floor next to them lowered, revealing the ramp down further into the ship.

Familiar with the layout of the ship from my long hours playing the game, I know where the Tenno has to be. I follow the ramp down and enter the central section of the ship, where the Arsenal is and where a Warframe prepared their gear for battle.

The signs of damage are far more severe here. All of the stations are broken and cut and smashed, none of them look functional. There are more bullet holes and gashes in the metal of the ship as well, as well as burn marks and other strange forms of damage. But more disturbing than all that is all of the dismembered Warframe parts strewn about.

Warframes are extremely tough things. Robots made of a strange mix of biological and mechanical parts, and the technology used to make them is incredibly advanced, even by sci-fi standards. To see them in pieces is...worrying. What could have possibly done this? My first thought is Shadow Stalker, a rogue Tenno or Warframe or something that looks like one that hates the Tenno. But I'm not sure even he could have done this.

I continue past the central room, going down the right hallway that leads behind the arsenal. I ignore the door on my right that led to the personal quarters of the Tenno. Despite it being their personal quarters, there's only one place to find the Tenno. The room at the very back of the ship, the Transference room. I come to the circular door, which is left ajar, and step in.

I find myself in a large circular room with a domed roof. In the center is a large contraption, the front of it open to reveal the chair within. Behind it, the floor gives way to an open area where white vines of some plant-like material grow. The damage is only worse in here, though there aren't any Warframe parts. Just one intact Warframe, crumpled on the ground like a puppet that had its strings cut.

But my eyes are on the center, on the chair there, the body inside of it, and the silver sword sticking out of the body.

I approach it carefully, ready for an ambush, but one never comes. I reach the body and take a closer look at it.

The Tenno looks young, as all Tenno look, forever trapped in their childhood form. Their gender is hard to tell because of that and their androgynous appearance, but I guess it's not that important. They're wearing the basic black Operator suit, and I notice the lack of an Amp around their wrist. An Amp is something that amplifies and changes the form of a [Void Beam]. But perhaps it's stored elsewhere. Still, this Tenno looks like one who just awoke from the Dream shortly before their death.

The Dream refers to the Second Dream, a deep sleep all of the Tenno were put into by the Orokin, during which they controlled the Warframes remotely from the Moon, which was hidden away. A series of events initiated by an enemy of the Tenno led to the Tenno waking up from that deep sleep, remembering that they're more than just the Warframes they piloted, and moving their bodies from the Moon to their Orbiters.

Something that didn't work out very well for this one, considering the sword stuck through their chest. I frown as I look at it. I knew every weapon in Warframe and this...this is definitely not one of them. It's a silver blade with little to no decoration and nothing but the same metal. No leather or cord around the grip, no splashes of color or other material to decorate it. The design isn't sci-fi at all either. It looks archaic and old, almost religious. Not quite a fantasy sword, but something that approaches it maybe. Curious, I use [Observe] on it.


<A blade made to kill immortal beings. It has been forged with Hate for all those who defy Death>

That's...unexpected. And definitely not a Warframe weapon.

"What the fuck is this?" I ask, turning around to where I knew the Man in the Wall would be. Sure enough, I see him standing there when I turn around.

"I do not know," he says impassively.

"How the fuck do you not know?!" I spit at him. "This was not done by something from this universe, so how the fuck is it here?"

"I do not know," he repeats. "I explained this already. But after discovering you and those other places, I suspected it was not something from the universe I knew."

I click my tongue in annoyance. My gut is telling me that there's something he's not saying, but there's nothing I can call him out on. And I'm here already anyway. I turn my attention back to the body. The sword isn't giving off any bad vibes to me, so I hesitantly grab it by its hilt. Nothing happens, so I pull it out of the dead Tenno's chest.

When I do, the body slumps down, no longer supported by being impaled on the sword. I watch in surprise as the body then rapidly turns to a smoke-like material made of many colors, and dissipates into nothing.

"Are they...still dead?" I ask, unsure.

"Tenno's bodies are a bit less...physically coherent than most mortals," the Man in the Wall explains. "They're quite dead, their body has simply joined the rest of the Void now that it's no longer held here by that blade."

I find myself doubting his words, despite just having seen it happen. Ugh, this is why I hate dealing with him. Every word out of his mouth sounds suspicious. I turn my attention back to the blade, still covered in blood. With a thought, I use [Hemomancy] to collect the blood and store it in a vial. Thankfully, it doesn't dissipate as well when I do so, and I'm left with a vial of Tenno blood. It would have been nice to have that before I changed my race, but I'll eventually be using a Race Change potion again, and this will be the perfect ingredient for then.

Finally, I turn my attention to the most interesting part of the room, the crumpled Warframe just off to the side. I recognize it immediately as Nyx, the psychic Warframe. It's not just any Nyx frame either, but the Prime variant, meaning it's stronger and better crafted. And to my delight, it looks remarkably intact. I guess the Tenno died before whatever killed it fought this Warframe.

My eyes are drawn to the weapons on the ground next to it, and I can't stop the grin that breaks out on my face. A Scindo Prime, a Boltor Prime, and a Lex Prime. Three extremely formidable weapons. The Scindo is a simple but massive ax, the perfect replacement for Atsuko. She'll need a lot more boosts before she reaches the level of strength required to ruin it.

The Boltor Prime is a rifle that fires large spikes of metal, and it absolutely shreds armor. The Lex Prime is a simple handgun, but it packs one hell of a punch, and it looks really good. Both would have been useful against the Ender Dragon, though there plenty of Warframe guns that would have done an even better job.

"Are the rest of the Tenno's weapons salvageable?" I ask as I store the three weapons and the Warframe into my inventory. Ammo is a concern for the guns, but it's something I'll figure out later.

"If you manage to repair the armory, it should be a simple matter to access them," the Man in the Wall replies. I grimace. Not an easy task considering the state they were in, and how advanced the tech is. I'll have to look into skills or people that might be able to help me with it.

I stand up and turn to face the Man in the Wall again. "Alright, you want me to get this thing out the Void, right?"

"Correct," he says. "And as payment, you keep the ship itself and everything in it."

A fair deal, I guess. I concentrate and confirm that I can even find my way back home with [Void Travel]. I can't use [Void Sight], but I can sense a path open to me that I can [Void Travel] along. But there's a problem.

"Me and whatever I'm taking with me need to be physically moving for my teleport skill to work," I say.

"Easily taken care of," the Man in the Wall replies. He raises a hand and snaps his fingers. "There, I'm pushing the ship along in the Void."

That should work. I close my eyes and concentrate before activating the skill again. I mentally grab hold of the ship...but I can't. It slips from my grasp. Too big, and not something the skill is designed to handle.

I open my eyes and shake my head. "I can't do it, the skill can't transport something like this."

His gaze is sharp, and I feel a subtle pressure as he looks at me. "Try harder," he demands. "Are you really so dependent on that System of yours that you're incapable of doing anything outside of it?"

"Fuck off," I shoot back. "My skills are my skills, and I can't make them do better-" I stop suddenly. Can't I do exactly that though? The Hollow Knight class gave me a trait that explicitly improves my skills with a power that the Game doesn't properly quantify.

The Man in the Wall silently watches with a smug look as I move to the Transference seat and sit down. Thankfully there's no blood left to stain it. I close my eyes and once again latch on to my own Soul. With a deep breath, I push it outwards, down through the chair, and spreading it to the entire ship.

I feel tension in my soul as I struggle to cover the entirety of the ship. My Soul is still untrained, I simply don't have much of it. But I keep pushing, my breath starting to come in gasps. I reach a point where I simply can't stretch it anymore, and it's short of covering the entire ship. But it's more than half, and that should be enough.

I can feel as the Man in the Wall vanishes, but it's an afterthought as I desperately maintain my hold on the ship. I quickly activate [Void Travel], and I can feel that it's working. With a grunt of exertion, I push, and the ship moves.

The yanking sensation I felt when the Man in the Wall pulled me here is amplified a hundredfold as I travel back. I feel my hold over the Orbiter slip as we arrive, the ship rumbling as it hits the ground, and I slump over in exhaustion. With no enemies to attack and recover my soul, using it like this is exhausting.

I [Void Travel] the short distance to the exterior of the ship. It's a massive and clunky-looking thing, and I grimace as I realize that my aim brought it to my backyard. Aiming [Void Travel] while outside of this world was difficult after all. I'm just glad I managed to get it within the grounds of my mansion and I didn't make it appear on top of something important. The wards will make sure no one mundane sees it, but I guess there's no hiding it from others.

I try laying my hand on it and storing it in my inventory, but it doesn't budge. Annoying. It's smaller than the Ender Dragon, and I was able to store that, but for some reason I can't store this. Whatever. I don't have the energy to try moving it again right now. I'll rest up and move it in a few hours.

"Axton!" I hear, and I turn to face the mansion. Kyu, Yua in her arms, is flying out of an open window heading straight for me. "What the hell happened?"

"It's fine, I'm fine," I reassure them as they approach. Yua jumps from Kyu's arms and into mine. "He was kind of a dick about it, but he was on the up and up. I did him a favor, and now I have a spaceship filled with cool toys, if I manage to fix it."

"You sure?" Kyu asks, concern on her face. "You look like you just ran a marathon, and I can tell your soul is a little frayed."

"Just a bit of over-exertion," I wave off as I pet Yua. "It's a big ship, moving it isn't easy."

She sighs. "Jeez, you just had to go and fucking scare me like that, huh?"

"Sorry," I apologize. "Blame the asshole voyeur though."

"Oh I do," she says, fire in her voice. "But I'll deal with him later. For now, you should rest up."

I nod. "You're right. I have a lot of crafting to do." I glance at the time. "There are only 12 hours until the Rating Game, and I need to have their new equipment ready by then."

Kyu sighs. "That's not what I meant by resting, but fuck it, I'll take it. Just no using your soul until it fully recovers, got it?"

"Sure sure," I agree. "I won't need it for this. I'll move the ship again later." The three of us head back into the mansion. Despite my words, I'd love to rest, but as it is I'm going to be cutting it close anyway. Still, I should have enough time. The gear I have in mind isn't too complicated.

A grin sprouts on my face. It's not complicated, but it's powerful. Riser isn't going to know what hit him, and by this time tomorrow, he'll regret ever hearing Rias's name.


Golden light filled Hibiki's room, the rising sun shining through her windows. Throughout the room, two sounds could be heard. The sound of heavy breathing, and a much wetter noise.

Hibiki was laying on her bed naked. Her eyes were closed, pleasure written on her face. One hand worked at her small tits, pinching the nipple on the barely present mound there. Her other hand furiously shoved a moderately sized dildo in and out of her pussy, a wet noise accompanying every thrust.

Her mind is filled with visions of the dream she just woke up, going over every detail again and again, immersing herself in the memory as she pleasured herself. She felt a slight amount of uncomfortable stretching as she used a dildo larger than what she was used to, but it's drowned out by the storm of pleasure shooting through her.

She bit her lip, muffling her moan as her back arched and she came, finally reaching her climax. Her entire body shuddered for several moments as she orgasmed, before she finally slumped down, chest heaving as she panted.

Waking up and immediately masturbating had become her new normal. Every single night she experienced the most vivid and erotic dreams, and without fail they caused her to be extremely horny when she woke up. At first, she just ignored it and started her day ignoring her arousal. But that didn't last long. Usually, it resulted in her masturbating halfway through the day anyways. It was more convenient to just get it out of the way first thing after waking up, and it felt better then too.

The downside was that sometimes it would tire her out enough that she would fall back asleep. Not that it was a big deal, wasting a bit more of her morning didn't matter whether she spent it sleeping or on her computer. And she usually woke up and did this pretty early, like she did today.

She felt herself drifting off to sleep when a loud noise caused her to shoot upright, going from nearly asleep to fully awake in an instant. She wasn't quite sure what the noise was, it sounded like someone dropped something heavy, but times a thousand.

What she could tell was where it came from, the new mansion that had appeared so rapidly. It had been quiet for the past few days, but before then it had been active around the clock. The weirdest thing was that when she sent an email to the apartment manager complaining about it, they had replied that they hadn't noticed any noise coming from it.

This noise was definitely too loud to ignore though. Still naked, she crawled out of bed and stepped onto the balcony located at the back of her room. It had a small wall that she could hide behind and peek over so she wouldn't expose herself. She could have thrown something on, but she didn't want to waste the time.

She peeked over the wall and her eyes widened at what she saw. Her apartment had an extremely good view of the mansion grounds, being just high enough to peer over the walls surrounding it. She also had a pretty good angle into a few different rooms through their windows. But her attention was on the grounds, and the massive thing that had appeared there.

Her first and only thought was that it was a UFO. There was nothing else it could be. It wasn't flying right now, but it was a huge machine that looked like it was ripped right out of a sci-fi anime. She could see what were obviously thrusters and there were lights all over it.

As she looked at it, wondering what it was and why it had appeared, she got another shock. She had to cover her mouth to stop herself from shouting in surprise when she saw a man suddenly appear on top of the ship, looking down at it. A man she recognized. Her old neighbor, and the same man that she had fantasized about in her dreams every night for the last month.

She ducked down behind the wall, her mind racing. What was he doing here? Did he follow her? Did he just teleport like he did in her dreams? Did that mean he could do all the other things she saw him do in her dreams? Was he causing the dreams? Did he bring that ship here? Why?

She slapped her cheeks sharply, pulling herself out of her downward spiral of endless questions. There was no point sitting here freaking out. She had to investigate if she wanted answers. She quickly went back into her room and grabbed her phone before going back to the porch.

She peeked over the balcony wall again, phone in camera mode and ready to take pictures. She nearly dropped it though at yet another unexpected sight. A naked woman with fairy wings was flying down from one of the windows, a cat held in her hands. Sexy dreams, a UFO, a real-life ninja, and now a fairy? How the hell did this all connect together?

She snapped a few pictures though just so she wouldn't be able to convince herself later that she had dreamed all of this. She kept taking pictures until they vanished, though they left the UFO behind.

She ducked back into her room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't even bring to process what she just saw. But she knew one thing. She was going to find out what was going on with her neighbor Axton.