
Chapter 5

Disclaimer:I don't own anything other than some OC and some names.

Sam Anderson

Title: A Fucking Sadist


HP: 475/475




END: 15

DEX: 15


WIS: 9

CHR: 8

LUCK: 30

That is what I am looking at right now. After spending the day with Ruby and Yang I decided to check my stats and I realized that I put all my stat points in luck not complaining but wisdom and charisma is really low and I should probably increase it but not right now. Sleep first.

"*Yawn* Well time to get ready in the morning, I still have 18 days when tomorrow comes meaning training yep. Let's not kill ourselves shall we?" I said while looking up. I took a bath, change to my boxers which is surprisingly the same boxers that I wore when I got the Gamer ability, and went to bed.

Next Morning

I woke up at exactly 6 AM changed my clothes to Dante's outfit (black version) and went to the nearest park. While walking towards the park I was thinking on what to do to get the opional quest and title 'Manly and Hot As Fuck!'. I shrugged then decided to do what Saitama did to get strong. Which is his personal training and I know it will hurt but in the end it WILL be worth it. As I got to the park I decided to do some warm up and get on with it. I nodded at my plans in my head and started doing some warm ups.


I was tired-NO! Scratch that I'm dying and sweating but all I have to do is 5 more push ups then I'm done. 'Come on Sam! You can do this just 5 more!' I thought with anger in pain. "96 *Pant* 97*Pant* 98*Pant* 99*Pant* 100!" I finished with a loud grunt. "Haha worth it." I said with a tired smile.

[With intense training your Strength, Endurance, and Dextirity increased by 5!]

I sighed in satisfaction, took a swig of water then went back home, took a bath and went to a library. I checked the time which is 10 AM. 'So it took me 4 hours to finish Saitama's training huh? Well time to increase both Wisdom and Intelligence.' I thought as I went inside, got some books for strategy and a few stories about leadership. I was about to use the book the easiest way but this is a library and they will suspect me since I asked the librarian for these books and add in the fact that there are some cameras on the walls. "Well nobody said life is easy." I muttered.

5 hours later

[Your wisdom has increased by 9! You intelligence increased by 10! Your charisma increased by 7!]

To be honest I expected both wisdom and intelligence to go up but charisma? Didn't expect that but not complaining must be because of the books about leadership. [No shit.] After returning the books to the librarian, I went to a certain bar. Yup ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Junior's Bar!

Inside Junior's Bar

As I went inside the bar I immediately saw Junior. I was about to walk towards him until I heard a scream of fright. I looked to my left to see a goon but not just any goon its the same one that I headbutted a few chapters ago.

"Why are you here?!" He asked in fright probably because I was grinning.

"What? Can't a guy take a break at the best bar in town?" I asked making Junior who heard what I said to smile with pride. "Boss! Its the guy! The one who kicked our assess!" He shouted to an approaching Junior. "So? You struck first ya pansy." I said with a pissed of tone.

"So Henry what seems to be the problem here?" Asked Junior. I looked at him wearing the same suit he wore in Yang's trailer. "Boss thi-" He was about to start but I have other things in mind. "Well I was about to walk to your bar, get a drink to enjoy myself in, then this guy decides to scream like a little girl." I said while pointing to the now named Henry making Junior glare at said goon. "Well how about we talk this over at the bar and ignore the pansy?" He said with a smirk. I agreed going with Junior to the bar, taking a seat and waiting for Junior to get in station. As soon as he got in station I began "Strongest drink you have please." He nodded, got a bottle and a glass, and poured it and slid it towards me. I took it and drank it all in one gulp. "So, you look a little too young to be in a place like this care to share why?" Junior asked "Well why did you let me?" I asked making Junior shiver "Well let's just say that an incident involving a wild blonde made me want to not anger you. He responded with a nervous chuckle.

"Well nevermind that give me another." I said making him nod.

50 glasses later

Even after 50 glasses I kept on going impressing some people even the DJ and Junior. I smiled remembering my time in Earth where I used to drink a lot of booze with my friends and finish 10 bottles alone, but still this takes the cake! Sweet yet strong my type of booze. "Okay I think that's about enough." Said Junior making me chuckle. "You kidding? I ain't done yet ya know? I can take more!" I exclaimed. Even after drinking that much booze I can stilk talk normally guess being The Gamer helps ya with booze. I was about to order another one when I felt pairs of hands on each of my sides. Looking at my respective shoulder I saw Melanie at my right and Miltia at my left. "So what's a hottie like you doing in a place like this?" Asked Melanie making me smile. "Well you know relaxing, taking a break, getting rid of stress." I responded with a smirk making both twins blush "Well how about we help you with that." Said Melanie making Miltia blush and making me smirk "Well hiw many rounds can you take?" I asked with a smirk making both twins wide eyed with my question, why? Do all men last for only 1 round man that's a bit hurtful to the pride of all men. "Well we don't know to be honest but I would like to know how many though." 'Man! That is it! I'm taking these twins a part of my harem!' I thought with a grin. "Well maybe we'll find out in the future so for now, some introduction is in order. Sam. Sam Anderson." I said with a grin and looking at Melanie at the eye making me unconciously make Melanie hot. "Well hot guy I'm Melanie Malachite." Said Melanie while nudging Miltia to say its her turn "Miltia Malachite pleased to meet you." Although she's hiding it I know she's nervous.

"Well ladies its nice meeting you but I'm afraid its time for me to go now." I said making both twins frown. "Aww don't worry I'll be back if I get to see you beautiful ladies." I said making the twins blush and smile. One seductively and one happily. "And for a drink at the best bar in town." I continued making Junior smile while I put the bill down making him looked shocked in how much I gave him. "Wait you forgot your change!" Junior said quickly getting my attention. I looked at him. "Well? Keep it half for you and half for the twins. I responded with a wave of my hand making the twins smile "Thanks and you're welcome to get a drink whenever!" Shouted Junior making me grin. "Now then." I started while looking at the skies. What to do now? Still have 18 days before Beacon starts." I said "Well I'll just grind tomorrow and look for Tukson and learn some more skills." I said

[You have received 2 items!]

I looked at the screen then saw opened my inventory scrolled down and saw what items I got "Well atleast this will keep me busy." I said with a grin