
Gamer in Overlord

My first ever try at writing a story, so it's gonna be bad. But I would like to become a better writer so i would appreciate any helpful advice or criticism. Anyway, it's a Overlord SI/OC story. A guy dies, gets 1 wish and then gets thrown into a world he seems unfamiliar with. Now it's time for his great adventure. English is my third Language. I write on a phone. And my Internet connection is bad. So if you think there's something wrong with the fic, it's not my fault XD I do not own Overlord or the characters mentioned in the story. I do not own the cover photo. I only own The OC.

Student_Of_Culture · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

New Candidate

It's been a 2 months since the creation of the Island. The Island was pretty well done.

It's big enough to build a city 10 times bigger than E-Rantel. But the city I am making isn't actually that big.

It's just about as big as E-Rantel. I will make it bigger in the future if needed,but right now it's enough.

The construction of the City is also about half done. I had summoned undead Monsters to work as Construction Workers. Pretty good use of magic if you ask me.

I had already made aure to get all of the spells available in Yggdrasil, Ao I can summon Undead like Ainz without a problem. Though Ainz's Summons are stronger than mine. But they get the job done as construction workers.l

Since the workers are untiring undead, that can work way better than humans, the city will be complete within months.

The city is being made from various materials that can be considered legendary in this world, but is just mid tier at best in Yggdrasil.

I could use top tier materials, but that would just be a waste. The city will continue to change as it advances in the future.

Only the Palace at the centre of the city is made from top tier materials.

If someone from this world sees this Castle, their brain would stop working for some time, because of how out of the World the Castle looks.

It can be said to be a Residence of Gods. And the throne room is the most Glorious part of the Castle.

It's actually more impressive looking than the Throne room of Nazarick itself.

The city itself looks pretty good. The buildings in the city have many different types.

A quarter of the city is made in traditional Japanese style. I have always liked Japanese style houses.

Another quarter is made in Modern Architecture. The other half of the city is still in progress. I haven't decided what kind of architecture to make for the other half.

While I have made modern Houses, I have not made modern Appliances yet.

I will introduce modern items in this world in the future, but that's only after I turn them magical. Magitech should be the term, if I remember correctly.

I don't want a recurrence of pollution problem in this beautiful world. Mana doesn't cause any kind of pollution, as mana is the energy of the world. So mana based items will be eco friendly.

Mana is also inexhaustible. When you use a spell, mana goes from you to the spell, and after the spell is used the mana returns to the world. It then returns to you in the form of Mana regen and once again goes into spell, then back to the world. This cycle keeps going on forever.

I have already assigned the Magic researcher, Tech master, Artificer, and other NPCs that specialise in magical and technological aspects, to work for the creation of various moder technology in the form of Magitech.

They will will experiment to try and find various ways to recreate old technology from my previous worlds, and also try to create new technology themselves.

Though not everything will be released to the world. Only the essential one's will be allowed to be used by the inhabitants of this world.

A fridge is a must as cold desserts aren't a thing in this world. A world with no Ice cream sounds very sad.

Though Ice cream might have been created before with the help of actual ice from some icy mountains.

But I haven't heard anything about it, so it's either wasn't ever made, or it's just not convenient to make, or it's just not popular.

But I will make it popular. I will bless this world with Ice cream. And maybe I will introduce even Chocolate.

Sigh, why am I such a good Guy?



I had once again Gathered the Floor Guardians to discuss how our plan to conquer this world will go.

"Guardians, we will start the conquest of this world from today. And we will start by The Re-Estize kingdom." I announced.

"As you already might or might not have already known, Re-Estize is the easiest target to conquer. It has so many corrupt nobles that it won't take much to take over the country." I said as they nodded.

"Yes, from the reports we got from the spies, the Country is filled with Useless and weak bugs that think they are the greatest. So much ignorance." Said Albedo with distaste.

Albedo still didn't like Humans afterall. With my change, her hatred was decreased, not erased totally. Now she is just more willing to co operate with humans if needed.

"You will send various shadow demons that will tail every important Noble in the Kingdom and gather data about them.

After we have sufficient data, we will kill a few of the Nobles and replace them with a Doppleganger. After that conquering the kingdom without much bloodshed will be easy. After all why kill so many people that are gonna be working for our country in the future." I said.

"Yes My Lord. I will send Shadow Demons to do the task." Said Demiurge.

"But My Lord, why aren't we doing the same for Baharuth Empire?" Asked Shalltear.

"It's because the Empire has a 6th tier mage and he might notice the Demons. But I will take care of that Mage pretty soon" I answered.

"How will you do that Lord Adrian? Will you kill him?" Asked Aura.

"No, I will recruit him. He's a guy that basically Worships magic. So it will be pretty easy to get him." I replied to Aura.

That guys pretty easy to get. Just showing him my magic power will be enough.

Ainz made a pretty smart decision from recruiting that guy. He's a 200+ year old guy and also is the strongest mage. He Probably has a lot if knowledge about magic.

"Aura, you will be responsible for collecting any rare and exotic animals you find here. And mare will assist you in your journey. You will both start with the forest of Tob

" I told the duo who got excited from getting to go on a adventure. I want yo see what kinds of animals this world has. If they can have a huge fucking hamster, they can have anything.

"Sebas, You will pose as an Noble and go to the Capital of Re-Estize." I saod. I had no need to send him there, but I still decided to do it anyway.

Why? Cause I want the old dude to find his love. That Tuareninya girl that became Sebas' Lover was good enough person, so she will get her chance..

Getting such a good guy as a lover, she probably used her whole life's luck on that.

"Cocytus, You will go and capture the multiple villages of Lizard men. You have a limited time. During this time you can use any method you want, but they should be under Nazarick within a month. You won't be getting any backup during this time." I ordered. I had no need for the Lizardmen, but I will conquer them just for diversity. Afterall my country must have all kinds of races living in it.

"And as for you Shalltear, you will hunt down any Marital arts user you can find. It's a unique art of this world. We should experiment to see if we can also learn martial skills." I said. I had no interest in martial skills of this world, but I just gave her that task cause otherwise she will start moping about not getting any work.




My Adventurer persona has been doing various quests during these two months. Quests after quests. He did so many quests, there were no more high level quests left to do.

He had also received a lot of invitations from various Nobles and even The King of Re-Estize kingdom and The Emperor of The Baharuth Empire had sent a personal invitation.

Those reactions are kinda expected as I had made myself seem like a 6th tier mage. Tales of a new 6th tier magic caster has spread to the whole world by now.

Though news spreads a lot slower here in this underdeveloped world, it still does spread through the mouths of various merchants that travel between the countries, and from Adventurers going everywhere for quests.

Because of the tale of my battle against the Skeletal Dragon, There have been talks about me everywhere.

Most people didn't believe the tales as they called it bullshit. A new 6th tier Mage, and a young one at that. That's just unbelievable for the people of this world.

3rd tier is the peak of a normal human. 4th tier are for some exceptional geniuses. 5th tier is the realm of heroes. And 6th tier is the highest Known tier. Atleast by the common population.

There has only been one 6th tier mage ever known in history, and that's the 200+ year old man. So people obviously won't believe a Guy that looks to be in his early 20s can be a 6th tier mage.

Though people believe that the Six Great Gods and The Greed Kings were beings who could use a magic of higher tier, they don't compare humans with Gods.

Some had made a speculation that I used a unknown 6th tier mage to reverse my age.

Some people claim that I just used an item from the age of Gods, or the Greed Kings.

Some people say I am the Son of The Empires 6th tier mage.

Those rumours are ridiculous, but it's expected. Weird rumours comes as a part of being famous.

Anyway, My clone had left E-Rantel a few days before. He has just reached the capital city of Re-Estize Yesterday.

After booking a room, he visited the Adventurers Guild to collect rewards for the quests he did in the way to the capital, as well as take any new quest that might be available.

During these 2 months, a big change has happened to Re-Estize. Climb, the pet toy of The princess Rener died.

Apparantly he was killed by a noble that was angry with the failure of assassination of Gazef.

While he anger, he had bumped into Climb while walking the road.

While still in anger that guy thought it eas a good idea to kill the princess' pet toy.

The Golden Princess was in rage after learning about the death of Climb.

As a retaliation, she used everything that she could do to take revenge. She killed of the Noble's entire family. The noble himself was getting tortured in a basement.

After that she has been continually trying to bring various other nobles under her control. And she has been successfully able to bring 5 noble houses under her.

Now She's also being considered as a candidate for the selection of the next ruler.

So the 2 months has been pretty chaotic.




(These days I have been automatically waking up at 5 in the Morning. As a result of getting up so early I have been feeling sleepy earlier at night as well.

While writing this chapter I almost fell asleep 3 times. So I didn't even check for mistakes. It might be very bad.

I will try to write the chapters in the morning from now on.)