
Three years and burning balls!?

Three years passed like flowing waters of Niagara. These three years Morgana grew both physically, mentally, and magically. Her stats and especially skill tab grew to new heights. She homeschooled by her father on necessary subjects like math, science, and general culture while she goes to the courses for calligraphy, gymnastic, acrobatics while Uncle Arnold, her father's friend and also the man who is responsible for marital arts part of the game they are creating teach her about martial arts. Uncle Arnold is especially knowledgeable about Silat, Bartitsu, H.E.M.A, and Brazilian Jujutsu. Under his tutorage she learn unarmed combat, knife & dagger-wielding, using an umbrella as a weapon for self-defense and combat purposes. But these aren't the only things Morgana learned during these three years and Morgana can see that clearly thanks to the system:


[Name: Morgana Nelson]

[Race: Demi-god]

[Title: Daughter of Hecate, Trainee]

[Strength: E-]

[Agility: D+]

[Constitution: E]

[Intelligence: D-]

[Wisdom: D+]

[Charm: B+]

[Skills & Abilities]

[Observe] (Apprentice, %48)

[Gymnastic] (Adept, %21)

[Acrobatics] (Apprentice, %77)

[Dagger-wielding] (Adept, %08)

[Umbrella-wielding] (Apprentice, %14)

[Unarmed Combat] (Apprentice, %74)

[Flute playing] (Novice, %34)

[Divination] (Novice, %21)

[Mist Controlling] (Adept, %48)

[First-aid] (Apprentice, %39)

[Ancient Greek] (Expert, %45)

[Latin] (Apprentice, %61)

[English] (Apprentice, %56)

[Calligraphy] (Apprentice, %47)

[Painting] (Apprentice, %36)

[Swimming] (Apprentice, %54)

[Climbing] (Apprentice, %67)

[Cooking] (Novice, %57)

Looking at how much she learned and grew, Morgana goes down to breakfast while smiling proudly. In these three years, she learn anything she can and she feels ready to expand her horizons. Seeing his daughters smile Mr.Nelson asks:

Mr.Nelson: Are you excited for today? Or is this excitement comes from the dreams of tomorrow?

Morgana: From both, but mostly from tomorrow. I wonder what is a demi-god summer camp be like?

Mr.Nelson: It affects you even more than our celebration! Maybe we should postpone it next year, what you say sweetie?

Morgana: Father!

Mr.Nelson: Okay, okay. It was just a joke.

The reason for Morgana's excitement about tomorrow is Mr.Nelson's promise to take her Camp Half-blood and she already wait three years for it. But they have another thing to do for today. Today her father and his friends going to celebrate finishing the game they start to make eleven years ago. They are going to make a barbeque in the garden of Uncle Sebastian. Because Uncle Sebastian would be busy with preparing barbeque, they need to take his son Corey from his school, Merry Weather, or something like that from what Morgana can remember. While Uncle Arnold and his daughter Selina, who goes gymnastics together with Morgana, take the meats and drinks. Morgana's favorite is meatballs filled with cheeseburger cheese with Fanta. But for now, she must eat her breakfast which is not a meatball filled with cheeseburger cheese. So, she eats her breakfast in silence.

After eating their breakfast the father and daughter duo wore their outdoor clothes and be ready to go. Morgana ties her hair in a ponytail, wears a green t-shirt, and a dark blue skirt with black stocking and green shoes. She takes her umbrella-sword too. It looks like a normal umbrella from the outside but there is a hidden blade inside its handle. The blade inside the umbrella is a thin, two-sided blade and it can be classified either as a long dagger or a short sword. The fabric of the umbrella is grassy green and it has leaf motives like oak leaves. The best part is; even though it's summertime, she can carry it around without attracting much attention because it can be used for blocking the sunlight too!

Using her umbrella as a cane, Morgana walks toward Mr.Nelson's ''the second most important thing of his life'' which is his car. A Chevrolet Impala 67 with mat black paint, real beauty among mundane creations of mortals. Every time Mr.Nelson sees his car, he starts to act like a teenager newly come out from the gym and stare at the car with empty looks. At least this is how Morgana sees it.

Hearing the rhythmic voices Morgana does with her umbrella while walking, Mr.Nelson stops starring at his car and opens the back door for Morgana to hop in. But just like any kid, Morgana also wants to sit on the front seat so she uses puppy eyes and asks her father:

Morgana: Father, I am already old enough. Can I sit on the front seat? Please!

But as a cat person Mr.Nelson successfully resist the puppy eyes! Smiling at his daughter Mr.Nelson says:

Mr.Nelson: Of course you can, when you become fourteen years old.

Morgana: Father!

Mr.Nelson: May bless you! But still you need to sit on the back seat. Come on.

After an hour of drive, they arrive at the school. Finding the principal isn't take much time. He is a fat man with a shiny bald head. While her father talks with the principal Morgana wonders if it's possible to make frying eggs on this barrel-like man's head on a sunny day. Before she finds her answer, Mr.Nelson finds where they need to go. From what Mr.Nelson learned, Corey Bailey and his class have a P.E. lesson now and they decided to watch them. So they go to the school gym.

Unlike the principal, the P.E. teacher is an older man who seems to dedicate himself to being the best skeleton cosplayer ever for Halloween, and he starts to prepare himself from now! But he is not the most interesting one in this room in Morgana's perspective because there are six monsters in the play-ground! Five of them have reddish skins and they all look like giants to Morgana. While she doesn't know what kind of monsters they are, she knows the one which stands on the opposite side of them, the same team as Corey! It is a cyclops, the one-eyed gigantic monster type. Sometimes they described as idiots and sometimes gods personal smiths under Hephaistos. But there is no time for Morgana to find out which one is true because Corey is in danger and a dead Corey means no barbeque! So Morgana whispers to her father:

Morgana: Father, we need to take Corey and get out of here fast. There are monsters among players.

Thanks to years of playing specially made sole-adventure for her by her dad, she knows in these kinds of situations the first thing to do is secure herself and the ones she cares about. There is no time to think about others and her father is done everything he can to prepare her in these kinds of situations. Just like he said ''There are no ethics in survival!''. So she has no moral dilemma while abounding these strangers to their fate.

Hearing his daughter's whispers, Mr.Nelson do not hesitate and direct call Corey:

Mr.Nelson: Corey, come here. We need to go, others are waiting for us.

Corey: Ah, Uncle Alexander! I am coming right now.

Corey takes his school bag and his bag with uniform from the boys' locker room and they come out from the gym. They only take ten steps or so when they hear a loud ''Boom'' from the gym. At the same time, a quest appeared in front of Morgana.

[Helping the comrades: You meet demi-gods being traped by monsters. Save them from this trap.]


-Choose one from:

+[the knowledge [Talisman & Amulet making]

+[the knowledge [Arcane Smithing]


-the chain quest*[Emmisarry of Hecate]*]

Seeing the new mission Morgana takes a coin like token made out of yew and toss it. She catches it before it hits the ground. While these actions can be pointless in the eyes of others except if the said person trying to imitate a specific Batman villain, Morgana has a different reason for tossing the token. As a token made out of yew, which is the tree symbolizes Hecate, it is a great medium for divination! As a beginner seer; Morgana uses divination to make better choices in these kinds of situations, crossroads of fate. Reading <Yes> on the token as the answer to the question ''Will helping these demi-gods bore the good consequences for me?'', Morgana decides to help them with controlling mist while hiding herself from danger. She turns to her dad and said:

-Father, I need to use the toilet, you two can go. Don't wait for me.

Mr. Nelson, already seeing her while she is using her token, can guess what she wants and asks:

-Are you sure?

Morgana looks into his eyes and nods firmly. Seeing the dedicated look into her eyes, Mr.Nelson nods her back and says:

-Be careful sweetie.

Then Morgana turs back while her dad and Corey, who seems confused because of the overly dramatic ''I need to pee'' talk, goes to the car.

Near the entrance of the gym Morgana hide herself with the mist and goes inside. She goes towards the audience seats which has more safety than the playground and then she uses [Observe] on the monsters:

[Name: Joe Bob]

[Race: Laestrygonian]

[Title: Canniball]

[Strength: C+]

[Agility: D-]

[Constitution: D+]

[Intelligence: E]

[Wisdom: E-]

[Charm: F+]

The other five monster's stats aren't very different from Joe Bob even though they have more interesting names like Skull-eater. All of them have burning balls made out of bronze. One of these balls is struck on the door of the locker room. Now understand the situation Morgana starts to use her magic.

She controls the mist and creates loud voices in Laestrygonians' ears enough for them to feel pain, then she starts to cause them to see everything spinning. With the combination of these two, Laestrygonians lost their balance and knell, witnessing that the cyclops takes two burning balls and starts to hit them while shouting '' Bullies, bad!''. His friend, the demi-god with black hair opens his eyes wide with shock, tries to understand what is happening. At the same time, one of the Laestrygoninans throat slits open without an apparent reason, and a mortal who seems like a generic bully in the superhero movies screams with fear. Realizing two of them died in a second other Laestrygonians tries to get up but their sense of balance let them down. Next second all of the monsters die except the cyclops and a silence occurred while Morgana sees a notification about completing her quest.

Then a figure appeared from thin air, with blonde hair and blue eyes.

He speaks with a clear voice. ''Hello there!'' and without waiting for a response he continues ''I am your savior, Michael Lionheart. Now come with me, we need to go before the bald barrel man shows up with the police!'' then he turns around and exits the gym. The cyclops follows him while mumbling ''A new friend!'' and the demi-god goes with them without any other option. After some time they come out of school and stop. Then Michael asks:

Michael: So what are your names comrades?

The cyclops answer quickly:

Tyson: I am Tyson, and he is Percy.

Percy: Yeah, nice to meet you.

Michael: Indeed it is nice to meet me. But I would love to meet with your other invisible friend too.

Just as he finishes the sentence, another figure appeared from blue. This time it is a blonde girl with storm-grey eyes. She has a dagger in her hand and a cautious look in her eyes. As if she is thinking who will be the first one she is going to stab. Without lowering her dagger she speaks:

Annabeth: Hi Percy.

Percy: Annabeth!? What are you doing here?

Annabeth: I need to talk with you. Private.

Michael: So you are his friend. This makes you a friend too. Aren't you think so big guy?

Tyson: Yes, a pretty friend.

Before anyone can say another thing Michael turns into a mist and disappears, while a girl with an umbrella appears next to them. And she says:

Morgana: Hello there! I am Morgana, your savior. I hope you don't mind my little trick. One can't be sure if an invisible throat-slitter is a friendly one these days. But I save your lives, it evens us; so are we good?

A happy one-eyed face and two surprised faces is the only answer she gets.

With a 2055 word count, this is the longest chapter I write in my life probably. I don't make a cliff-hanger so I don't cut it in half. I hope you all enjoy it. By the way, Corey Bailey is a canon character from Sea of monsters. If you have any idea please comment and let me know.

DreamWanderercreators' thoughts