


[An Established Ranked Member has brought immense danger towards *redacted.* ≤View Details≥.]




[Details reviewed.]

[Established Ranked Member: C0n¢e®n3d@$f#ck@ll now has their entire sphere of influence isolated.]

[All Worlds and businesses connected to Member are now paused and included in Isolation.]




[Deletion of Member Id: C0n¢e®n3d@$f#ck@ll is now Initiated.]

[Cause for Deletion: Member offended/made enemies with several top ranked entities across multiple Worlds in his own multiverse. Exposed Membership for no valid reason to multiple entities mundane, divine, powered, and abstract. Entire *redacted* was put at potential risk. Theft of the entire buffet at annual Member get together across ranks. Being a general idiot. Numerous other complaints and grievances.]

[Delete Member? Y/N?]




[Deletion approved by Lord *redacted*.]

[Commencing Deletion.]




[Membership is hereby revoked.]

[Severing connection to *redacted*.]





[Extracting Stats for Recycling.]





[Extracting Perks for Recycling.]





[Extracting Bloodlines for Recycling.]





[Extracting Titles for Recycling.]





[Extracting Energies for Recycling.]





[Extracting Equipment for Recycling.]





[Extracting Items for Recycling.]





[Extracting Pets for Recycling.]





[Extracting Businesses for Recycling.]





[Extracting Connected Entities for Recycling.]





[Erasing Former Member's Multiverse for Recycling.]





[Deleting Former Member from existence.]





[Deletion of Former Member successful.]




[System Query to Lord *redacted*: Enough materials have now been collected allowing for Recruitment of new Members. Proceed with Recruitment Protocol?]

[Yes/No? Confirm?]




[Yes Confirmed!]




[Recruitment of new Members is approved.]

[Recruitment Protocol is now initiated.]

[Appointed Grand Duke Ranked Members are now on standby for Trials.]


[Welcome to the Trials!]


"What the heck am I looking at?" In front of my eyes was a weird screen that looked liked something out of one of those animes, mangas, or webcomics. Couldn't be a video game, because even in a dark void this is still real, at least to me. I'm drawing a bit of a blank on how I got here too even.


Except for what I think happened before I got here. I was out of the house for once in awhile, I worked from home rarely getting out because I didn't exactly have the best immune system. My friends and I were out having a good time, we just won our bowling league for the third year in a row, so we were celebrating. I'll admit we could have been better, but to be fair we just won against this as*hole who was just a sad, petty man who in fact hired some punks to try to put us in the hospital.


The last this I remember was a loud bang, and bam! I'm here.


All of that was a can of worms though, so I kept myself from freaking out for now. Even if I could not even feel myself having a body. So, let's find out what exactly IS GOING THE F**K ON!


Okay, not the time. Come on, figure out what's going on then freak out and move on.


"Excuse me, uh, whatever you are? But what is going on?" 'Wait, I don't even have a body let alone a mouth right now! Then how did I talk!?'


[Hello examinee #26193310! Your soul has been pulled from the process of being judged in your original World, so you can compete to gaining Membership in a special "community."]


"Community? Wait, hold up, is this some sort of Rob situation?"


{Those beings are not useful at all. They're more likely to power up some poor idiot up, just to take it all away, shattering his soul in the process. Just for sh*ts and giggles, they do like being entertained the most however. Something useful to remember rookie.}


'Who was that?'


[Member: Aπ¥3rd¢hanc3? is an appointed Member selected to oversee the Trials.]


{Hey Kiddo! Don't mind the handle, just think of it as a username for interacting with the System. Like it said, I'm overseeing the Trials along with some, "peers" of mine. Lucky you to have me be in charge of your Trial. I'll be impartial as I can be, but since I was the one who caught your soul by chance, rooting for you anyway.}


"O-okay? But, what are these Trials?"


{Trials are just how we get new Members. It's like joining a club you could say, being a employee, citizen, or soldier could also be applied. Being a Member could be many things, but not quite anything else either. Countless souls go through a Trial for each of them, but only a certain amount of them are accepted.}




{Look it's way above your pay grade right now, so don't worry your poor little head.}


{Anywho, Members are like royalty, we have have ranks, we oversee our spheres of influence, we do battle, also we can ascend in rank. You however are not a Member quite yet, in the Grand scheme of things you would be Ranked a Commoner. Basically a nobody, completing the Trials will then make you a Squire, known as the first step.}


{To begin with is your first World, the entirety of the Trials is just establishing yourself on your first World. Most of the system however will be locked up until you get to a saving point based on your character, deeds, and such to see if you are okay to join. That will be once you get some quests and experience under your belt, along with a base.}


{You can be anything really, good, evil, and the like. Don't think about it too hard we just don't want someone too crazy or whatever to make a muck of things.}


"That's reasonable." 'And not because I want to argue with people who have power over my soul.'


{Good, and don't worry, us older folks don't pick on rookies unless they try to start something. Plus, you are only a soul right now, your thoughts are pretty visible to any higher ups like me in this state.}


"Okay, sorry just trying not to have a melt down right now."


{Oh that! Right, you should had a small room for your freak out by now. Sorry about that! We'll talk in a bit. Sys, after you!}


[Temporary Isolation Initializing.]

[Please wait until finished to scream.]


After that line a pure white room was building up around me. With each new spot a bit of blue pixels could be seen before disappearing. Once that was over the screen appeared again, only stating one line.






So I did.


{Okay, that freak out was definitely a record. Good thing you don't have any vocal cords yet! It wasn't the longest, but definitely was in the top ten. So now you have earned a little bonus for in your Trial along with your gift! Congrats! 🎉}


"Okay, now I'm back to normal-ish? I still feel weird. Like I'm tired but not. And what's this about about a bonus?"


{Your mental energy is currently just exhausted. While you may not have a physical body currently you can still think like normally with emotions. So some energy is still used up, and you'll learn more in a second. Moving on, how did he do Sys.}



[Examinee has created a new record, being held at the new rank three.]

[Additional gifts are being granted for placement in Top 10, Top 5, and Ranked 3.]

[Your Fame has increased.]


{Well damn, it's been awhile since I've been surprised like this. It's not an unwelcome feeling every now and then I guess.}


{Well for making my day I'll upgrade your gift to help you more at the start of your Trial. So, because of your Scream Ranking your now getting four gifts instead of the regular one.}


"...okay. But, a Scream Ranking?"


{I know, I know. But we've found that it's best for the newbies to vent and all before they begin so their mental states are fit to join. You wouldn't believe the amount of initiates we had to release because of them not being right in the head. You can get skills and stuff similar to the Gamer's Mind to protect yourself. But, if your messed up from the get go, it's not a pretty sight. And the bonus Gifts are meant for beginners, so no one will get anything truly overpowered. Only things that will make the start easier will be given.}


"I'm concerned, but can also see that happening. So... what do I get?"


{A tad greedy huh. You'll appreciate the grind more I suppose, not a terrible trait to have if you manage it. Anywho, let's see what's he's won today Sys!}




{I've been watching a lot of game shows lately, okay. *Sigh* Just do it Sys.}




[Gifts are now being granted]


[Primary Gift is being awarded]


[Primary Gift has been identified as a Character Template of Haseo from the .hack universe]


[An upgrade to the gift has been granted by a High Ranked Member]


[Haseo Character Template has become Complete Haseo Character Template]


"Isn't he that video game character with the stand knock off? And what is a Complete Template?"


{That's the one. Honesty he is stronger than you'd think he is, he comes from an fantasy/sci-fi world, being the game character and not the player behind the screen. Plus, a Complete Template means you get everything about them their clothes, physical attributes, taking after their form, all of their powers and the like. But, just because you have all of those powers doesn't mean they will start on the same level as the Character had them at. You'll have them, you just have to train them up from level one.}


"Well everyone has to start from somewhere I guess. What kinds of powers are we talking about here anyway?"


{Absorbing for one, both powers and traits can taken from the one being absorbed and added to you. Like a lesser scaled Rimiru due to the "knock-off stand "Skeith. Unarmed combat unlocks for free, automatic combat class unlock, engineer class can get an auto unlock, obviously you get the Terror of Death Epitaph: Skeith, magic talent and abilities, also energy manipulation right off the back. So a pretty solid starting point.}


"Alright, those sound good to me."


{Now moving on to your Top Ten ranking.}


[Gift for Top Ten Scream Ranking is now being rewarded]


[Top Ten Scream Ranking Gift has been identified as the Passive Skill: Incredible Genes]


[Incredible Genes: Your genes are undoubtedly superior to many others. Any bloodline or abilities related to your biology are superior in comparison to others with the same bloodline or similar abilities. Offspring will also be much stronger then they would be otherwise, becoming a excellent combination of their parents with no defects able to form as a result of ancestry. ]


{Well damn kid, were you formed out of a lucky star or what?}


"I've always had decent luck. Nothing really bad ever really happened unless I had some sort of hand in making it happen. Which I guess is good luck in a way since I was able to make it work regardless."


{Well now I'm just getting intrigued more and more, let's see what else you get.}


[Gift for Top Five Scream Ranking is now being rewarded]


[Top Five Scream Ranking Gift has been identified as the Active/Passive Skill: Esper]


[Esper: Your mind has been opened. You are much more flexible when using your head to accomplish any feat approaching you. Leading a way to open up many new paths before you.]


"Wait, what? I thought being a Esper meant I could only move things with my mind, or mess with other people's head's. What's going on here?"


{Yeah, that's a common misconception, but it can be helpful in a lot of ways. Being an Esper basically releases the chains on your mental capabilities, this also applies to magic abilities.


{Take this for example, a person wants to learn magic and has the ability to do so. Therefore they research a spell, let's say fireball, and dedicate time to learn it. After they learn it they want to learn a different one so they pick waterball or along those lines. They apply what they know but still have trouble using it. The spells are similar, but they are fundamentally different being complete opposites.}


{They learned to use fire so they are set in their ways, making using water much more difficult to master. It's like learning another completly different language after just becoming fluent in one. Being an Esper makes things more flexible for you, instead of having to learn different languages you start with a base and can learn dialects. Eventually moving on to new languages with everything being connected.}


"So basically the basics are going to be worked on very much to a higher level before any fancy things like making my own island like Avatar Kyoshi. But, by doing that the cool things will be easier."


{Basically yeah.}


"I mean it helps me without harming me in any real way, so I'm for it."


{Good, you have no idea how many weebs I've seen bellyache about this just because they won't be able to shoot fireballs right off the bat.}


[Gift for Top Three Scream Ranking is now being rewarded]


[Top Three Scream Ranking Gift has been identified as the Active/Passive Skill: Intuition]




'What's with that reaction? Of all that I've gotten this brings him some different feeling?' For a simple sounding skill to bring unease to a higher up like him, must mean something serious is up.


'Here goes nothing.' "What? I think it's a pretty good skill, is something wrong?"


{Hm? ...Oh, nothing bad persay, it's just strange. Not many have ever gotten this skill, now for it to show up for you. I wondered if you were made from lucky material before, now I'm split if that's correct or your luck has decided to abandon you.}




{To be clear it works similarly to the Skill: Instinct. Like Saber from Fate almost, but not exactly. It can be applied to many places but the mechanics are wonky as it's tied the mystical side of things. Like I said not many people have it, so you'll have to figure it out your self.}


"Eh, it will give me something to do. So... Where am I going anyway?"


{Sys was running the World Selection while you were getting your gifts, so it's already been chosen.}


"...If I had a jaw it would be dropped right now."


{Aw c'mon, don't be like that. Do you know how many souls are recruited every time for the Trials? Countless! And only so few are able to get on the Scream Ranking! *Sigh* Anyway your chosen world is Remnant or you might know it as RWBY, so good luck. Maybe you can even get a cat girl or two for yourself.}


With that a blue spiraling portal opened up beneath me, slowly sucking me in before I could say anything.


{Oh, and your personality and body might be tweaked a little on account of your gifts! Knew I almost forgot something! See ya!}