
Gamer's journey to (probably) victory

"Wow, I feel like I'm in a novel- no, a Fanfiction" -Duh, you are. Didn't you already know?- "Plicci, I already knew. Don't ruin my protagonist moments!"

Albusmanc · Videojogos
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19 Chs

Shit, is this true?

Time passed fast and now I have one year. 

And at this time I obtained enough proof that I'm definitely a protagonist.

Anyway, let's start with the happy news first.

I thought that I had a disease because of my senses. Turn out, without much explanation, since my sixth month, for more than two hours every day they became normal.

For the first time, I saw my parents' faces and listened to their voices.

My mother is beautiful, with gray hair and green eyes, she is average in both her top and bottom compartments, but when she watches me I feel like her beauty is enchanted by three times. Her voice is soothing to the extreme.

In contrast, my father has brown hair and grey eyes, his body is fit, and has a serious expression on his face almost every time, but it softens a bit when he touches me with his non-corrupted hand. His voice is deep.

The moment I finally saw with my eyes for the first time, I cried with happiness and both my parents comforted me even if they didn't know why.

Since then, in the few moments of clear senses I had, I studied around me.

I probably live in Siberia. If you want to know why, it's because there's snow all around here, all year long. Then I thought 'Please, let it not be Siberia' and as I knew that a general protagonist gets a middle finger based on their desires at the start of a story, I concluded that.

Oh, and also because one month ago my parents talked about the situation here.

Oh and, for some strange reason, I recognized every word they used, even the Russian ones or different terms from my former life.

By the way, my parents used English most of the time, and they mixed a few Russian words... it was interesting...

Now, my mom was a stay-at-home wife the max distance she went from home was in the nearby forest and not much deep into it. It's really cold out there, so she probably didn't want to spend too much time outside, where she couldn't see me. Twice she took me in her arms and brought me outside, where we could see the snow starting to melt and the sunset disappearing under the trees.

It was beautiful, one of the few times I witnessed nature's beauty.

Then, I discovered that my father is a hunter and a mercenary. Usually, he's at home only for a week every month before departing for a mission. I didn't see any weapons at home, but I know he possesses at least a gun other than the shotgun he use to hunt animals while he's not here. By the way, he can also butcher up them, while mom can use their pelts to make induments and blankets. She made all my blankets

Anyway, thanks to his work, we aren't a poor family, and we have all the necessities, but we aren't rich... at least it's good enough that we can feed everyone in here.

Now, for the bad news... my father will die. Once, I overheard my parents talking about the corruption and the fact that a doctor he saw told him that he had only one year left... if he didn't come in contact with other honkai beasts and strong honkai energy.

That day was the first I heard my mother sobbing... questioning him about what she would do if he died... what would happen to the baby.

He has done his best to comfort her, he said that he talked with a friend of his that would do his best to help us. 

We will move in the future to a place near his friend... the only price he couldn't haggle more is that he had to participate in a few more dangerous missions, and his father accepted. 

His reason was 'What was to fear about, I will reach my end, but I will have done my best to help you'.

And I'm ashamed to admit it, but Dad got lucky that evening... and I was awake half the night...

And now that I have a year, both of them are taking me out this evening and we are sitting in a big chair watching the sky as today is a special day.

I didn't know before, but apparently, because Siberia is so near the North Pole, there is an observable phenomenon called Northern Lights...

Or, their cooler name,

Aurora Borealis

A beautiful and mesmerizing spectacle of lights. How does it work? I have no idea, and no intention to question it.

The azure and green light miraculously dancing in the sky creating a mysterious and romantic atmosphere is what I need...

Oh, and by the way, I didn't reveal the most important thing I discovered.

My name.

The child born of Viktoriya Ivanovna Alekseev and Dmitriev Levitskyich Savin,

Vasiliev Dmitrievich Savin

Bro got shit lusk, true as it is in almost every protagonist's life. And by the way, Vasiliev Dmitrievich Savin is a cool-looking name that I personally researched, a totally not chuuny one.

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