
Game of Thrones: Wolf of the East

The Company of Rose is one of the oldest and most famous free companies in Essos. It was founded by the self-exiled royalty of House Stark who refused to bend the knee with Torrhen Stark, the king who knelt, when he vowed his loyalty to Aegon the Conqueror in 1 AC. After the Fall of the Dragons, Sirius Stark, the current head of the Company of Rose, decides to return to Winterfell to reunite their estranged family. ------------------------------------------------------------------- A young history student dies suddenly while studying the Book of The Dead suddenly finds himself in a great hall facing 42 solemn men in weird clothing, an obscenely tall man with an African Wolf head holding a queer scale and on its two pans was one human heart and on the other was a feather of some bird. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not claim ownership of Game of Thrones or any related characters belonging to Game of Thrones. I only own my OC characters. Any material belonging to other sources belongs to their respected sources and is used purely for enjoyment.

TyrantPharaoh · TV
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19 Chs

Power Seizing Plan

I decided to strike while the iron was hot and lie through my teeth, "Father, I need to let you know that for the past nine moons I have been seeing green dreams, I think I am like those green seers of our ancestors, I always saw a huge tree with thousands of branches and red leaves, it also had a face carved in it. I think it is the Wierwood tree that is present in the Godswood in the north".

My father had a shocked expression, I continued fervently, "I think this tree has some connections to the Old Gods, as the face on the tree started talking to me and relaying knowledge of our history that I never knew ever existed."

I started to describe the knowledge my supposed ancestors had about glassmaking.

Glassmaking was a process of making sheets of glass or making different sizes of flasks from glass. The sheets of glass are produced through the Float glass process. The raw materials are basically: sand, soda ash, which in my world was called sodium carbonate, limestone(calcium carbonite).

Soda Ash was made through the burning of plants growing in sodium-rich soil, which is basically found aplenty in Lhazar as the Skahazadhan river passes near the Khyzai Pass has brownish and saline water, that is why Lhazareen people drink from wells instead of it. So any plant near its banks can be burned to get Soda Ash. Limestone and sand are found almost everywhere near Meereen so procuring them is not a problem.

The raw materials are mixed in a batch process, then fed together with suitable cullet (waste glass), in a controlled ratio, into a furnace where it is heated to approximately 1500 °C. Common float glass furnaces are 9 m wide, 45 m long, and contain more than 1200 tons of glass. Once molten, the temperature of the glass is stabilized to approximately 1200 °C to ensure a homogeneous specific gravity.

The molten glass is fed into a "tin bath", a bath of molten tin (about 3–4 m wide, 50 m long, 6 cm deep), from a delivery canal and is poured into the tin bath by a ceramic lip known as the spout lip. The amount of glass allowed to pour onto the molten tin is controlled by a gate called a tweel.

The glass flows onto the tin surface forming a floating ribbon with perfectly smooth surfaces on both sides and of even thickness. As the glass flows along with the tin bath, the temperature is gradually reduced from 1100 °C until at approximately 600 °C the sheet can be lifted from the tin onto rollers. The glass ribbon is pulled off the bath by rollers at a controlled speed. Variation in the flow speed and roller speed enables glass sheets of varying thickness to be formed. Top rollers positioned above the molten tin may be used to control both the thickness and the width of the glass ribbon.

Once off the bath, the glass sheet passes through a lehr kiln for approximately 100 m, where it is cooled gradually so that it anneals without strain and does not crack from the temperature change. On exiting the "cold end" of the kiln, the glass is cut by machines.

I explained the entire process to my father and even told him I have other techniques to make high-quality glass for flasks and goblets, as well as various kinds of miraculous wine that will be sold as a luxurious product in all over the known world. First, we need to make the glass sheets as it will prove to be essential for our plans for the North.

I paused and then gathered my strength to explain all my knowledge about the idea of shifting and how it relates to our history according to those memories implanted in my mind by Anubis. He almost did not believe me until I swore by the Old Gods, my ancestors, and Frostmourne. I gave my dad a tutorial about what phasing is and how it will change my body, my temper, my power, and my longevity.

He looked pensively and asked slowly "Tell me all you know about the full extent of these abilities." I started explaining what I know about those abilities, and I also warned him that others will have a downgraded version of these abilities and it varies from one person to another depending on their purity of bloodline and inborn talent.

Anubis's gift is that I basically became a tier higher than the normal Alpha as I am the strongest Wolf ever in the lineage of Taha Aki. I will start phasing normally at 15 and I need to phase before five years go by as then my body will be too rigid to accept the phasing and it will basically break down. I will have an almost instant phasing ability.

My Wolf Form is almost 10 feet long and 7 feet high. I will have the super strength that makes me able to crush elephants and claws and teeth that can cut through Valyrian steel, as my supposed ancestors cut through the diamond-hard body of the cold ones. I will have a monstrous body of dense and tensile muscles that ensure strength and speed that far exceeds the human level. My highest speed would reach 200 miles per hour. To break this down at top speed I could travel from Winterfell to Kings Landing in 15 hours, given that I could endure the distance at this speed. I also have a regeneration blessing that heals almost any wound in a matter of days if mortal wounds or minutes for normal cuts and broken bones. I will almost be unkillable unless I am beheaded or have my heart ripped out of my chest.

The greatest boon is that in the months of phasing I will have an amazing growth spurt to reach my adult form, at which I slow down aging as long as I maintain the habit of phasing. I also explained how I will have telepathy with Wolfs who join my pack and about the completing absolute power of Alpha voice, although I do not plan to use it unless I am desperate enough.

My father looked weird with his trembling shoulders and sharp eyes until he suddenly burst out laughing in a hysterical matter. BLOODY HELL. I never heard him laughing so hard it sounded a bit creepy. I broke out of my reverie as he slapped my back and almost brought me to the ground with his massive slaps. "Hahahaha, boy if what you say is even half true, then even after being buried in the crypts for thousands of years I will still hear the voice of the Wolves howling throughout the North and all the Northern men will kneel to the Wolves eternally."

He suddenly stops laughing and said in a determined voice "Boy, we will need a base for these plans to come to fruition. I understand why you need the glass to be made, although I have an inkling for the reason you chose it over other ways to make money, I will need you to explain your other plans that I know you are hiding in that skull of yours."

He heaved a restless sigh "Sadly lad I will have to deflect my curiosity as we need to visit your mother, I have been worried about her lately as she is getting into labor in a moon or two and I need you to soothe her to relax her nerves as she is worried sick for your younger sibling's health due to her acquired fragility after giving birth to you."

We visited my mother, Selena and I kept joking with her and Father to coax her to sleep and rest more and tell her how much I am looking forward to having a younger sibling. We also discussed names and I suggested naming the coming newborn Serenay if it is a girl and Seth if it is a boy.

I would prefer it if I would have a cute little she-wolf sister to pamper, but any sibling would be fine as they would be the first members of my pack and I will make sure they survive to adulthood and phase successfully and train this baby in the ways of the wolves to be splendid Wolf Spirits. We finally managed to make my mom close her eyelids tiredly and fall asleep so we left her tent quietly.

My father looks at me inquiringly " So what do you think, the base?"

I looked at him for a moment and then I turned West and looked over to that massive pyramid on the horizon and whispered ..."Meereen".

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I wish I could just keep popping up chapters straight away, but this is hard as this novel takes a lot of time for the research as I hate to just force logic to make my plot work. I try to research canon as well as real-world history as much as I can. This takes a looooot of time, so I am sorry for any future delay.

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