
Chapter 3

- Winterfell - Several Weeks Later -

Lord Stark entered his castle and home on horseback with a scowl on his face. He had not been pleased in the slightest due to his trip/mission to Bear Island had ultimately been a failure. Jorah Mormont had been accused and caught practicing the act of slavery, which was illegal as well as taboo in Westeros. And all for profit no less. As the Warden of the North, it was Ned Stark's duty to ensure Jorah Mormont neck was put to the sword for his crimes.

However, the man had known of his approach ahead of time and fled with his wife to the Free Cities of Essos where the King's justice as well as Northern justice could not reach the man. The rest of House Mormont assured Lord Stark no one else had done such an evil deed and once more pledged themselves to House Stark to further prove their loyalty to Ned's House.

Their continued pledge had satisfied Ned since he knew House Mormont had been loyal to House Stark for over a thousand years. It would take a major event to make them break away from House Stark or the North in general, which Ned didn't see happening anytime soon.

"My Lord Husband. Winterfell is yours once more," said Lady Catelyn Tully Stark with her children and one prisoner/ward present to greet him along with the castle's Maester Luwin at the ready.

"My Lady Wife. It is good to see you once again," said Ned before hugging and kissing the woman he loved.

Sansa thought it was romantic while Arya silently gagged, which earned the latter of the two girl a smirk from Robb and a rolling of the eyes from Theon. Brandon and Rickon were too young to understand the affection so he didn't really say or do anything about it.

"We missed you deeply," said Catelyn with Ned smiling at her and looking at his children with pride.

Only to notice one among them was missing.

"Where is Jon? He should be here," said Ned with Catelyn smile leaving her and a scowl formed on her face.

Ned turned to the others and found Sansa looking nervous. Arya was now clearly sad at the mention of Jon's name. Robb grimaced and winced. Meanwhile Theon had smirked slightly before trying to hide it.

"He's not here Father. Jon hasn't been here for several weeks," said Robb at last when no one tried to answer his question.

What?! How did this happen? Why was a raven not sent to me on Bear Island? Why is no one searching for him?" asked/demanded Ned with Robb wincing once more.

"We did send some men out Father, but it was after we had learned Jon wasn't here in the castle. The men sent out to find Jon returned later that day stating they had not found him in their search," answered Sansa with Ned looking unhappy right now.

"And when did you learn he wasn't in the castle?" asked Ned with worry.

"Late into the morning. The men came back in the late afternoon claiming they could not find Jon. But I think they were lying," added Arya with Catelyn scowling at her.

"Arya Stark! Don't you dare say those men didn't do their job to find him. They are your Father's bannermen," scolded Catelyn while Arya glared a little at her.

"But it is true! I know it is true. They weren't dirty in the slightest. If they had looked for Jon like they claimed, why weren't their clothes covered in mud and snow? They barely had any snow on them. Like they had been inside and only came out of wherever they were to come back. Plus one smelled like that one building with those smelly perfumes those 'loose women' you mentioned have put on," replied Arya with Ned scowling further since his men had not only not done their duty, but had traveled to the nearest brothel to spend their time with the whores there.

"Maester Luwin, you and Ser Rodrik will provide me with all the names of the men who went on this 'search' for Jon. I want them all brought before me immediately and I will get to the bottom of this," commanded Ned with Maester Luwin nodding since he had hoped the boy was all right given how Lady Stark's past treatment of him was not one would consider great.

"Of course Lord Stark. I will set about my task immediately. Though once time permits, I will need to speak to you further of this matter. In private," replied Maester Luwin though he whispered the last part so Lady Stark wouldn't hear him.

Nodding slightly, Ned had a feeling there was more to this then what he was told to him about Jon. Walking to his office, Ned sat down and closed his eyes in thought over what could have happened with the boy for this to happen. Was he neglectful? Did someone hurt him while he was away? If so, why didn't Jon tell someone? Could the person who hurt Jon be someone Ned also new and cared about? Surely not. But if it was, who could have hurt Jon to make the boy leave?

~ "Promise me Ned. Promise me you will protect him." ~

His sister's words echoing in the back of Ned's mind. Her last words to him when alive were to protect Jon from Robert. She knew Robert well enough that the man would take his war hammer to Jon's body. Seeing the man laugh at the sight of Elia Martell and her dead children only reinforced those worries. Not only that, but Lyanna most likely feared what would happen if Tywin Lannister learned of Jon. How the boy would grow up and seek vengeance against House Lannister.

And in the end, it seemed Ned had failed his sister. Lyanna had asked him to protect Jon from any future harm. He thought by passing Jon off as his bastard son, it would help protect the boy from his enemies. Ned never thought the boy would make an enemy here in Winterfell where he was suppose to be safe and loved.

But one did exist? And if so, who was the enemy?

A knock at the door broke him from his thoughts and upon it opening revealed Maester Luwin walking in with a parchment to give to the Lord of Winterfell.

"The name of the men sent to search for Jon Snow my Lord. Ser Rodrik is out gathering them as we speak," said Maester Luwin while handing Ned the parchment with a list of names.

"What say you Maester Luwin? Do you believe these men searched for Jon after it was discovered he was missing? Or only pretended?" asked Ned with Maester Luwin looking pensive in order to provide the man with the correct answer.

"No Lord Stark. I do not believe they did look for Jon. Not only did there armor not look stained from any signs or attempts at looking for the boy, but one clearly looked all too happy upon his return. The one that young Arya mentioned 'smelled' like perfume certain ladies at a brothel would put on. What's more, I fear they were only ordered to make it seem like they were looking for Jon. And were actually paid to not look for the poor boy when given the command," said Maester Luwin with Ned's eyes narrowing.

"Who ordered it? Who paid them to pretend?" asked/demanded Ned with Maester Luwin hesitant to say anything at first.

"My Lord, with respect, I only have speculation on my part considering the lack evidence to present in this situation. I do not wish to make accusations without further proof," said Maester Luwin with Ned still not convinced.

"You have seen things I have not Maester. I trust your wisdom and words. You brought my children into the world. I will have your counsel. Speak and tell me what you believe has happened while I was away that could have resulted in this situation," commanded Ned Stark with Maester Luwin sighing.

"I believe it was your wife Lord Stark. It was Lady Stark who paid those men to pretend they were looking for young Jon. I saw her give the leader of the group a bag of coin and speaking to him quietly before they departed. While that in itself is not enough, I know your wife has no love for the boy. As you well know, she never like Jon upon your return from Robert's Rebellion. On more then one occasion I have seen the signs of Lady Stark having struck him multiple times across the face. All during the time you were away from Winterfell either on business or during the Greyjoy Rebellion. Jon has tried to hide it, but I saw the red marks on his face more then once. He flinched when I inquired on who hurt him and saw his refusal to answer me. No doubt in the belief naming the attacker would not do him any good considering it was your wife," said Maester Luwin while Ned was shocked and furious.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell Jon he could come to me?!" demanded Ned with Maester Luwin shook his head.

"For one, Jon would not tell you regardless. His position as a bastard prevents it given his attacker was your wife. Two, I had no real proof aside from the red marks on Jon's face, which faded over time. While you trust my words to be honest and truthful Lord Stark, without proof, you would not be happy with my accusation. Even less if the accusation was made against Lady Stark. Your wife of all people," answered Maester Luwin with Ned nodding since any accusation made against Cat would require proof.

"Do you think these men will confess as much to me if pushed?" asked Ned with Maester Luwin nodding.

"I think they will. Especially, if the threat of losing their heads is made known to them should answering your question as anything except truthfully happen," answered Maester Luwin.

"I have been a fool Luwin. I thought Cat would eventually warm up to Jon. But she is too worried about what Jon represents in her mind. The Seven tell her about how bastards are beings who are evil and tricksters. She fears Jon will try to one day take Winterfell from Robb when they both come of age and my son becomes the new Lord of House Stark and Warden of the North," replied Ned with Maester Luwin shaking his head.

"I have known Jon Snow since you brought him to Winterfell. Same as young Robb from the moment he was born. Jon has not once shown evil or trickster based tendencies. And Robb has nothing to worry about in terms of Jon taking it from him in any form. Jon is a smart boy and understands what his place is here in Winterfell. He doesn't like it, but the boy knows fighting against such a stigma only makes the title of bastard attached to his name that much stronger. He wants to be accepted as himself regardless of being labeled a bastard by others," said Maester Luwin with Ned sighing.

"I was considering having Jon take the Black and join the Night's Watch when he was older. Give the boy purpose. Where the title of bastard would have no real influence on him when there. At least he would have my brother Benjen to make him feel welcome," said Ned with Maester Luwin shaking his head.

"Jon has the potential to be something great Lord Stark. Bastard or not. His talents would be wasted on the Wall. And what if he wished to marry and have children?" questioned Maester Luwin with Ned sighing.

"I don't know. I never thought about it like that. What else can you tell me about Jon and my wife that might have led to Jon leaving Winterfell?" asked Ned with Maester Luwin talked to him about a rumor he overheard some of the servants talking about Lady Stark's latest "attack" on Jon.

And it involved the destruction of the boy's harp along with putting him down for singing really well.