
Game of Thrones: The Silverhaired Fighter {OC}

This is a story about a boy who grew up in a dirty world in an even worse hole. He learned to fight for his life and to live until one day fate had another way in store for him. House of the Dragon AU Hotd, Got, Asoiaf, House of the Dragon, Game of Thrones, A song of Ice and Fire, Dance of The Dragon Disclaimer: •I do not own anything only my oc. •A translator is used in this story •Don't expect regular updates

Erdzan_21 · TV
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 4 Old Habits and a Way Out?

It's hard to believe but the night only makes this place dirtier and even more dangerous, most men are drunk and sleep off the street with a bottle of rum in their hands.

I take a good long walk. I was able to escape from the flea bottom and get out of this nasty environment, i could distract myself and think of nothing just enjoy the starry sky.

This went on until a voice called out to me "Jae, are you that?"

I recognized the person by the voice, I looked him in the eye and just stopped.

"I knew that the puppy would come back to the owner and I see you even brought something with you, good dog." He's alluding to my clothes and the ring.

Now come on in and beat up the next boy like you did with that girl, that was a damn mess you made. If you had told me that you would rather beat whores, I could have hired something.

I mean seriously we had to collect her skull piece by piece it was gross but now go in and do the same with the new one."

"Hey didn't you hear me?!"

The fat man strides towards me until he stands in front of me and grabs my neck and yells at me.


I stopped him from finishing the sentence by drawing my dagger and stabbing it between his neck and chin. I felt the dagger pierce his tongue without much effort.

After I pulled it out, he grabbed the wound with both hands and was bleeding.

"You will be silent for now." As he fell to his knees in pain, I thrust the dagger horizontally into his neck and pulled from the bottom up. "And for ever."


As he chokes on his own blood, I clean the blade on his cloak and watch him die miserably. It makes me feel better and at ease.

I was enjoying it until I heard people wearing armor approaching. I walked back towards the broth and heard men discovering the dead man.

I ran without looking back, I bumped into about 3 people and stepped on one but it didn't stop me and I entered the brothel.

I had to wear something else, his blood had gotten on my fabric pants and some city guards like to be in this brothel.

If it hadn't been for the white hair a man around 1.90meters in front of me entered the brothel I didn't notice it at first because he had a hood on outside, but now I recognize it.

Silver white hair as I have fun, without thinking further to change I went to him and tapped him on the back. When he turned around I understood the allusions from the stranger.

It wasn't money friends or a normal life that I missed, it was something I never believed in family. I wore this man's face almost identically, a high forehead and angular edges, his jaw area has more of a squared-off shape, like a rectangle.

[AN: I couldn't find anything about Daemon's face, unfortunately, and this information is based on a site that analyzed Matt Smith's (Daemon Targaryen in the show) face.]

He seemed to be shocked like me, he also knew what was happening at that moment. "I'm sorry I didn't want to disturb you."

Jae tried to escape from this situation. Daemon wasn't sure what to do himself, he didn't expect to make such a realization.

"No please stay here."

Both silently watch each other with scrutinizing looks while fornication was going on around them.

"So you are my..." Daemon starts but can't finish.

"It looks like."

"I'm a little thirsty please keep me company."

The two sat down at a table and Daemon drinks a wine while Jae drinks cold water from his mug.

As if the other had something on his face, they stared at each other, it must have been three minutes until Jae got up and said.

"I'm tired, I'll get some sleep."

"Then come with me come to me there is a clean room magic sheets and blankets if you want I can light a fire."

He couldn't just leave the boy here, even if it was premature, he offered it. Jae was flattered by the offer.

"I think I would be out of place there-."

"Like I am."

Jae took the few things he had from the room and went to the exit of the brothel where Daemon is waiting, Jae followed Daemon and thought about the current events.

"Your blood?" Daemon asks him and the boy just shakes his head.


Further in the stillness of the night they walk up the streets. "My name is Daemon."


"Jae, like..?"

"Just Jae."

The situation was extremely uncomfortable for both of them and that's why they just kept silent until they arrived at the gate to the keep. jae has never been so far from flea loch nor so close to red keep, home of the king.

At the gate stood guards Daemon looked at Jae and put his finger to his lips in a sign not to speak.

"My prince." The men bowed briefly and let him and Jae in and Jae could only marvel, it was a new world he could never have dreamed of.

Daemon knew how he was seeing the red keep of them, he was quite curious himself what it was all about.

"Didn't you say you wanted to sleep?" The man asked the boy as he stopped at the Weirwood and looked at it face that is incorporated in the white bark.

"I did."

Daemon took jae to his own room, it's tidy and clean there, he's rarely in it.

"You sleep in bed."

Jae didn't object it felt like he was meeting daemon all the tiredness got on him and now he wanted to sleep. Daemon lit a fire and sat down next to him as Jae fell asleep and watched him.

He even picked up a mirror himself but you couldn't deny the resemblance quite the contrary it was like a mask of his younger self.

'A bastard son.'

Daemon knew his fornication could have consequences, but now he really realized it. The father now doesn't know what to do, it's not his strength, the family. It's not a sword fight, a joust tournament, or seducing women, those were his strengths.

Nevertheless, it is the reality and so considered while his son is snoring in bed he fell asleep just as he had entered the bed as if he were back in the tavern, But something different.

Should I introduce him to my brother the king, what would viserys do, what do I want him to do I don't know myself. I should be thinking about all the possibilities without realizing it, his thoughts were getting darker and darker.

'Maybe nobody needs to know that I have a bastard.' The thought came to him, but he immediately rejected it and was ashamed of it.

No I should show up for him and maybe he'll make that decision for me so I won't introduce him or anything, i'll keep him covered for now.

The spirit between him and his brother is currently crumbling, while Daemon only wishes to rule by his side. But Otto's hand is manipulative and tries to damage the relationship between viserys and Daemon.

I hate this man and what he does it's not mine these intrigues behind closed doors but he would be crazy if he thinks that I can't defend myself.

I have to make sure that viserys trusts me again. I'm not going out today, maybe I should skip it for a while.

Daemon eyes the boy in his bed for quite a while his son and he wasn't small he was around 1.60 Meter and he is the age of his niece.

He later fell asleep in the chair, looking over his son.


That's the end of the chapter. Thanks for reading. Factual feedback and powerstones are more than welcome.