

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are owned by their respective owners George R.R Martin. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. With the exception of some O.C characters I don't have any characters in the series. English is not my main language, I use google translator to be posting this fanfiction, any constructive criticism will be welcome, stupid criticism will be ignored, welcome and I hope you like it :D

babysaya · TV
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25 Chs

Chapter 08 - Towards 'Braavos' (a fat cat)

Days had passed since meeting the bandits, although on some nights the bribe worked, on others a certain demon cat, as yet unnamed, would create chaos for the traveling pair.

And so, at the end of another day, master and apprentice meet in front of White Harbor.

White Harbor, the fifth-largest city in Westeros, and seat of the house Manderly, houses the largest port in the entire northern region. Being in such a large place for the first time, Jon looks on curiously as he follows his master in search of shelter for the night, longing for nothing more than a hot bath and a soft bed to sleep on.

Finding a tavern that offered rooms for the night, they both dismount from their horses and hand the reins to a small boy in charge of the stable behind the inn. Throwing the boy a silver deer, they both enter the tavern, where they ask for two rooms and that hot baths be prepared. Distracted, not noticing a certain cat disappearing, the little green-eyed devil goes in search of materials, planning to create something that would make his old hatter friend bright-eyed and sure to drive his new companions crazy.

P.O.V of Gandalf the White

In his room in the tavern is a certain magician by the name of Gandalf, relaxing in his bathtub, while smoking his pipe with slightly suspicious herbs.

In the next room, a merchant has started to hallucinate and is about to throw himself out of the window with the thought of being a bird due to the smoke that has come through a hole connected to the room next door.

It's been just over a week since my apprentice summoned that creature. Although I still don't know what she is despite her feline appearance, the powers and cruelty she demonstrated frighten me, it was supposed to be just a simple invocation, maybe a raven or an owl, at most a wolf, but here with us, this cat, manages to summon mist, disappear, create illusions, fly and who knows what other strange powers. But more importantly, a creature whose bloodlust and level of sadism terrifies me, I'm afraid that maybe this time I was blamed for helping to summon evil to this land I came to. Only time will tell, but the very thought frightens me.

Thinking about it, where did that damn cat go?

Jon's P.O.V

The traveling days have been tiring since I summoned that damn cat. I have been having good days or terrible days, never a compromise, I was certainly delighted with all the power he demonstrated. However, I cannot understand why such a powerful being would not let me sleep in peace. I feel like I'm being punished, even though I don't know why, worst of all, even though I can talk, that damn cat seems intent on silently punishing me instead of explaining my mistakes.

P.O.V of a Nameless Cat

Stupid humans, always missing the obvious answer, doesn't mean that knowing such an answer would stop me from making their lives miserable, but at least it would do it a little more moderately, but enough thinking about them, although I'll make them miserable tomorrow today I'll dedicate myself entirely to that magnificent top hat.

A cat has to be stylish, and nothing is more stylish than a cat with a top hat. After all, I'm a genius and a cat, so I'm always right. I believe I'm going to set that old man's beard on fire. For some reason, my claws are itching to do this...

In his room, Gandalf suddenly feels a chill creeping up his spine, as he has the feeling that something bad is going to happen to his lush and charming beard.

End of P.O.V of a Nameless Cat

Dawn is in White Harbor, in a tavern near the harbor an old man and a young man look dumbfounded at the cat in front of them wearing a brown top hat with a red ribbon rolled up, while he has a proud smile on his face.

They headed towards the port to board towards Braavos where it will be the first stop on their journey.

Gandalf managed to reserve two cabins for Bravoos along with an Essos merchant who would be on his way there, just waiting for the goods to finish loading.

Two hours after boarding, the ship heads to Braavos, while master and apprentice discuss plans.

''Gandalf, what reason do we go to Braavos? I still can't understand it, as except for your navy and sword masters, the only highlight I see there would be the iron bench. Says an extremely curious young Jon.''

''Now young Jon, although you're not entirely wrong, you're not really right either, as brave also stands out in your courtesans though you don't know what it is yet, besides, never forget the faceless men whose seat of their religion is in Braavos. Says a 'Gandolf' with a serious face, to Jon's dismay.

''Leaving that aside for some reasons why I decided to start in Braavos, first it is a city famous for its masters of swords and I want you to study its way of fighting, secondly Braavos as you said stands out when it comes to your navy and sailors, and we need a ship and crew for the next step of our journey, and last but not least, I'm looking forward to visiting the temple of the singers of the moon. Says Gandalf, opening, a slight smile on his face.

''In addition to all the confirmed facts, when we were in the tavern yesterday, and you were sleeping like a child, this poor old man came down in search of information (a bottle of wine), and I ended up hearing interesting stories about a strange kind of monster that once The fog starts to sing and through their chants they lure inexperienced sailors towards boulders so that they run aground, and then these monsters leap out of the water and grab the men, before dragging them out to sea and devouring them. Says Gandalf with a serious look.'

''After hearing Gandalf say this with a serious face, Jon's curiosity is kindled, but it is a fat cat that so far was unnoticed by the two as he floated that asks the all-important question and scares them both for their amusement.

''What are these monsters, old man? - Asks the smiling cat.''

Gandalf, after looking scared at the floating cat and his strange top hat, I mean Exuberant... responds.

''Well, according to sailors such monsters have a sweet and charming female voice, besides, according to them their faces are feminine and their body above the waist is extremely seductive, but all they could see from the waist down is a tail like a fishtail, moreover, once at close range its fingers have long, sharp claws, and its mouth opens abnormally to reveal extremely sharp teeth, ready to rip the flesh of any poor person who is seduced. Gandalf after answering is shocked to look at the cat in front of him.

Floating in the air with his mouth open and drool running, our lovely fluffy kitten is thinking about how many ways to roast a fish he knows after all, a good fish should be served roasted, and without a head, for the head he has less laborious gourmet plans, after all if it can be done in one bite then everything is perfect.

With the plans defined, our trio heads towards Braavos for the beginning of their adventures (and terror of some poor mermaids).

Leave fun names for our nameless cat.

The name with the most likes if you suggest one will be used :D

Thank you to;:

VL98; Nike100; SteveFR; Maxime_Anne_Louise; John_Glanville; ClemSama. For power stones.

Thanks VL98 and Slytherin733945 for the comments.

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