
Conversation with Kinvara, Part 3

Kinvara first looked at me with very emotionless eyes, then fire burned in those expressionless eyes. I know this look. This is how they looked at cult leaders in my past life.

Kinvara suddenly fell to her knees.

"Prince, whether you accept it or not, the Red God has chosen you to enlighten humanity from the darkness that is to come. You are the great hero who is born again amidst smoke and salt. When evil, cold darkness descends upon the world, you will be the one who wields the Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes."

"Please allow me to be by your side, assist and fight your cause, as you save humanity from darkness."

That's what I wanted. Not attracting people to my team with promises, but people trying to get on my side. The fact is that being with me is the right decision for everyone. I think I've succeeded, albeit on a small scale.

"First of all, stand up. I don't expect you to worship me or act like my servant."

"Of course, I accept such a beautiful offer to fight the darkness together. It would be foolish not to accept someone as capable as you."

She lifted his head and looked at me. There is respect, love, and devotion in that look.

"Of course, my Prince."

She has been calling me 'my prince' since we met, but this time it was more sincere and meaningful, full of emotion. How nice.

"My Prince, you said we have thirty years for the darkness to come. Really?"

"Yes, about thirty years."

As far as I remember from the books or the television series, the events take place at the beginning of the 300s.

"And have you planned anything for these thirty years? We have priests in every corner and city of Essos, though not many in Westeros. At my command, we can warn all of Essos."

"What will happen next? Thirty years is a very long time for people. Even if everyone believes, and there will be some people who won't, what do you expect them to do for thirty years? We don't even have proof, the only source of this new prophecy is a teenager. Even if someone truly believes, the believer will be mocked."

"So we're not going to do anything?"

"Of course not. There is only one thing we have to do. If we can do that, we will have no reason to fear the terrors of the darkness."

"What's that?"

"Azor Ahai created his sword, the Lightbringer, to defeat his enemy in the first long night. And what we have to do is the same with him. Recreate the Lightbringer for the enemy that comes back."

"The sword? Rumor has it that Azor Ahai's sword was created in a much longer time than other swords, but isn't it a bit too much to spend thirty years for only a sword?"


I couldn't stop laughing when she say it. Hearing my laugh, she looked at me strangely. I forced myself to stop laughing.

"What I refer to as the Lightbringer is not a sword. It is just a metaphor."

"What is the use of a burning sword against an army of hundreds of thousands? Set the arakhs of a Dothraki army on fire again, it won't work."

"My Lightbringer is not a real sword."

She still keeps looking at me strangely. I said what I wanted to tell her without straining her patience.

"You use a sword against a sword and an army against an army. So who in this world has an army that can fight against such a powerful enemy?"

Hearing this, she looked like understood everything. The fire in her eyes began to burn even more fiercely.

She responded by collaborating with me.

"There is no such army in this world, no kingdom with such an army, no king who can command such an army."

"Yes, just like you said. We, as a humanity, do not have the strength to fight this enemy."

"However, if there is no such army, I will create the army that will spread the light of the Lord of Light."

"If there is no such kingdom, I will create the kingdom that will bask in the light of the Lord of Light."

"And if there is no such king, I will be the king as the chosen of the Lord of the Light."