
Game of Thrones: The New Kingdom

A soul of a modern person finds itself in the body of a teen in Game of Thrones. Luckily, the soul gets the foundation of Valyrians and creates one of the strongest Kingdoms in the history of the whole Game of Thrones. ---------------------------------------------- 1) I do not like characters where one person destroys an army. So, Mc will be strong but not a Super Soldier King who slaughters on his own. 2) Mc will be king. In my opinion, kings can lead the army but kings should not battle. 3) No harem. Mc will marry only one person.

PelerinliKeltos · TV
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Arsonist Hero

Volantis, 271 AC




Inside the grand chambers of the Red Temple in Volantis, High Priestess Kinvara sat upon a crimson-cushioned throne, her gaze piercing and wise. As she contemplated matters of faith and the affairs of the temple, a priest approached with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

"High Priestess Kinvara," the priest began, bowing respectfully.

"I come bearing news, rumors that have swirled through the streets of Volantis. There is talk of a legendary healer, a young man who walks among the people, healing the sick and offering relief to the suffering."

Kinvara's interest was piqued, her voice calm yet curious.

"Tell me more. What have the streets whispered of this healer?"

The priest straightened himself, adjusting his crimson robe before continuing.

"They speak of miraculous healings, High Priestess. The rumors claim that this healer possesses magical powers, bestowed upon him by the Red God himself. It is said that his touch can banish illness and bring comfort to the afflicted. He can also regenerate limbs and even raise the dead. However, the last ones are probably an exaggeration and fabrication."

Kinvara's eyes narrowed, her thoughts racing. "There is some truth behind every rumor," she murmured, contemplating the implications.

"If this healer truly possesses the divine powers of the Red God, it is imperative that we should investigate further."

The priest nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, High Priestess. The people are awestruck by this healer, and his legend grows with each passing day. He is revered as the chosen one, a savior sent to deliver the blessings of the Red God upon Volantis."

Kinvara's expression grew thoughtful, her mind envisioning the potential that lay before them.

"We must not ignore this opportunity, " she said, her voice tinged with anticipation.

"If this healer truly walks in the footsteps of the Red God, his presence could bring immense growth and strength to our temple."

The priest's eyes widened with understanding. "You believe he could be an ally, High Priestess?"

Kinvara nodded, a spark of determination in her eyes.

"Indeed. We must extend an invitation to this healer, to witness the magnificence of our temple and to understand the collective purpose that unites us. His miraculous abilities, combined with the teachings of the Red God, could usher in a new era for Red Temple."

The priest bowed once more, his voice filled with conviction.

"As you command, High Priestess. I shall spread the word of our interest and extend the invitation to this legendary healer. May the Red God guide our steps."

With a nod of dismissal, Kinvara watched as the priest hastened away, carrying with him the weight of their conversation.

She stared at the fire in the room and muttered enough for only herself to hear.

"Maybe I should wander the streets a little and see the legend for myself."


As High Priestess Kinvara made her way through the vibrant streets of Volantis, observing the bustling city and its diverse inhabitants, her thoughts were consumed by the rumors of the legendary healer.

Determined to witness this enigmatic figure for herself, she ventured deeper into the heart of the city. In hopes of meeting him.

As she walked, her keen eyes took in both the beauty and the darkness that coexisted in Volantis.

The grand architecture and the wealth of the nobles stood in stark contrast to the plight of the slaves and the poverty-stricken corners of the city.

Kinvara understood the complex tapestry of this place, and she longed to bring the light of the Red God to all who dwelled within its boundaries.

Her journey brought her to a bustling marketplace, alive with the vibrant colors and sounds of commerce.

Amidst the clamor, she noticed a flicker of orange and black smoke rising in the distance, capturing her attention. Her steps quickened, drawing her closer to the source of the commotion.

As she arrived, a sense of urgency filled the air. A salt house engulfed in flames, threatened to consume the surrounding structures.

The crowd gathered, some frozen with fear, others eager to lend a hand.

Amidst the chaos, a figure caught Kinvara's eye—a teenager, fearless and seemingly unaffected by the inferno that raged before him.

Gasps and murmurs rippled through those around as the teen, according to some of the onlookers rumored to be the legendary healer, leaped into the heart of the blaze.

To their astonishment, the fire seemed to part, creating a path for him to navigate unscathed.

Kinvara watched in awe as he darted in and out of the burning building, rescuing those trapped inside with seemingly supernatural agility.

Cheers erupted from the crowd as he emerged, cradling the saved lives in his arms. The whispers grew louder, with some proclaiming him to be the legendary healer, while others whispered the fabled name of Azor Ahai, the hero of prophecy.

Kinvara's gaze remained fixed on the teenager, captivated by his extraordinary display of power, the submissiveness of the fires to the youth.

'Azor Ahai is the one who was promised. From the fire, he was reborn to remake the world.'

'Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt.'

Prophecies spoken for centuries were whispered in her ear again.

But just as the jubilation swelled, a mother's anguished cries pierced through the celebratory air. Her tear-streaked face revealed the devastating truth—her daughter remained trapped within the flames.

Panic etched across the teenager's face for a moment. Then, his eyes were wide with a mix of determination and sadness. Muttering something that no one could hear, he plunged into the fires again.


[Yaprak Parıltan]


After careful and long research, I found a place where I can execute my plan. A salt store in a marketplace. The owner of this shop is cruel, even compared to other masters. So, It will not cause any discomfort in me that I will burn down this man's shop to the ashes.

As I get close to the shop, my heart raced with a mix of anticipation and nervousness.

And, the flames started to dance inside the building, consuming the wares and casting an eerie glow on the surrounding walls. The air crackled with heat, and I knew that the moment of fire had arrived.

With a deep breath, I called upon the magic I learned from the book, focusing my energy on controlling the fire that engulfed the salt store. The flames obeyed my command, responding to the power I wielded, growing larger but remaining under my control.

As the fire intensified, I moved swiftly through the store, ensuring the safety of the trapped individuals. I reached out to them, offering words of reassurance and comfort as I guided them to safety, one by one.

After checking the store once more, and ensuring that nobody was inside of fire, I left. On the outside, people looked at me with awe and respect. 'The Savior', 'The Healer', 'Azor Ahai', and many more.

Now, for these people, I am not just a legendary healer. I am a person with the power of heal and fire. A ray of hope in this dark city.

However, at that moment, a desperate cry pierced through the chaos. A woman's anguished voice echoed in my ears, pleading for her daughter's rescue. "My daughter, she is still inside, please save her too."

Panic surged within me, knowing that there is still one more person inside of fire with the threat of death because of my little theatre. I had never intended harm to befall anyone.

"Fuck." I plunged back into the inferno, the flames licking at my heels as I searched desperately for a girl. Then I heard the sound of a cry.

Amidst the billowing smoke and crumbling debris, I followed the sound of a young girl's voice, my heart pounding with every step.

'Hold on a little longer little one.'

As I reached her, I discovered a seemingly insurmountable obstacle— fallen columns blocking my path to the girl. Without hesitation, I drew my sword.

"Zanka no Tachi," I whispered, my voice mingling with the crackle of the flames.

In an instant, all fire around me responded to my command, swirling and converging upon the blade of my sword. The sword sucked the flames, reddened.

With a single powerful swing, the crimson sword cleaved through the solid columns as if they were mere butter, creating a passage for me.

Finally, I found the crying girl, her tear-streaked face a testament to the fear she had endured. I plunged my burning sword into the ground. I knelt before her, my voice gentle and reassuring.

"You are safe now," I whispered, offering her a comforting embrace.

"There is nothing to fear. You are protected."

But as I prepared to leave with the girl in my arms, a woman approached us from the path I created. Her presence was commanding and unfamiliar. She knelt before me, her voice filled with reverence.

"Thank you for saving these poor souls," she said, her words laden with weight.

And, she lifted his head and looked at me, then at my burning sword. In her eyes, there was an intense gaze, filled with awe and ecstasy.

"And welcome, the prince that was promised."

Her proclamation left me stunned. Who was this woman? Questions swirled in my mind, but before I could gather my thoughts, the woman rose to her feet, a knowing smile upon her lips.

I stood there, bewildered yet intrigued, as the significance of her words slowly sank in.

However, I can't stop laughing inside. All that effort, all that planning, wandering the streets for weeks. In the end, it all paid off. I found my crazy red priestess.