A man with great ambitions dies, you already know the rest, find God...Reincarnation. See how he leads his House in Westeros, becoming the Witch-king while raising his future Kingdom of Angmar to great heights. I don't have Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings.
Domeric POV
I was in the gardens of Dreadfort, resting and enjoying the scenery after a long day of paper signing.
Carn Dûm is being built quickly, you could see several Humans, Uruks, Goblins, Trolls, and Half-Trolls working nonstop in the construction of this city.
The sewage systems were almost finished, and public toilets similar to those of Ancient Rome will also be built, to guarantee people's hygiene.
The City Guard is keeping order and deals with anyone who dares to commit a crime or disturb the Public Order in any way.
When Carn Dûm is completed, I will begin building Strongholds in each Region of my lands.
Trade has developed well so far, several ships have started to trade with Essos, selling various products and also getting exclusives from there.
This made it possible for House Bolton to sell other goods to the Westerosi Houses, especially those in the South, these Southern Nobles like exotic things from Essos.
I have also received several marriage proposal letters from both Northern and Southern Nobles, as well as receiving some letters from Tywin Lannister.
The Letters were only congratulating me for my management and how I managed to make my House grow in economic power.
Of course, I understood the hidden meanings, Tywin probably wants to bring House Lannister into House Bolton's good graces.
Which in no way did I hate, I like the idea, and because of that, I kept sending him other letters.
I was thinking of heading down to King's Landing, to get some business done in the Capitol, while finally meeting up with the Lannisters.
Tywin Lannister Pov
I'm walking the halls of Red Keep, heading to my daughter's room to talk to her about Domeric Bolton.
House Bolton has grown a lot in economic power lately, we don't even need to talk about the Army's part.
The House Lannister needs to have the Boltons on their side, so we would not only have a strong ally, but we could also use the Boltons to deal with the Starks if need be.
Of course, if that happens, we'll have to give something to House Bolton.....the Mantle of Lord Protector of the North would be something the boy Domeric would probably accept.
That kid is quite smart, something I respect but also fears, he could be a very dangerous player in the future.
But if we wed him to Myrcella, that might secure the boy's loyalty, too, that would make House Bolton more prestigious, something Domeric would probably gladly accept.
Maybe we can even reach a certain Mercantile agreement, I was quite fascinated by the weapons and armor made of Morgul Steel.
Before, I had tried to send some spies, but they all stopped responding, and if the rumors about these "Uruk-Hai" who serve in the Bolton army are true, they've probably already become food.
I finally got to the room where Cersei is, she was talking to Myrcella and Tommen.
"Cersei, we need to talk" I said and when I looked into her eyes, this matter was serious and couldn't be delayed.
She just nodded and asked Tommen and Myrcella to leave, when they did she got up and went to the table to get a glass of wine.
3rd Pov
"So, Dad, what do you need to talk about?" asked Cersei as she looked at her father with her signature smile on her face.
"We need to talk about Domeric Bolton," Tywin said as he sat down in one of the chairs.
Cersei immediately got a disdainful face, she didn't understand why her father would care about a Northern Lord.
"Don't look like that, this boy is someone to be taken seriously, both for his intelligence and his army" Tywin said darkly as he looked into Cersei's eyes.
Cersei immediately lost that disdainful smile of hers and became serious as she drank some wine.
"What's the matter, this Bolton boy?" Cersei asked curiously as she looked at her father.
"House Bolton has grown a lot lately, both economically and militarily, we need to have them on our side" Tywin said as he looked out the window at King's Landing, but soon turned his attention to Cersei.
"I will not marry my dear Myrcella to a Northern Wildling" said Cersei understanding what her father meant.
"Myrcella will have to marry Domeric, that's for the good of House Lannister" Tywin said decisively as he got up and headed for the door, but stopped and looked at his daughter.
"I got from one of his letters that he's thinking of coming to King's Landing on business, if he does, use that to evaluate him" Tywin said, then he walked away.
Cersei just stood there drinking the wine as she thought, she wouldn't let her daughter marry someone from the North, but she was soon left thinking about what her father had said about Domeric going to King's Landing.
'...I don't think it will cost me anything to evaluate the boy' thought Cersei as she continued drinking her wine.
Barbrey Pov
Ever since my nephew woke up from the coma inflicted by those damn thugs, he's become a new person.
He has been creating plans to develop the Bolton Lands, while at the same time helping his Allies and Vassals, as well as strengthening the Bolton Army.
House Dustin and House Ryswell were the Houses that benefited the most, both from receiving better farming equipment at cheap prices, as well as being the first Houses to receive custom weapons and armor made from Morgul Steel.
Because of Domeric's farming equipment and tips, Houses Dustin and Ryswell are now able to grow certain foods, at least enough to support themselves to some extent.
But most important of all this was thanks to the blessings of the God who helped him, the God that I am eternally indebted to.....Sauron.
If it weren't for him, my nephew would probably have died, because of that, I have devoted my adoration simply to him.
I've also lately been secretly gathering people to worship Sauron, and I'm proud to say that our Cult has grown tremendously.
Soon all of the Bolton Lands will be worshiping Sauron, but in the meantime, I have to lead the Cult down the right path, also taking care of a certain problem involving Domeric.
"DOMERIC, DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT" I said yelling angrily as I looked at my nephew, ready to drink milk with this "Tequila" he created.
"YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE" Domeric yelled at me before gulping it all down...HE DRANK MILK WITH TEQUILA.
"You're in serious trouble, kid!" I said angrily as I ran after him, I don't care if I'm dropping noble etiquette, this kid is going to receive a lesson!