A man with great ambitions dies, you already know the rest, find God...Reincarnation. See how he leads his House in Westeros, becoming the Witch-king while raising his future Kingdom of Angmar to great heights. I don't have Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings.
Pentos, one of the Free Cities of Essos, where the last two Targaryens known to date are in Exile, under the "protection" of Magister Illyrio Mopatis.
In the City Harbor, you could see some ships of House Bolton docking, some sailors and soldiers were unloading things while others went to buy supplies.
Domeric could be seen exiting his ship alongside Missandei and Greyworm, plus a dozen Uruks and Human Soldiers.
"How much rest time will the sailors and soldiers need?" asked Domeric as he looked at Missandei.
"Mi'lorde, the ship's captains said that just a few days would be enough to resupply the ships and have their crews ready." Missandei replied as she crouched down a little and spoke softly to Domeric.
"Great, the crews will need plenty of meat for the Uruks." Said Domeric as he took a look at his Uruk Guards.
'Sometimes I wonder where all the meat from animals and the unlucky Uruks and Orcs Lumberjacks go' This was one of the questions that would never be answered for Domeric.
The group then started walking around Pentos, both because Domeric wanted to taste the local food and drinks and to get some luxurious pieces and items to give to his Aunt.
However, there came a time when he gave some gold coins to Missandei and Greyworm.
"Buy yourselves something and enjoy yourselves, that's an order." Said Domeric as he went to see what the other stalls had to offer.
Missandei and Greyworm stood there, not knowing what to do, as I didn't expect their masters to give that kind of order.
Returning now to Domeric, he was drinking in an upscale establishment while relaxing music played in the background.
As this song played, he was thinking about what he should be doing while he was in Pentos, other than dealing with Illyrio Mopatis.
'The Targaryen twins...do I try to make friends with them or do I give their heads to Robert?' thought Domeric as he casually sipped his wine.
While he was drinking, he could hear some talking about him, as he was still, after all, a "kid" drinking in a prestigious establishment.
But he didn't care about that, he kept drinking for a while until he got married and paid the bill before leaving with his Guards to meet Illyrio Mopatis.
'Let's see if this giant ball of meat can be useful.' thought Domeric as he walked with his Guard to Illyrio's residence.
The residence guards stopped Domeric until they confirmed his identity, after confirming, Domeric went with his escort inside.
They then went to the gardens, where Illyrio was, in all his fatness and luxury clothes.
"Ah...Lord Bolton, come, my servants have already prepared the drinks" Said Illyrio while he had a smile on his face, besides the fawning tone in his voice.
Domeric then went with Illyrio to a room, he then sat in a chair and was served by a servant some wine.
But before drinking, one of Domeric's Guards tasted the drink, and after they saw that everything was fine, Domeric drank the wine calmly.
Illyrio didn't care about that, if the roles were reversed, he would also send a servant to taste the drink, even if it was by force.
After some small talk, Domeric and Illyrio negotiated, and they managed to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
Domeric then left the residence with his escort, heading towards the ship to rest after having dealt with that blob of fat.
When Domeric arrived at the ship, he saw that Missandei and Greyworm were already waiting on the ship with a leather bag.
"Welcome back, Lord Bolton" Missandei said as she bowed beside Greyworm.
Domeric just nodded and walked into his cabin, after getting inside and closing the door, he jumped on the bed and fell straight to sleep.
At Illyrio's Residence
Illyrio was quite happy, he got agreements with what is the de facto Sovereign of Astapor, in addition to being the Lord of an important Westerosi House.
Now he just needs to find a way to get Domeric to side with the Targaryens, as he was awoken with Varys.
He was already making Viserys entertain the idea of marrying Daenerys to Domeric, so an Alliance with House Bolton would be formally made.
The Next Day
Domeric woke up early, because of the nightmare he had involving a certain Magic Assassin, who smiled at him and then turned him into rose petals.
After stretching, he got ready and left his cabin, bumping into Missandei and Grayworm, who were at the cabin door.
"G-good morning, Mi'lord" Missandei said as he bowed beside Ashworm.
Domeric said good morning to Missandei and Grayworm, then went to one end of the ship to look out to sea, a habit he developed during his lifetime as President of the United States when he went fishing with his daughter.
But returning to the present, Domeric continued to look out to sea for some time before deciding to have coffee and do some more business in Pentos before heading back to Westeros.
Domeric knows that when he arrives in Westeros, the circus will catch fire, and the center of this show will be Bolton House.
Domeric ordered some sailors and soldiers to get more supplies, just in case, and then went to Illyrio's Residence, where he would give part of the payment of the Accords he made.
When he arrived at Illyrio's residence, he was accompanied by Missandei and Greyworm, as well as a few Personal Guards.
Illyrio knew that Domeric would arrive at his residence, so he prepared everything, while the Prince and Princess Targaryen, as they would use a certain Spider, appeared without warning in Pentos.
This meant that there would only be two endings: the First being that Domeric agrees to make an alliance or the Second Option, where he refuses and kills everyone.