
Chapter 13: Going Meet the Starks.

Domeric POV

Caragors...a species that inhabits as far as is known, Mordor, these creatures were shown in Shadow of Mordor and then continued to exist in Shadow of War.

Caragors are Wargs but with more rage and steroids, as well as being feline, while Wargs are canine.

I never thought I'd have Caragors with me, it seems that God has been helping me by modifying the Wargs, well, not that I'm complaining.

The Caragors that seem to have been born are the same as those from Shadow of Mordor, I've also heard news of some caragors being born white, which means they are the Dire Caragors, the "Alphas" of the species, in a way.

I'm not going to lie, I was quite excited when I got this news, these creatures are stronger and smarter than normal Caragors, this can help a lot on the battlefield.

Now I'm in my office talking to the representative of the Cult of Sauron, the Cult that has been sponsored by my aunt, the woman known as Asha, a Priestess, who is the representative, has been looking at me with Fanaticism in her eyes.

What I'm not complaining, it has its cons to have fanatical followers, but in this world, which is in a Medieval Age, religion is a very strong weapon, even during modern times Religion is a weapon.

"So... Priestess Asha, tell me, what has her Cult been up to lately" I ask as I pour myself and her a glass of wine.

"The Cult has been doing well, my lord, our Cult has been growing lately, in addition to being able to create a worthy Temple for the God Sauron" Asha replied as she spoke with total fanaticism, I could even see the little stars in her eyes.

3rd POV

"Um, I see" Domeric said as he sipped his wine calmly.

"Tell me, Priestess, what does the cult think of House Bolton?" Domeric asked as he looked into Asha's eyes.

Even though he already knew the answer, he asked just to confirm his thoughts.

"My lord, House Bolton, is the Enlightened House of Westeros, especially you, you are the Messiah who will bring us to Glory and end the False Gods of this world" Asha replied with conviction, she meant every word, to her, Domeric Bolton was not just a Messiah, but that one should be King.

That wasn't just her thoughts, but the entire Cult's, they were all just waiting for the Day when House Bolton can take what is rightfully theirs, and become the Kings/Queens they deserve to be.

"Thank you for telling me that, Priestess, I'm very touched by your kind words" Domeric said as he gave Asha a calm smile.

"I would like to help the Cult of Sauron so they can spread the Word, but I need to ask a favor" Domeric said as he turned his serious face and looked straight into Asha's eyes.

"Of course, my lord, just say we will!" Asha replied happily in her voice, even if the Cult didn't have Domeric Bolton's support, they would do whatever he asked.

"I would like your Cult to start making the population aware when it comes to a War because we will need as many strong arms as possible to defend ourselves, in case something that threatens our Freedom happens" Asked Domeric as he drank the wine that was in the table.

"My lord, you can be sure, we will ensure that the population supports the War to come, our cult is even willing to offer armed arms if necessary" Asha replied with conviction and happiness, she was sure the Cult would accept this request without problems.

As for offering armed Cult personnel to assist in a War, that is a proposal Domeric will think about first before deciding whether to accept it or not, as they could pose a danger in the future.

But it is undeniable that they will get more soldiers, and they can serve as a kind of "Political Commissioners" to ensure that the troops have the will to fight to the end, as well as being able to deal with traitors.

After a little more chatting, Asha left and went to inform the Cult of the news, quite enthusiastically.

Time Skip

It had been several days since the meeting between Domeric and Asha, after what had happened, the time had passed without a problem.

But when it was time for Domeric to go to Winterfell, House Bolton received a letter from House Stark inviting them to a party in celebration of Sansa Stark's Name Day.

We can now see Domeric in a carriage along with his aunt, the two were talking about the Starks.

The carriage was on the stone roads that had been plowed across most of the Bolton Lands, some roads were still dirt but the construction crews were already working on them.

"You probably know what can happen, right Domeric?" asked Barbrey as she looked at her nephew with a totally serious face.

"Yes aunt, I'm ready for this, I knew something like this could happen, our House has grown QUITE in power lately, making all the Lords of the North who are not allies of House Bolton or Vassals feel fear" replied Domeric while looking out the carriage window at the landscape.

This was a natural thing, House Bolton, an infamous House and enemy of most of the North, has been growing in power and influence without stop, the Northern Lords just didn't do anything because they weren't attacked.

What they were talking about was the forced engagement that would likely take place between Sansa Stark and Domeric Bolton, to try to secure the loyalty of House Bolton.

Barbrey knew that would have Catelyn's finger, never that Ned would try to do such a thing, for he was so honorable.

What's worse is that Domeric won't be able to deny the engagement, as it's the same as saying he's an enemy of House Stark, something Domeric hasn't shown the world... yet.

"But Auntie, I won't accept this with my head down, in fact, this engagement is quite beneficial" Said Domeric, causing the Aunt to raise an eyebrow.

"In what way, Domeric?" asked Barbrey, quite interested in her nephew's answer.

"Our strategy is lately very focused on the Navy and the Iron Islands, in case we manage to manipulate events in our favor... a surprise attack by the Ironborn on us, right at the moment where Sansa Stark is, could make us let's get the justification for a war" replied Domeric as he looked into his aunt's eyes, Domeric's answer surprised her.

But Barbrey couldn't deny that it was a good idea, as long as Sansa made it out of this whole event alive, House Bolton could start a War and be the one who carry "Justice".

Also, most Houses of Westeros will not care about this War, all Westerosi Houses hated the Ironborn, because of their Culture of Plunder and destroy everything ahead.

This was something Domeric would use to his advantage, if he played his cards right, he could probably get support even from the Crown, but for that, he would have to give some gifts among other bribes to get support from the Lannisters.

"Hmm, that's pretty smart, I have to agree" said Barbrey a little scared by her nephew's strategy, but later praised.

"How has the construction of the ships been?" Domeric asked, returning his attention to the landscape.

"Construction has been going well, builders have also started to upgrade Aquila to make it better" Barbrey replied with a smile, Aquila was quite an important ship as it signified the Naval Power of House Bolton.