
Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory

Thousand-year-old families can be seen everywhere on this continent. Ancient inheritance not only brings honor, but also directly leads to the rigidity of the system. Bloodline is the cornerstone of ascending to high positions. How can a descendant of a hunter ascend to a high position of power and be qualified to participate in this feast game? Is it the golden finger that has been castrated beyond recognition, or the limited knowledge of the future, or the intangible and invisible things? luck? [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This work is translated

azzari · TV
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52 Chs

Chapter 34 Beating up the King

 For the surrounding audience, Lind's stop made them couldn't help but let out a cry of regret, because the number of people who died in Lind's hands had reached eighty-seven, including almost everyone except Tilly. Soldiers sent by all noble families except your family.

  Especially the members of the Tully family, all the warriors including the leader, Sir Dalton, died in his hands. Except for two members of the Arryn family who retreated due to injuries from attacks by others, he also killed all the others.

  Although many of the people who died in Linde's hands were killed by Linde through sneak attacks while fighting others, this was not a shameful thing for the people around him.

  In fact, many people in the competition field did the same thing as Linde. The only difference was the number. It seemed that Linde could always find someone who could be attacked by surprise when fighting others.

  Now people are waiting for the person who died in Linde's hands to break through the hundred mark, but Linde suddenly stopped. There were sounds of regret in the competition field, and some people even loudly encouraged other participants. The attacker attacked Linde.

  However, the corpse at Linde's feet was so shocking that even those participants who had not seen Linde kill before were frightened. No matter how harsh the insults from the people on the sidelines were, they did not dare to enter the ten kilometers around Linde. within meters.

  At this moment, in the temporary camp of the Tyrell family, the dignitaries of the Rose family who were watching the battle were also shocked by the scene in front of them. Although there had been incidents in the past whether on the battlefield or in the competition field. There were many enemies, but this was the first time I saw Linde slaughtering nearly a hundred people like he was mowing grass.

  Duke Mace Tyrell was stunned for a long time before he turned to Garland and asked, "I remember what his name was?"

  "Lind, Lind from White Village." Garland nodded, and then again After introducing Linde's identity, he believed that his father would not forget Linde's name this time.

  After hearing that Garland recruited Lind to the Tyrell family from the Klein family, he praised him repeatedly, seemingly forgetting that Fertimo, the coach of Highgarden, was standing behind him.

  However, Maester Morath soon tugged on his clothes and reminded him. Only then did he realize that he had forgotten something, so he looked at the expressionless Fotimo awkwardly and said, "I remember your My niece Menedith Crane has already settled in Highgarden. She is about the same age as my daughter Margaery. Margaery also needs a companion, so let her be Margaery's female companion! "

  Yes, my lord, it is an honor for Menny to be Miss Margaery's companion." Fertimo knew that this was Duke Tyrell's compensation for his family, and he responded directly without any politeness.

  Duke Mace Tyrell once again focused his attention on the competition field ahead. While he was excited about Linde's outstanding performance, he could not help but worry: "If that Linde fights against His Majesty the King, what will happen?" Are you going to kill him too?"

  Faced with the Duke's worries, Garland and Fortimo, who knew Lind well, were stunned, looked at each other, and said uncertainly: "It shouldn't be... right? "

  In the competition field, the number of people has been reduced sharply to less than a hundred people. Except for Linde, all the remaining people are injured. Even King Robert does not know who was hit on the head. His helmet was dented, and one of his antlers fell off. However, he did not feel tired. Instead, he looked excited, and the war hammer in his hand was still swinging very powerfully.

  Compared with Linde, who didn't survive after taking action, the others were obviously far behind. Most of them were injured and exited the competition field. There were not many people who actually died. This also made Linde, with a pile of corpses at his feet, in front of them. The middle stands out.

  At this time, King Robert was leading his remaining Storm's End guards and the remaining warriors from the Vale, Riverlands, and the North to besiege the remaining Lannister warriors, and was about to overwhelm the Lannister warriors. solve it completely.

  The Tyrell Duke's Guard fell early in the siege, and only nine members of the entire guard walked out of the competition field alive. Sir Salif, who had previously stated that he would not save Lind, was hit with a warhammer from behind at the beginning of the war. Hit in the head, life or death was uncertain. Although the remaining Duke's Guards tried their best to cooperate, because they had no commander, they were eventually scattered by attackers from all directions and ended in defeat.

  On the other side, there are still six remaining warriors of the Martell family in Dorne. It is obvious that they have all participated in battles similar to dueling competitions. They know how to cooperate with each other, and they can still cope with the siege of more than a dozen warriors from small noble families. With ease and even reverse suppression, it seems like they should be the final victors of this battlefield.

  In addition, there were some remaining noble warriors who came to Linde's side regardless of life and death. They seemed not to know that all the corpses on the ground were made by Linde. As a result, they became part of the corpses on the ground and died in Linde's hands. The number of people has also increased to ninety-four.

  After more than ten minutes passed, the winners and losers were quickly determined on the two battlefields. Although the Lannister warriors had sophisticated equipment and were themselves battle-hardened veterans, they faced King Robert. The siege he led was still unsuccessful and he withdrew from the competition field.

  When they withdrew, they also took away most of the people around King Robert. Now there are only three people left around King Robert. Looking at the badges on the three people, one should be from the Karstark family in the north. The other two were warriors from the Tampaton family in Nine-Star City in the Valley, and judging from the equipment they wore, they should all be of noble origin.

  On the other side, the warriors of the Dorne Martell family have also eliminated all their opponents. Two of them died on the competition field, and the remaining four were all very scarred. They looked at each other and did not attack alone. Lind, alone, rushed towards King Robert.

  The three warriors standing next to King Robert naturally would not allow the Dornish warriors to approach King Robert, and they also rushed forward to block it.

  However, these three noble warriors obviously underestimated the fighting spirit of the Dornish warriors. Three of the four Dornish warriors exchanged their lives for lives like dead soldiers, and died together with the noble warriors, while the remaining ones rushed towards He killed King Robert, and it seemed that he planned to use the same method to die with King Robert.

  The people around him obviously saw what the Dornish warrior was thinking, and couldn't help but exclaimed. The Kingsguard also rushed to the arena, ready to stop him.

  However, King Robert didn't care about the Dornish warriors' thoughts. He rushed towards the Dornish warriors like a chariot. He blocked the Dornish warrior's scimitar with his right arm armor holding the warhammer, and at the same time pinched it with his left hand. He grabbed the Dornish warrior's throat, and then used force to break his neck.

  "What are you doing? The contest is not over yet. Whoever let you in, get out!" At this time, King Robert saw the Kingsguard and the golden robes rushing into the contest field, and immediately shouted at them.

  Everyone stopped and saw King Robert throwing the bodies of the Dornish warriors on the ground. They relaxed a little and walked out of the arena one after another.

  At this moment, only Lind and King Robert were left in the arena, and the entire arena became quiet.

  Robert Baratheon stared at Linde, the last opponent, and his eyes swept over the corpses on the ground, and the expression on his face became much more solemn.    

  Although he was focused on the battle just now, he could still hear the cheers from the surrounding audience, knowing that an absurdly strong warrior had appeared on the competition field, and nearly a hundred people had died in his hands.

  At the time, he thought it was just a bystander's illusion, but now that he saw Lind and the body at his feet, he began to believe the content of those cheers.

  At the same time, Lind was also observing Robert Baratheon, thinking quickly about strategies to deal with the enemy.

  There is no doubt that the current Robert Baratheon is definitely not comparable to him more than ten years later. He is at his peak at this moment, and his strength far exceeds that of ordinary knights.

  In addition, he was wearing heavy armor, and there was a layer of inner armor made of special braid inside the armor. Among the various attacks he encountered just now, in addition to the attack on his head that slightly injured him, there were also a few injuries on his body. The attacks coming at him were unable to damage his heavy armor at all, and some attacks were even blocked by the inner armor even if they hit the gaps in the armor.

  Although the half-hand sword in Linde's hand is made of special materials, it is still unknown whether it can break through the opponent's heavy armor and inner armor defense. Once the attack fails to be effective, the opponent's combat experience will definitely seize the opportunity to counterattack. He will also fall into a passive state.

  The more important point is that the opponent is a king. If he really causes fatal damage to him, he will definitely be dead afterwards. No one will let him go because of the rules of the tournament, so his attack will definitely Afraid of hands and feet.

  Thinking of this, he had the idea of ​​giving up fighting and withdrawing from the competition field.

  However, Robert Baratheon standing opposite seemed to see through his intention to retreat, so he did not give Lind a chance to speak, and rushed towards him with his warhammer, forcing the battle to begin.

  Facing Robert Baratheon, who was rushing towards him, Lind instantly put aside all his worries and entered the fighting state directly. Holding a half-sword with both hands, he faced Robert.

  Robert, who rushed to Linde, skillfully raised the warhammer in his hand and swung it horizontally towards Linde's waist. While swinging the warhammer, he was also ready for Linde to dodge, and as long as Linde dodges , and no matter which direction he dodges, his subsequent attacks will follow, leaving Linde no chance to counterattack.

  However, in the face of Robert's attack, Lind did something that surprised everyone present. He directly let go of the half-sword in his hand, and then leapt into the air outside the range of Robert's swing of the war hammer. , the body curled up in the air just avoided the war hammer sweeping down below, and then flew towards Robert with all his strength before Robert could react.

  Lind himself was extremely burly. Taking into account the weight of his armor and the power of his sprint, when his feet kicked on Robert's body, although Robert was not injured due to the protection of his armor, his body was kicked by a huge force. It flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

  Moreover, when he fell to the ground, his head also hit the ground due to the weight of the helmet, which caused the heavy blow to his head to relapse. He suddenly fell into a short-term dizziness and was unable to climb up immediately. stand up.

  On the other hand, Linde had already been prepared. When he landed, he rolled on the ground quickly, taking away the impact force when he landed, and stood up from the ground.

  Without hesitation, he rushed to King Robert who was lying on the ground, and kicked Robert's hand that was holding the war hammer hard. The powerful force directly broke his arm.

  Then, when Robert screamed because of the pain in his arm, he sat down on Robert's body, pressed his arms with his feet, raised his hands and bowed left and right, and punched Robert hard on the head. .

  Although Robert wanted to block it with his arms, one of his arms was broken by Linde's kick just now, and the other arm was directly pressed under Linde's feet. There was no way to stop him and he could only passively bear Linde's blow. Boxing with iron gauntlets.

  Soon his handsome face became visibly swollen, blood flowed from the damaged areas, and he fell into a semi-conscious state.

  "That's enough! I think you've had enough of the Tyrell warriors." Just when Lind was about to knock Robert Baratheon completely unconscious, a long sword fell on him from one side. neck, and heard Jaime Lannister's voice coming from behind.

  Hearing this voice, Lind lowered his raised hand and turned to look at Jaime Lannister. While panting, he stood up from King Robert, and under the threat of the sword around his neck, King Robert away from the earth.

  In fact, although Lind was beating King Robert, he did not relax his vigilance about the surrounding environment. When Jaime Lannister rushed over and pointed his sword at him, he did not aim at various vital parts of his body, but It was more like drawing a sword in a threatening manner, so he judged that Jaime Lannister was not in danger, so he did not avoid it and allowed the opponent to put the sword on his neck. Now it seems that his judgment was not wrong.

  At the same time, Sir Barristan and other Kingsguards also rushed out to check on King Robert. Some others walked to Lind and wanted to arrest him, but were stopped by Jaime Lannis. Te was stopped.

  The arena became silent at this moment. The surrounding spectators had no idea that this group competition would end in such a situation. The king was beaten on the arena and the final champion was threatened. Everyone was waiting for the final result. , especially the people of the Tyrell family are extremely interested. After all, Linde is from their family.

  "What are you waiting for? Why haven't you arrested this guy who attacked the king?" At this time, Queen Cersei came over angrily and shouted orders to the people around her.

  This order spread throughout the entire arena, and bursts of noise rang out inside and outside the arena, and some people even booed. Obviously, Queen Cersei's order was completely tarnishing this wonderful event in their opinion. Group competition.

  The gold robes around him heard the order and immediately stepped forward to capture Lind. Although Jaime Lannister wanted to stop him, he hesitated because the order was given by Cersei.

  (End of chapter)