

The story of Ethan, a man who managed to obtain the favor of God and now travels through the multiverse. Buy me a coffee so I can write more. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mrgabrielwritter First world Game of Thrones.

MrGabriel · TV
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21 Chs

The grand finale

After a series of intense battles, the tournament organizers decided to give the warriors a well-deserved rest. They brought food and drinks so that the competitors could recover their energy before the grand finale.

Ethan, who had demonstrated his prowess in every confrontation, had advanced without even being touched once by his adversaries. His combat skill had impressed everyone, and he had reached the grand finale in excellent physical and mental shape.

While enjoying the food and drink provided, Ethan mentally prepared himself for the final battle that would decide the champion of the close combat tournament. He knew that his opponent in the final would be formidable, and he was determined to do his best in the fight for victory. The excitement in Highgarden Square was palpable as the climax of the tournaments approached.

His biggest opponent Sigrid had also made it to the final as expected. He watched his opponent carefully as they prepared for the final showdown. Sigrid didn't look too tired and was in good shape, making the final promise to be a formidable challenge.

The mutual respect between the two finalists was evident, and they knew they were about to meet in an epic showdown.

The young man began to dress again, carefully putting on his armor. "Now I will see how well a northerner fights. The tournament has been fun. Although no knight showed up, some of the soldiers from the main powers put up a good fight. I gained a lot of popularity with the city's people, no matter what happens, I gained a lot from this tournament." - thought the young man.

The two formidable opponents, Ethan and Sigrid, slowly walked towards the center of Highgarden Square under the applause and enthusiasm of the crowd. The excitement in the air was tangible as people cheered and encouraged the finalists before the crucial showdown.

In the center of the square, the two competitors met, looking at each other with mutual respect before the battle that would decide the tournament champion. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and the crowd was eager to witness this epic fight.

The tournament organizer came over and congratulated both finalists for making it this far in the competition. He recognized his skill and bravery, and noted that this would be the final battle to determine the champion of the Highgarden combat tournament.

Before the match began, Ethan proposed to Sigrid a bold gamble that added an extra element of excitement to the grand finale.

Ethan suggested that if he lost, Sigrid could ask him for anything he wanted, but if he won, Sigrid should join under his orders. The northerner hesitated for a moment, evaluating the proposal, but then he realized the difference in their ages and sizes: he was a powerful and stocky man, while Ethan was a young man of about 14 years. He had seen his fights, and Ethan certainly knew how to fight very well, but he saw no possibility of being defeated.

"What do you say? Do you accept or not?" - Ethan asked.

Sigrid thought for a moment before speaking.

"Are you from a noble family?"

"My father was a gentleman. "Despite being a small family, we have land and some prestige." - Ethan responded.

"Alright then. I accept your proposal. Shall we decide the winner when one of us gives up?" - Sigrid asked.

"That seems fine to me." - the young man ended up saying.

The crowd watched with interest as the two competitors agreed to the terms of the bet. The tension in the air increased, as now it was not only about victory in the tournament, but also the personal consequences that this bet could have for the two fighters.

Once the bet was accepted and the terms agreed upon, the tournament organizers separated the participants, ensuring that there was adequate distance between the two on the battlefield.

After a brief countdown, the warriors went out to fight. The battle between Ethan and Sigrid began with intensity as the two competitors faced each other in the center of the battlefield. Ethan, with his two swords, demonstrated impressive skill and precision in his attacks, moving with agility and skill. Sigrid, for his part, defended himself skillfully using a large axe, taking advantage of his strength and skill with the weapon.

The clash of steel echoed in the air as the two warriors clashed ferociously. The attacks and counterattacks were quick and precise, and the crowd watched every movement on the battlefield with admiration and excitement.

Ethan sought to take advantage of his speed and agility to overcome Sigrid's strength, while the latter relied on his powerful ax to defend himself and counterattack. The fight was an exhibition of martial skills, and both competitors were determined to win the battle and secure victory in the tournament.

"No matter how much mastery of the ax he has, it will be very difficult for him to hit me with such a heavy weapon. The only thing I have to watch out for are counterattacks. One bad hit and it could put me out of the game." -Ethan thought, while he looked for openings attacking with his swords.

The sun shone in the clear sky, casting an intense light on the confrontation, while dust was raised with every movement in the arena.

The clash of steel filled the air as Ethan's swords and Sigrid's ax met again and again. The crowd watched in silence, impressed by the skill and bravery of the two warriors on the battlefield. Every hit, parry, and dodge was a testament to his skill and experience in combat.

The fight scene was a whirlwind of movement and emotion, with the two competitors giving everything they had in pursuit of victory in the tournament.

Ethan demonstrated his cunning and tactical skill in the midst of intense combat. By intentionally lowering his guard, he seemed to offer an opportunity to Sigrid, who did not hesitate to take advantage of it by launching a powerful horizontal blow with his axe. Sigrid's attack was powerful and potentially deadly, but Ethan had planned this maneuver.

In an instant, Ethan skillfully dodged the blow, moving to the right and using Sigrid's momentum against him. Taking advantage of the moment when Sigrid's arm was exposed after the blow, Ethan executed a precise cut on the bicep of his opponent's arm.

Sigrid's cry of pain echoed across the square as his ax fell to the ground, momentarily useless. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause for Ethan's cunning and skill at that crucial moment in the fight. Sigrid, wounded and unarmed, stepped back momentarily as he held his wounded arm.

Ethan remained alert, ready for any move from his opponent. But Sigrid, wounded and tired from the intense combat, said.

"I give up!. For your age you are a beast, I fought in several wars, but I never saw someone fight like that. From today I will follow you."

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Today's chapter. Hope you like.

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