
Chapter 6

We made it near their cave just before nightfall. Sitting atop a ridge, we peered down at the entrance to their cave. Now that I stood here, I wasn't quite sure what to do next. So after thinking for some time I looked towards the twins.

"You two, go down there and kill the bandits. Try and capture any if you can, but it's not that important. Once done signal us down, got it?" I said eyeing the two.

"We understand." they said in unison before standing from their spots and drawing their swords. They made their way down the ridge and towards the cave.

"What will you have me do, my love?" Katyia asked from beside me.

"We will wait here, stay vigilant I guess." I replied before focusing on the twins.

As they neared the cave I couldn't help but think that maybe I should have come up with a better plan than just sending them in. As they neared, not bothering to mask their advance, voices came from the cave. Seems they were spotted, looks like I'll get a show. Four men exited the cave and shouted at the twins. I was too far away to make out what they were saying, it didn't matter, they would be dead soon.

The twins rushed the group, the men looked surprised by their actions. Hercules reached the closest man and slashed his sword wildly. It wasn't anything fancy, and while the man managed to draw his own weapon in an attempt to defend himself, his sword was batted aside. Hercules brought his sword back around and slashed the man's throat. Blood sprayed as the man's head fell to the side, holding on by a bit of flesh.

Just then Achilles engaged one of the bandits, this one had some sense and dodged rather than take Achilles's swing head on. Achilles was persistent however and chased after the man, swinging his sword with great force. The other bandits rushed in to help but were cut off by Hercules as he charged them. The two bandits worked together in an attempt to overwhelm him, but they didn't know that he was essentially an untiring machine of death.

They fought on, the men yelling while the twins remained silent. One of the bandits overextended while trying to slash at Hercules, Hercules kicked the man's knee and he fell to the ground wailing clutching his backward bent leg. I winced slightly at the sight, but then gasped as the other bandit tried to take advantage of the situation and lunged. He drove his sword into Hercules's side, yet he did not even flinch. As if he didn't even feel it, this caused the man to look up in shock, it seems he fully expected Hercules to die. Standing so close, Hercules managed to grasp the man's throat before driving his sword into the man's gut. He stared impassively into the man's eyes as he slowly died.

Looking back to Achilles I was shocked to find him bloody with cuts all over his body, one arm hanging limply at his side. He didn't show any emotions on his face however and simply pressed forward. The bandit looked haggard and breathed heavily. He belatedly noticed Hercules rushing towards him and backpedaled, trying to keep the two infront of him. He lasted longer than I expected, managing to further wound Achilles and even cutting Hercules.

As I watched the fight I suddenly heard steel meeting steel. Quickly turning, I noticed a man swinging his sword at Katyia. She moved quickly but the man seemed skilled. My heart raced as I rushed to my feet in an attempt to run.

"Fuck!" I cursed as I slipped and fell into the snow. Getting to my feet I belatedly remembered my dagger and drew it. I held it tightly as my hand shook and sweat drenched my palm.

Katyia tried her best to fend off the man but she was at a clear disadvantage. The man was more skilled and had reach, he landed a few hits on Katyia but she fought on, face expressionless. Fuck, if I don't help shell probably die. I ran towards the man with the dagger raised but he noticed me. He repositioned and as Katyia followed he struck, cutting her hand, removing a few fingers, and forcing Katyia to drop her dagger. He followed up with a kick to the face, sending her to the ground. He quickly turned towards me as my mind hadn't registered the need to stop running towards the man. I swung my dagger but he just moved aside and I fell to the ground due to my momentum.

I scrambled around and just barely missed a sword to the back. Katyia ran towards the man and leapt onto his back, she bit into his neck causing the man to scream.

"Ahhh! You stupid cunt!" He yelled and stuck her in the face, but she would not let go. She was latched onto the man and continued to bite as he rained blows on her face. With a sickening tearing sound, she ripped off a chunk of flesh as he struck her. He yelled and quickly threw her off, she landed on her back and he stabbed her in the gut, twisting his blade before pulling it out. I stood there frozen, unable to move. The man placed his hand on his neck in an attempt to stop the blood. He turned towards me and slowly walked over.

"Stupid fucking cut, fucking bitch. I'll kill you next you fucking goat fucker. Gutt you real good and make you watch while I fuck that stupid pig whore!" He yelled and I was scared, I yelled as I threw my dagger at him. He easily batted it aside and stopped to stare at me in confusion.

"You really are one dumb fucking whores son, oh I'm going to enjoy fucking you up, fucking bitch dog fucker. And you know what? It won't be fucking sweet either, not even gonna give you a little spit when I fuck you asshole!" I fell back on my ass, crawling backwards, not able to get my body to move properly. As he neared he continued to hurl insults my way until he stood above me.

"Stupid cow fucking fucker cut!" He raised his sword preparing to drive it into me. Just then a loud crack rang out as the man fell over unmoving. Katyia stood with a rock in hand, face bloody and ruined but still staring impassively at the man. She tossed the rock aside and quickly took the man's sword. Turning towards me she smiled and I flinched at the weeping cuts and missing teeth. She ran towards me and knelt at my side while running her hands through my hair. The act was strangely comforting in spite of the situation, my racing heart slowing to normal levels.

"Are you alright, my love? You're not hurt are you?" She asked worriedly. I just stared up at her for a moment before replying.

"Ah, yes, I'm f- fine Katyia." I said while allowing her to help me to my feet.

"That's good to hear, I was sooo worried you might have been hurt." She said while clinging to me, not at all minding her current state.

"Master!" just then the twins approached, I waved them back.

"I'm fine, did you capture any alive?" I asked, wishing to move on.

"We captured one alive." Hercules replied.

"Good, check that man, make sure he's alive, I have plans for him. Then gather the bodies and, fuck, just get everything back home. I'll see you there." I said feeling exhausted now that the adrenaline had worn off.

"Let's go Katyia." I said and began walking home with Katyia beside me, allowing me to lean on her since my legs were feeling weak. This was far too much excitement for me it seems.

"Bawk bawk!" not too far away, a pile of snow exploded upward and the chicken emerged. It ran over to walk beside me, I had forgotten it was even here. Stupid fucking bird didn't even warn me of the approaching danger. I'll have to make some modifications.

Was in the mood so here you go. Remember, the Mc is a coward and does not know how to fight or plan out ambushes. He will grow and learn from his experiences, but for now he’s just a little bitch. Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

Bigbabycreators' thoughts